Acne blackheads how to get rid of

This question worries a good half of humanity, because acne, or acne, is the most common skin disease in the world. It is not life threatening, but can seriously ruin it. Let's try to solve the problem together.

  1. What are acne
  2. The main causes of acne
  3. Types of eels
  4. Acne and skin types
  5. Rules for caring for problem skin
  6. Acne marks: how to get rid of them
  7. Cosmetics and prevention

What are acne

How to get rid of acne on your face? The answer to this question will require a good knowledge of the “material parts”. Let's start with the theory. Acne (acne vulgaris, from the Greek akme - “top”) is a kind of plug formed from a mixture of sebum and keratinized skin particles accumulated in the sebaceous gland and its ducts. This plug serves as an excellent substrate for the growth of bacteria.

Acne always appears against the background of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, but there are several other factors on which the status of this skin defect depends - whether it will be just an unesthetic, but generally harmless “black dot” or a full-fledged pimple filled with pus.

Look for the cause of acne formation.

The main causes of acne

Every phenomenon is explained not by one, but by several reasons. Acne is no exception to the rule.

Hormonal imbalance

This is the first and main reason. When your skin produces too much sebum, it can indicate two things:

about a high level of male sex hormones in the blood;

that the sebaceous glands are particularly sensitive to androgens.

“This is why acne and pimples most often appear on young skin during a period when the body is experiencing hormonal changes,” says Alexander Prokofiev, expert of the La Roche-Posay brand. “However, acne can appear not only in adolescence, but much later, when hormonal storms, it would seem, should have passed.”

In this case, there is a possibility of changes in the amount of steroid hormones in the blood, which can increase the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands.

Bacteria multiply in the sebaceous plug.

Thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin

“The second name for this phenomenon is hyperkeratosis. It always goes hand in hand with increased skin greasiness and rashes, says Alexander Prokofiev. “The inability of the skin to promptly get rid of dead cells that clog pores and are part of the sebaceous plug is associated with the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to hormones and often characterizes the skin of adolescents.”

A course of acid peels, aimed at eliminating hyperkeratosis and skin renewal, is often included in the acne treatment program.

Inflammatory processes

“Acne is a disease. However, the severity of acne varies. For some, it is limited to the appearance of minor rashes on the face, while for others it affects both the face and torso.”

The culprits behind the formation of inflammatory elements in acne are the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which quietly live at the mouth of the follicles of the sebaceous glands and do not bother anyone until they begin to receive food. To suppress their activity, doctors prescribe drugs for external and internal use.

Food – “right” or “wrong” – is not the root cause of acne. The main culprits, as we have already said, are hormones. But some food groups can provoke an exacerbation and give rise to inflammation in the sebaceous gland. These products include:

carbohydrates with a high glycemic index;

sugar and sweets.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Despite the fact that a proper diet can be a good help in the fight against acne and pimples, there is no direct cause-and-effect relationship between diseases of the digestive system and the formation of comedones.

Types of eels

Comedones are divided into two large groups:

The severity of acne is determined by the number of inflammatory elements and their depth. If there are more than 10 pustules, but there are no deep nodes yet, there is a moderate degree of severity. If there are multiple pimples with white heads and deep inflammatory rashes, we can talk about a severe form of the disease.

They are also called blackheads. Blackheads appear when oil accumulates closer to the surface of the pore and becomes dark in color due to oxidation and the release of melanin. Such acne belongs to non-inflammatory elements. They are easily removed during cosmetic cleaning or regular home care and leave no residue.

Blackheads are easily removed during cleansing.

They also belong to the non-inflammatory group, but in whiteheads the sebaceous congestion has no outlet. These formations look like small white balls under the skin. To get rid of them, go to a cosmetologist. Do not try to remove them yourself - inept handling can damage blood vessels and provoke an inflammatory process.

These are red bumps that rise above the surface of the skin, they are also pimples without a purulent “cap”. Papules are a consequence of the inflammatory process in the sebaceous gland.

