Winter skin care tips

Winter is a real test for the skin. At this time, the face experiences a moisture deficiency, peeling and irritation appear on it. To avoid such problems, it is very important to provide the dermis with proper care. It should be comprehensive and include procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the epithelium.

Why do you need to take care of your skin in winter?

In winter, the skin is constantly faced with temperature fluctuations and changes in humidity. It is also affected by wind and snow.


As a result, there is a risk of the following problems:

  1. excessive dryness of the dermis;
  2. irritation, hyperemia, peeling;
  3. allergic reactions to low temperatures;
  4. loss of firmness and elasticity;
  5. vascular pathologies - these include rosacea and rosacea;
  6. inflammatory lesion of the epithelium;
  7. premature skin aging;
  8. dull complexion.

In winter, the skin of the face is affected by external and internal factors. At this time, the body experiences a deficiency of vitamins that are involved in metabolism. In addition, there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases and depletion of the immune system. All this negatively affects the condition of the dermis.

Therefore, proper facial care should include not only cosmetic manipulations, but also maintaining normal health. The main symptom of improper skin care is excessive dryness. As a result, a feeling of itching and flaking appears.


To prevent such problems, you need to follow the basic recommendations of experts. Cosmetologists advise, instead of the usual washing, to carefully cleanse the epithelium with cosmetic milk. It is also recommended to use alcohol-free tonics and lotions. It is imperative to apply homemade masks with oil components.

General recommendations

To minimize the impact of negative factors on the skin, you should follow the key recommendations of cosmetologists.


These include the following:

  1. Creams should include many vitamins. Vitamins E and D are of particular importance for the skin during this period.
  2. If you have rosacea, you need to use protective equipment. They should contain a lot of vitamin K.
  3. In cold weather, you should avoid using dry decorative cosmetics. In such a situation, it is better to use cream shadows and blush. It is also recommended to give preference to liquid eyeliner and cream powder.
  4. Be sure to drink enough fluid. This will help replenish the fluid deficit in the body, which occurs due to increased dryness of the air in the room.
  5. To restore normal microclimate and increase humidity, you should use a humidifier. This will help improve the condition of the epithelium.
  6. Avoid taking too hot a shower or bath. These manipulations pose a certain danger to the skin. The higher the water temperature, the faster the epidermis dries out.
  7. After water procedures, it is strictly forbidden to rub the skin vigorously. In this situation, it is enough to simply blot your face with a soft towel.
  8. You should definitely use protective cosmetics. Such remedies help cope with excessive dryness of the epithelium.
  9. To provide the skin with beneficial substances and microelements, you need to use masks based on natural substances and vegetable oils. Compositions with the addition of fermented milk products are very useful.

Secrets of choosing winter cream

To avoid premature skin aging, you need to choose the right winter cream. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of epithelium:

  1. Those with oily skin should give preference to a nourishing cream that has a light texture. The product should only be used in dry areas. It is also worth paying attention to the area where peeling is localized. The T-zone should not be covered. The composition of the product is of no small importance. If it contains mineral oils, you should avoid such a purchase. Such products lead to clogged pores, which leads to the appearance of acne.
  2. Girls with dry dermis should give preference to a cream that contains hyaluronic acid, tocopherol, and natural oils. Such substances maintain normal hydrolipid balance, help strengthen cell membranes, and normalize blood flow. Also, these components have pronounced healing properties and prevent the effects of negative factors on the skin.
  3. For combination skin types, a medium-density cream is suitable. It must contain anti-inflammatory components. These include chamomile, plantain, and sage. Such elements prevent inflammation and provide reliable protection for the dermis. At the same time, cosmetologists do not advise giving preference to formulations containing macadamia, shea, and sesame oils. These substances cause clogging of pores and lead to the accumulation of impurities.
  4. Girls with a normal type need to take into account the needs of the epithelium when choosing a cream for winter. Before going outside, you should use a composition that has a richer consistency. To regenerate the epithelium, it is recommended to give preference to creams containing vitamins and retinol.

