Amines Biogenic

Biogenic amines are a group of amines that are formed as a result of the enzymatic breakdown of certain amino acids. They play an important role in the regulation of many physiological processes in the body, such as the transmission of nerve impulses, regulation of blood pressure, blood clotting, etc.

One of the most well-known biogenic amines is histamine. It is produced in the stomach and is involved in the regulation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Histamine also plays an important role in allergic reactions, causing vasodilation and increased capillary permeability.

Another well-known biogenic amine is tyramine. It is formed in the intestines during the breakdown of tyrosine, an amino acid found in proteins. Tyramine is a powerful vasoconstrictor and can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Serotonin is also a biogenic amine. It is produced from tryptophan, another amino acid found in food. Serotonin is involved in the regulation of mood and sleep, as well as in the control of pain.

Adrenaline is another biogenic amine that is produced by the adrenal medulla. It is a powerful vasoconstrictor and cardiotonic, and is also involved in the regulation of the heart and respiratory system.

In general, biogenic amines play an important role in the functioning of the body and are involved in the regulation of many important processes. However, with an excess or deficiency of these compounds, various diseases can occur, so it is important to maintain the balance of amines in the body.

Introduction to the topic of the article

Amines are one of the most common groups of chemical compounds in nature and, in particular, in living organisms. They play an important role in protein metabolism, providing its chemical structure and function. However, in the metabolic process, excess amines can lead to serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease and nervous system disease. To protect the body from the toxic effects of amines and normalize their levels in the blood, there are mechanisms for their removal from the body. One such mechanism is the enzymatic decarboxylation of certain amino acids to form biogenic amines.

Biogenic amines

Biogenic amines are organic compounds produced by the body under the influence of certain enzymes. They are a substrate for the production of other biologically active molecules such as hormones and neurotransmitters. The most common biogenic amines are:

**Histamine:** Is one of the most important mediators of inflammation and allergic reactions