This is the name for pimples topped with a purulent vesicle (head). Like papules, these are inflammatory elements of acne. In their place, a stagnant red spot, post-inflammatory pigmentation, may later form.

The degree of acne is determined by the number of inflammatory elements.

They are also called subcutaneous acne. Dermatologists define them as “nodules” and classify them as deep inflammatory elements. The presence of internal acne on the face indicates the severity of the inflammatory process and characterizes acne of moderate or severe severity. In this case, systemic drug therapy is indicated to stop the process and prevent scars.

Rosacea is in no way associated with increased oiliness of the skin and is not a sign of acne at all, but of rosacea, a skin disease characterized by changes in the vascular wall and inflammatory processes in the skin.

Rosacea is localized on the convex parts of the face (nose, cheeks, forehead, chin), occurs most often in adults with fair skin, is accompanied by redness and visible vascular network.

Acne and skin types

Those with normal skin do not experience acne. The maximum that threatens them is isolated rashes. For example, before the start of the menstrual cycle in women.

Girls with mixed skin type are more likely to see pimples on the forehead, nose or chin before their critical days, that is, in areas of high activity of the sebaceous glands. Obviously, oily skin, which is characterized by an abundance of sebum, is the number one candidate for persistent acne, especially during puberty.

A pimple can appear on anyone, but only those with oily skin can seriously fear acne. The causes of rashes can be different, as well as treatment methods. The main thing is not to self-medicate and not to wait for acne to go away on its own.

The first task of oily skin is not to turn into problematic skin, that is, to avoid the appearance of multiple sebaceous plugs and comedones. Proper care based on proper daily cleansing, regular exfoliation and cosmetic cleansing will help keep the situation under control. If there are a large number of inflammatory elements, you need the help of a dermatologist who will draw up an individual treatment regimen.

Anyone who has encountered an acne problem has most likely done something that absolutely should not be done. And he paid for his mistake. To prevent history from repeating itself, let us explain once again what should absolutely not be done and why.

Cleanse your skin until it's squeaky clean

When your face is constantly shiny from excess oil and blackheads are annoying, you want to cleanse your skin so that it squeaks with cleanliness. This is usually what we do when using alkaline products and lotions with a high alcohol content. In vain: both alcohol and alkali actually degrease the skin, but at the same time deprive it of its protective hydrolipidic film. Left without natural protection, the skin begins to compensate for losses and produce sebum with triple zeal.

Aggressive cleansing aggravates skin problems with acne: disruption of the natural lipid barrier causes a protective reaction, which is expressed in increased sebum production. Use mild, non-alkaline cleansers with a normal or acidic pH.

Burn “unripe” pimples with alcohol

Attempts to relieve inflammation and remove the pimple before it comes out using alcohol only lead to further injury to the surface of the skin. In this case, alcohol does not penetrate deeply and does not reach the source of inflammation.

Special pharmaceutical preparations, as well as SOS products for local application, but not alcohol, can extinguish the inflammatory process and cope with a pimple at the initial stage.

Squeeze pimples

Yes, it is beyond human strength to resist temptation. If you are determined to get rid of the abscess, use local anti-inflammatory drugs. You should not injure the skin in the area of ​​the rash, because after damage, inflammation may intensify or post-inflammatory pigmentation may remain.

Do not try to get rid of deep nodes on your own, so as not to aggravate the situation and prevent scarring.

Acne marks: how to get rid of them

Stagnant red spots and post-acne scars are an unkind memory that acne leaves behind. Fighting them takes time and special procedures.


Liquid nitrogen massage has been and remains the most effective method against stains. Gradually they turn pale and then completely disappear due to improved local blood circulation.

Acid peels

They help visually smooth out scars and reduce their depth.

Cold massage solves the problem of post-acne.

Fractional laser

A hardware alternative to chemical peeling, aimed at renewing the skin and reducing the visibility of scars.

Cosmetics and prevention

It is impossible to cure acne with cosmetics, but this does not mean that problem skin does not need to be taken care of. Moreover, separate cosmetic lines are dedicated to her, capable of providing her with everything necessary to improve her appearance and condition.