Features of skin cleansing in winter

To avoid unpleasant sensations and protect your face from temperature fluctuations, you need to pay attention to the choice of gel and tonic that promote high-quality cleansing of the skin. They should be used twice a day - morning and evening. For winter, it is recommended to use a soft gel for washing. Foam or milk that does not contain aggressive components is also suitable. Such substances help to gently cleanse the epithelium and help avoid tightness of the dermis.


It is also worth considering that complete cleansing of the skin is impossible without the use of peelings and scrubs. These components help remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Thanks to high-quality cleansing procedures, the skin is better saturated with nutrients that are present in creams. This helps to normalize her condition faster.

It should be borne in mind that exfoliating compositions should have the most mild and non-aggressive composition. They can be used no more than once a week. After cleansing the epithelium, you should definitely use a tonic. The use of this product is considered an important element of facial skin care in winter. The substance should be used after applying cleansers and before using cream.

Effective salon treatments

To maintain the beautiful appearance of the epithelium, you can do useful salon procedures. The specific technique should be selected by the doctor taking into account the condition of the skin.

The key task of this procedure is to renew the skin. During the session, the top layer of the dermis is removed, which stimulates the development of new cells. A cosmetologist can do superficial or medium peeling.

Carrying out such procedures helps improve skin tone. As a result, rejuvenation processes are stimulated and minor skin defects, including fine wrinkles, disappear. In addition, if you choose the right care products after the procedure, it is possible to achieve pronounced hydration of the epithelium.

During the cold season, the skin often experiences increased dryness. During this period, many women develop rosacea, which is a vascular network. To cope with such problems, biorevitalization is used. The procedure involves performing injections of hyaluronic acid. They help moisturize the epithelium.

It is worth considering that hyaluronic acid itself does not have a moisturizing effect. This substance attracts moisture. One molecule of this product can attract 500-800 water molecules. To improve the results of the procedure, be sure to drink enough fluid.

It is important to understand that the hyaluronic acid contained in creams does not provide such pronounced results as a salon procedure. However, when purchasing such cosmetics, you need to pay attention to the presence of sodium hyaluronate in the composition. This substance has a beneficial effect on the skin.

This procedure is prohibited in the summer, when the skin is exposed to powerful ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, photorejuvenation is best done in winter. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to achieve regeneration of skin cells, start the process of its renewal, and eliminate blood vessels from the surface of the dermis.


There are two types of procedure. In the first case, the effect is to eliminate blood vessels and hyperpigmentation. During the session, light streams are directed exclusively to the affected areas. The second type of manipulation provides tissue heating. This promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Effective recipes for winter masks

The use of masks is considered an important element of skin care in winter. It is best to apply such compositions in the evening. It is at this moment that the skin better perceives the action of active substances that are present in cosmetic products. Before using masks, you should thoroughly cleanse your skin of dirt and cosmetics. For this purpose, you should use cream or cosmetic milk. Typically, it is recommended to keep such substances on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to wash your face with warm water. An equally good option would be herbal decoction or green tea.

After thoroughly cleansing your face from the mask, you need to cover it with a nourishing cream. The composition is selected taking into account the type of dermis. To achieve noticeable results, home remedies should be applied at least 2 times a week. It is recommended to do this all winter.

This composition is ideal for oily skin. With its help, it is possible to narrow pores and cope with oily shine. In addition, the substance has a nourishing effect on the skin and helps soften rough skin.

To prepare the product, you need to take 2-3 orange slices and grind them using a blender. Add 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 10 ml of grape seed oil. Mix thoroughly and add egg white to the mixture.

You need to treat your face with the finished product. It is recommended to apply it in several layers. In this case, each layer should dry out a little. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature. Applying cream after manipulation is not recommended.

This product is an ideal solution for those with dry skin. The substance perfectly eliminates severe peeling. It also has pronounced moisturizing and soothing properties. With the help of a mask, you can get rid of the unpleasant feeling of tightness of the dermis.

To get a healthy product, you need to take 20 g of chamomile and 10 g of plantain and mint. Pour the composition into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Add 50 starch to the strained product. Then pour in 15 ml of olive oil and treat your face. After half an hour, the composition can be washed off with cool water and a nourishing cream can be applied.

This composition is ideal for improving complexion. It helps to cope with irritation, normalize the condition of affected skin, fill it with energy and improve its tone.

