Hair Flat

**Hair is Flat**. What it is? How to help yourself and should you worry at all?

The name arose from the effect that immediately catches the eye: the hair appears so flat that it appears to be laid in one line, sometimes along with the scalp. I immediately remember the comparison from the song “Raft” by the group “Zemfira” - “There’s a thunderstorm above me, and my head is spinning.”

In this article we will tell you about the causes of the problem and how to fix it. Hair can become flat for several reasons: *- improper care*: using a certain brand of shampoo, improper cleansing of the scalp;

*incorrect selection of cosmetics*: incorrectly chosen styling, frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing, “chemical” coloring;

*- pathology of the skin:* damage, disease;

_- lack of vitamins and useful elements.* Usually, the amount of vitamins that need to be included in the diet is no different from the usual set, but it is necessary to use them correctly. For example, vitamin A is easily oxidized and destroyed, and B2 is also quite sensitive to this process, so the effect of constant consumption will be zero. This vitamin tends to accumulate in the liver, so it is recommended to take it when the acidity of the gastric juice is high, otherwise you will have to remove the excess from the liver by recycling vitamins in digestion. There are many myths about vitamin C, that it has a positive effect on appearance: hair color and elasticity improves. But very few people know that this is a synthetic product created in production, intended for external use as a means