Sexual Kung Fu - Spinal (bone) marrow breathing - sexual energy massage (Part 2)

Through sexual energy massage, Jing Qi can be absorbed directly into the bones. Try performing the “spinal (bone) cord” breathing exercise immediately after a sexual massage, and you will see how much more effective the exercise has become. Your bones can store sexual energy. According to Taoists, the bones of older people become brittle due to a lack of sexual energy (jing qi). That is why they consider the preservation of vitality (jing) to be one of the most important goals of their practice.

The sexual massage technique will ensure constant circulation of Jing Qi in your body. The kidneys are considered the main storehouse of sexual energy. At the same time, energy can accumulate in the brain and bones. To move the flow of sexual energy into the brain, use the “rotating the yin-yang water mill” exercise. “Spinal (bone) marrow breathing” allows energy to be stored in the bones. To some extent, all organs are able to be saturated with jing qi during a sexual energy massage. Sexual energy is the energy of life. The Taoists knew this and used a powerful energy source that was frivolously neglected by Western scientists.

Suffice it to remember that using sexual energy potential strengthens bones, restores bone marrow, burns fat, and reproduces red and white blood cells. You can sit on a rock for a thousand years thinking and not know about it. I assure you, the facts are such that it is simply pointless to turn a blind eye to them.