To achieve excellent results, you need to mix 30 g of cottage cheese with 20 ml of peach oil. Add 30 ml of milk and fresh carrot juice. Mix all ingredients and apply the prepared mixture to your face. After 20 minutes you should wash your face. This is best done with cool water. Finally, treat your face with nourishing cream.

In winter, the skin is often exposed to the negative effects of wind. As a result, the dermis becomes rougher, peeling and roughness appear on it. The cosmetic composition of oatmeal helps to cope with irritation of the epithelium, eliminate hyperemia and peeling.

To get an effective product, you need to take 20 g of oatmeal and add 50 ml of hot milk. Leave the mixture to swell. Then you need to add egg yolk and 30 g of honey into the product. Mix everything well and apply the mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, you can wash your face with warm water.

This product is recommended for those with mature skin. It allows you to make your face look fresher, cope with minor wrinkles and normalize the tone of the epithelium. To achieve a noticeable effect, you need to take 50 g of coffee grounds and add 30 g of honey and full-fat sour cream to it.

The prepared mixture should be applied to the face. After 20 minutes, you can clean your face with a damp sponge. Then it is recommended to wash your face several times, alternating warm and cool water.

Extreme weather conditions leave their mark on the skin of the face. After all, if the remaining areas of the skin can be hidden under clothing, then the face is left alone with various natural and climatic phenomena. In this unequal struggle, they take over the skin, causing it to experience discomfort and dryness, peeling, irritation, and the appearance of microcracks. But caring for your facial skin in winter is not at all difficult; you can maintain beautiful and healthy skin in any conditions, the main thing is proper care and protection.

Special care in winter

Before you learn how to protect your skin in winter, you need to know why such metamorphoses occur to it in winter? It is well known that frosty air is very dry. In addition, when it becomes dry, it loses all moisture. Dry air, affecting the epidermis, dries it out and prevents moisture retention. The problem is aggravated by dry air in air-conditioned and heated rooms. In addition, sudden temperature changes have a detrimental effect on the condition of facial vessels. In the cold they narrow and expand indoors. Such temperature changes lead to impaired blood circulation and interfere with the natural restoration of the epidermis. Also, sub-zero temperatures affect the sebaceous glands; they produce less sebum, which leads to damage to the lipid barrier, which should protect the skin from winter frost. As a result, areas of peeling and irritation are observed on the face, and the sensitivity of the skin is exacerbated. In addition to external manifestations, internal restructuring of the body occurs, associated with seasonal phenomena, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the skin. Such violations cannot be ignored, so you will have to completely reconsider your winter care strategy.

What should skin care be like in winter?

In winter, the skin needs more delicate and gentle cleansing. All medications during this period should help restore and maintain natural balance. What should be the basic care in winter?

It should include:

Cleansing and peeling

The basic rule for cleansing the skin in winter is to avoid alcohol-containing lotions and tonics. Those with oily skin should switch to creams for normal or combination skin types, and those with normal skin can use products for dry skin.

You shouldn’t give up scrubs and peels, just choose options that contain small abrasive particles. It is also worth changing the schedule for such procedures - peelings and scrubs are carried out no more than once a week.

During this period, you should avoid washing with soap. It damages the lipid barrier and contributes to dry skin. Instead of soap, you should turn your attention to gentle preparations: thermal water, micellar gel, special gels, gentle milk. They delicately and at the same time reliably cleanse the epidermis.


Moisturizing the skin in winter is a topic that is overgrown with myths and misconceptions. Many people believe that in winter the skin only needs to be nourished and forget about moisturizing. But in winter, the skin needs even more hydration than nutrition. Or let's say that the ratio of nutrition and hydration should be equal. Dry, frosty and overdried room air “pulls out” all the moisture from the deep layers of the dermis, which leads to dryness and peeling of the surface layer of the epidermis. Therefore, you should long ago forget about the fear of a freezing ice film on your face.

Modern care products are able to retain fluid in tissues, prevent its loss, and maintain their own hydration balance. In addition, the constant temperature of the human body (36.6 degrees), even in the most severe frost, warms the air around it. Also, when applying the cream to the face, it heats up from the impact of the hands and skin, so it is quickly absorbed into it.

However, in the cold the lipid layer quickly decreases, so it is better to use moisturizers an hour before going out into the cold.


Experts insist that in winter it is necessary to maintain skin tone. Currently, tonics have many positive qualities. They moisturize, nourish, soften and protect against free radicals. There is only one caveat: tonics should not contain ethyl alcohol.


Nutrition is extremely important for winter care. Modern nourishing creams are a storehouse of useful substances that prevent dryness and dehydration of the upper layer of the epidermis. The composition of such preparations includes animal fats, petroleum jelly, silicones, natural wax and liquid paraffin. These substances create a waterproof film on the surface of the epidermis, which provides comfort and hydration. It is commonly believed that water in cream promotes hydration, however, this is not the case. It is the hydrophilic film on the surface of the epidermis that helps to moisturize and protect it.

The composition of nourishing cream often includes petrochemical products, which many consumers do not like. These include: paraffin, petroleum jelly and mineral oil. It is worth saying that these drugs have a wonderful effect, but there is really one problem with them. The danger is that with long-term use of cosmetics with petrochemical products, skin cells stop regulating lipid balance and lose their ability to retain moisture. After using this cream, the skin will become even drier and tighter. If you are categorically against petrochemical products, then when choosing a nourishing and moisturizing cream you should pay attention to the composition of the ingredients. This cream can be used, but not for long, and can be alternated with other care products.


In winter, it is necessary to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Do not be mistaken and believe that the sun is inactive in winter. It is always active. In addition, in winter, snow reflects ultraviolet rays, and our skin absorbs them. Therefore, care cosmetics must contain sunscreen filters that can stop the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals. Foundation has an excellent protective effect. In addition to its protective properties, it can also nourish and moisturize. Therefore, its use in winter is very appropriate.

Rules for caring for different skin types

It's no secret that each skin type has its own care nuances. Therefore, at any time of the year it is necessary to take into account its type. In winter, the process of sebum secretion is not as active as in summer, which leads to certain changes: oily skin becomes combination, normal skin becomes dry, and dry skin becomes hypersensitive.


This type of skin has always been considered a gift of fate. It always remains smooth, moisturized, clean with good turgor and color, and does not suffer from excessive dryness and increased sebum secretion. And yet, even skin that can be called ideal needs careful care in winter. The main task in this case is to maintain a normal state, avoiding dehydration and overdrying. A light moisturizer is suitable for this type. You should not choose a cream with a dense texture; it can overload the epidermis, which will result in increased work of the sebaceous glands. A moisturizer should protect, hydrate and soften. It is applied to the face in advance so that it has time to be absorbed. It’s better to do this half an hour to an hour before going outside. Care also involves regular use of exfoliating products. Exfoliation is very important as a measure to prevent the accumulation of keratinized scales. Many cosmetologists recommend exfoliation in winter no more than once a week. As for cleansing, its principles are strikingly different from summer cleansing. In winter, you should not use soap or lotions containing alcohol.


This type is characterized by increased sensitivity and problems. Dry skin gets irritated in all situations and in all weather conditions. In winter, it instantly reacts to dry frosty air with significant redness, dehydration, peeling, formation of microcracks and irritation. The situation is aggravated by dry, warm indoor air. To improve its appearance, it must be nourished, moisturized, and soothed (relieve irritation and increased sensitivity). This type of skin is very vulnerable; it reacts to literally any irritant. The main care product should be a nourishing cream with fatty acids and an oil base. It should be applied an hour before going outside, and in the evening before bed – moisturizing. Additional hydration options can be provided by thermal water, which is sprayed on the face throughout the day as needed. However, you should not do this immediately before going outside. You need to exfoliate dry skin once a week, but choose products with small abrasive particles as exfoliants. Also, peelings should not contain fruit acids in large percentages. The procedure should be gentle and delicate, since active exfoliation can destroy the lipid layer, and additional trauma to the skin is completely undesirable. You need to cleanse the skin with gentle and mild preparations, after which you need to apply a tonic.


Despite the fact that oily skin looks rough and ungraceful, it is in the most advantageous position during the winter season. Active secretion of sebum helps preserve the lipid layer and protects against dryness and moisture loss. The care strategy for this type must be structured in such a way as not to deprive it of its existing benefits. The main care product is a moisturizer that can neutralize excess sebum production. The fact is that even oily skin can be dehydrated, and it compensates for the lack of moisture with increased secretion of sebum. A cream with a special composition should prevent the appearance of a greasy film. It should not have an oil base to prevent the appearance of oily shine. This product is used morning and evening. Aerosols and sprays with thermal water (only without alcohol) will help take care of additional humidity. For cleansing, micellar water is suitable, which effectively removes sebum or cleansing preparations that contain plant and salicylic acids. Cosmetologists do not recommend using highly mattifying preparations in winter, as this can significantly damage the lipid layer.


Combination skin combines the characteristics of all types. This is very sensitive and dry skin on the cheeks, and in the T zone it is oily and porous. Basic care in winter can be supported by universal cosmetic preparations that are suitable for all types. However, only if the difference between dry and oily areas is not so significant. When peeling dry areas, use a softening and at the same time nourishing agent. This type is suitable for soft peeling with small abrasive particles.

Skin care in winter: advice from cosmetologists

Advice from a professional is never superfluous, so you should take it into account.

  1. A very hot shower, especially a long one, can destroy the lipid layer and affect fatty acids. Therefore, all water procedures should be carried out in a gentle thermal regime.
  2. Before applying foundation to the skin, you should gently exfoliate and apply an emollient cream. In this case, the foundation will lie evenly. Peels should be carried out regularly; they perfectly remove dead scales and improve the condition of the skin. There is one trick that will help cope with the frosty air: add one drop of facial oil to your foundation.
  3. In winter, you should not forget about your lips. Products for lips should be carefully selected according to the same criteria as for the face. You should not opt ​​for viscous textures; they fill in cracks in the lips, which looks unaesthetic. Also, you should not choose drugs with lanolin.
  4. After frost, you should not rub your frozen cheeks with your hands. This will make them even redder. Just let your skin get used to the warm room. After a few minutes, you can dust your face with moisturizing powder.
  5. Wear a hat in winter. This will help avoid drying out your hair.
  6. Makeup has a beneficial effect on the skin. You can resort to waterproof makeup, since regular makeup can run off in wet snow and strong winds.
  7. In winter, it is recommended to use masks more often than at other times of the day: every two days.
  8. In air-conditioned rooms the air is very dry, so it is recommended to purchase a special air humidifier. If this is not possible, then you can place wet towels on the batteries or place containers with water nearby.
  9. You need to hydrate yourself not only from the outside, but also from inside: in winter, consume about 3 liters of liquid per day.

Taking care of your skin in winter requires more effort than in summer. At this time of year, the body receives fewer vitamins and is affected by aggressive external factors.


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In winter, the skin often flakes and becomes dry, so it needs to be moisturized and nourished. Lack of moisture and nutrients leads to complexion dulling, fine wrinkles appearing, and the firmness and elasticity of the skin decreases. But with proper care, all this can be avoided.

In winter, skin care rules change a little. Moisturizing and protection play a special role. Nourishing products are recommended to be used during the day, and moisturizing products - at night.

The cream, which is used as a base for makeup, should contain no more than 25% water. It is applied at least half an hour before leaving the house.

It is important to choose the right cream that will nourish the skin. It should contain vitamin A - it copes with this task perfectly. In addition, it is desirable that the product contains ascorbic acid, since it has a good effect on the condition of blood vessels.

It is recommended for daily care to use not only creams, but also more liquid emulsions, which include hyaluronic acid, lanolin and mineral oils. These components help retain moisture in the deep layers of the skin.

It is advisable to use ready-made or homemade moisturizing masks 2-3 times a week.


The skin also needs cleansing in winter. But you should use the scrub no more than once a week.

Cleaning is recommended to be more delicate than in summer. Therefore, it is important to choose the right scrub. It should have small and smooth particles that will not injure the skin. It is worth looking for a scrub with wax granules, such as jojoba.

It is recommended to avoid alcohol lotions that dry out the skin, replacing them with soft foam or special cosmetic milk. But in addition you need to exfoliate.


At home, you can make a scrub from oatmeal. To do this you need:

  1. 1. Take 1 tbsp. l. cereal.
  2. 2. Pour 3-4 tbsp. l. boiling water
  3. 3. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  4. 4. Apply to skin with massage movements and rinse.

This scrub is also suitable for those with combination skin types. It cleans well and does not injure it.


For oily skin, a coffee scrub is suitable. To do it, you need:

  1. 1. Take fresh coffee grounds (preferably finely ground coffee).
  2. 2. Mix with sour cream in equal proportions.
  3. 3. Gently rub into skin for a few minutes.

At the end of the procedure, rinse off any remaining product and apply a moisturizer.

The evening care procedure still includes three main stages:

  1. 1. Cleansing with mild cleansers that will not damage the protective barrier of the epidermis.
  2. 2. Moisturizing using a special cream.
  3. 3. Applying a night restorative agent in the form of a concentrate or serum.

For sensitive skin around the eyes, you need to purchase a moisturizing lotion for the winter. You can use products with hyaluronic acid. For excessive dry skin in this area - with glycerin.

Lips need extra protection in winter. It is advisable to use special balms and hygienic lipstick. Such cosmetics usually contain several waxes - beeswax, carnauba, rose oil and jojoba. These components nourish the skin of the lips.

Gel-based glosses will have to be abandoned, since they contain water, which hardens in the cold and, as it were, draws moisture from the skin, so that the lips become drier. This also applies to super-resistant lipstick, which is also not recommended to be used in the cold season.

Skin care for different types has its own characteristics.

For dry and normal skin in winter, instead of washing gel, it is recommended to use cosmetics that contain natural oils (for example, black currant). These ingredients help restore the lipid barrier, that is, the skin's natural protection.

For oily and combination skin, both nutrition and hydration are important. But creams with a thick texture are not suitable for her even in winter. Instead, you should use lighter gel products containing components that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The main function of fluids and protective gels is hydration. But they do not protect the skin from the cold. Moreover, they can cause harm if you use them just before leaving the house. According to the advice of cosmetologists, those with oily skin need to apply products of this consistency at least an hour before going outside.

Immediately before leaving the house, you can apply a special protective cream against frost. And this is not at all a dense composition that clogs pores. Protective cream creates a thin and light film on the surface of the skin, making it easier for the skin to withstand temperature changes. These products use not only beeswax or synthetic wax, but also liquid silicones that protect the skin, as well as vitamins and antioxidants.

For sensitive skin, it is important to choose the right cosmetics; only hypoallergenic products are allowed.

The following rules must be observed:

  1. 1. Limit contact with tap water, wash your face with slightly warmed mineral water without gas or boiled water. Too cold or hot water for sensitive skin provokes peeling.
  2. 2. When turning on the central heating, use a humidifier.
  3. 3. Use micellar water and alcohol-free toners to cleanse sensitive skin. Homemade remedies, for example, an infusion of calendula flowers (1 tablespoon of inflorescences per glass of boiling water), give good results. It helps relieve inflammation.

For any skin type, you should adhere to the rule - the less chemical preservatives and fragrances in cosmetics, the better, but for sensitive skin this is especially important.

What you should never do is use children’s protective products to care for adult skin. The neutral environment of such products is suitable for delicate babies. But for mature skin, a slightly acidic environment is important, which prevents the growth of bacteria.

At different ages, the rules for skin care in winter are somewhat different.

Young skin in winter is more prone to acne and inflamed areas. Paradoxically, the cause is dry skin, which leads to disruption of sebum production. The glands produce more secretion, and its excess clogs the pores.

As a result, acne appears on the face. In winter, they cannot be dealt with using conventional acne products, as they will dry out the skin even more. The solution is to maintain balance. Proper cleansing and delicate peeling play a vital role.

Conventional anti-acne products can only be used in the evening, provided the skin is well moisturized. They should not be used every day, but 3 times a week.

Mature skin has its own problems. After 50 years, exposure to frost is a severe stress for the skin. It is clear that it is not always possible to avoid the influence of cold air. Therefore, you need to choose a good protective cream. Products with a thick consistency are suitable for aging skin. You should carefully read the composition - it should contain gammalinoleic acid, which helps retain moisture even in very dry skin.

Before leaving the house, no later than half an hour before contact with cold air, mature skin needs to be warmed up. To do this, apply a warm compress:

  1. 1. Soak a clean cloth with a decoction of mint or linden (1 tablespoon of raw material per glass of boiling water).
  2. 2. Apply the napkin to your face and hold it until it remains warm.
  3. 3. When the skin is warmed up, apply a nourishing cream.

You can replace the procedure with a warm massage. It is done using a teaspoon heated in hot water, which is used to gently massage the face lubricated with nourishing cream. This massage should also be completed 40 minutes before leaving the house.

Folk remedies are no less effective than ready-made creams, masks or scrubs. Of course, they take more time to prepare, but you will only need available products. The most popular remedies include natural oils and homemade masks.

They give an excellent effect because they penetrate deep into the epidermis, nourish it, and saturate it with useful substances. Such oils are mixed with a base and then stored in dark glass bottles so that they are not damaged by direct sunlight.

Products are prepared based on base oils - flaxseed, corn, sesame, pumpkin. Essential oils are added to them. Each of them has its own task:

  1. for dry skin prepare a mixture based on 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil, 3-4 drops of lemon oil, the same amount of neroli oil and 7-8 drops of geranium oil;
  2. for oily - 2 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil, 10 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of sage and bergamot oils;
  3. for sensitive - 2 tbsp. l. almond oil, 10 drops of sandalwood essential oil and the same amount of rose.

In winter, honey, gelatin and other types of masks are used, which have nourishing, moisturizing and tightening effects.

Preparation and use:

  1. 1. For 1 tbsp. l. For sour cream, use the same amount of cottage cheese and half as much sea salt.
  2. 2. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. 3. Apply to face for 15 minutes.
  4. 4. Wash with warm water and immediately after that again with cold water.

Preparation and use:

  1. 1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 tsp. honey and raw egg yolk.
  2. 2. Apply the mass to a clean face.
  3. 3. After 20 minutes, wash it off with warm water.

Preparation and use:

  1. 1. Take 50 g of dark chocolate containing at least 50% cocoa beans and melt it in a water bath.
  2. 2. Add 1 tsp there. vegetable oil so that the mass does not harden.
  3. 3. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, it is applied to the skin of the face and décolleté. It is important that the mixture does not get on the area around the eyes or mouth. The procedure time is 5-10 minutes.
  4. 4. The composition is washed off with warm water.

Preparation and use:

  1. 1. Take a packet of gelatin and dilute it with water according to the instructions.
  2. 2. Add a couple of drops of lemon or orange juice to this liquid for oily skin, and a little milk for combination skin.
  3. 3. Apply the mixture to the face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

The gelatin mask, while it hardens, helps to narrow the pores. Helps tighten the skin and form the correct oval of the face.

The main component of the mask, gelatin, is more effective than the collagen used in ready-made cosmetics. The fact is that gelatin has a smaller molecular size, so it penetrates more easily into the deeper layers of the skin.

Preparation and use:

  1. 1. Medium carrots are grated on a fine grater.
  2. 2. Mix with raw egg white.
  3. 3. Add 1 tsp. peach oil, a little starch.
  4. 4. Apply the resulting mass to the face for 15 minutes and rinse off.

There are other recipes for winter masks - based on banana or apples and cottage cheese.

But not all cosmetic procedures, even the most effective ones, can be performed in winter. For example, ice cubes are not used at this time.

For good skin condition in winter it is important:

  1. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Green tea, rich in antioxidants, as well as herbal teas give good results.
  2. Watch your diet, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, as well as foods that contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids (sea fish).
  3. Take vitamin complexes periodically.
  4. Wash your face correctly - use warm (but not hot) and cold water in turn. A contrast shower is useful.
  5. Include moderate physical activity in your daily routine.
  6. Protect your facial skin while walking by applying a protective or nourishing cream before leaving the house.
  7. Create a healthy microclimate in the apartment (temperature - 20-22 degrees, humidity - 50-60%), if necessary, use a humidifier.