Products for cleansing and toning oily skin with acne.

Name Action Active components
Cleansing foaming gel for oily, acne-prone skin Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay Gently cleanses, has an antibacterial effect mild cleansers, zinc pidolate / ZINC PCA, thermal water
3-in-1 cleanser, Vichy combines the properties of a cleanser, scrub and mask salicylic and glycolic acids, lipohydroxy acid, kaolin
Cleansing toner for skin with acne and age-related changes Blemish + Age Solution, Skinceuticals cleanses, provides light exfoliation glycolic and salicylic acids, lipohydroxy acid
Daily scrub “Pure Zone Absolute cleanliness 7 in 1”, L’Oréal Paris provides deep cleansing salicylic acid, exfoliating microparticles
“Clean skin 3-in-1”, Garnier combines the properties of a cleansing gel, scrub and mask zinc, pumice particles, white clay

Cosmetics for the prevention of acne and for oily acne-prone skin.

moisturizes, controls oily shine, corrects imperfections

It is very easy to develop skin problems. It is enough to systematically ignore basic facial skin care: do not take off your make-up at night, use low-quality cosmetics (or inappropriate for your age), etc., as well as have a bunch of bad habits (this is not only about alcohol and smoking, but also about your eating style ). But fixing the problem is more difficult, to the point where regular facial cleansing is required. A cosmetologist will help you get rid of blackheads, but there are also home options for eliminating them.

Causes of blackheads

In order for the fight against unwanted points to be truly effective, it is worth looking at the “root” of the problem and acting in appropriate ways to solve it. Pores are clogged by various pollutants: sebum + dust + cosmetic residues = blackhead. Dirt sits deep in the pore and does not allow it to narrow, thereby provoking its constant expanded state. Because of this, the problem of blackheads can last forever: you just got rid of it, but the enlarged pores accept new impurities and the comedones appear again.


Example of blackheads on the nose

Some of the main causes of blackheads may be:

  1. work of the sebaceous glands in “extreme” mode. This often occurs in adolescence during the hormonal formation of the body, as well as when this feature is inherited. Don’t forget about hormonal surges in women “once a month” during pregnancy;
  2. “harmful” nutrition regarding the skin. Such delicacies include all types of sweets, smoked meats, preserves, buns and fried edibles;
  3. constant stressful situations;
  4. inappropriate facial care (improper washing, after which impurities remain on the skin, ignoring makeup removal before a night's rest, etc. also has a negative impact)
  5. preference for cosmetics with dense textures, as well as its excessive use.

The presence of at least one of the presented factors in a woman’s life can appear on the skin of the face as small black dots, which definitely need to be gotten rid of.

Treatment methods for blackheads

Going to a cosmetologist or dealing with clogged enlarged pores on your own is every woman’s business. Fortunately, there are now enough methods for getting rid of blocked sebaceous glands, so you can use any suitable one.

In parallel to changing the style of caring for your skin, it is worth changing your diet, eliminating unhealthy foods (excessively sweet, fatty, smoked, etc.) from the foods you consume.

Simple tools for squeezing out comedones can be purchased at any cosmetics store; in extreme cases, they can be squeezed out manually. But before you do this, you need to prepare the skin:

  1. remove makeup with your usual product;
  2. wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile to cleanse the skin of remaining traces of cosmetics and disinfect the surface (or use a decoction of calendula or sage);
  3. let the broth dry on its own on the skin;
  4. carry out the procedure of squeezing out comedones with a tool or manually.

You can complete this cosmetic procedure for mechanical removal of sebaceous plugs with a soothing mask based on aloe or cucumber. But it is worth remembering that frequent mechanical procedures cause injury to the pores and stretch them, aggravating the situation.


Mechanical removal of comedones

You can steam the skin over steam (a decoction of chamomile, mint, sage, etc.), warm compresses, or simply in a bathhouse (sauna). But the steaming procedure is essentially useless without subsequent cleaning, because simply opening the pore with steam is not enough, the comedone will not go away on its own. Therefore, it is further better to use special adhesive patches for blackheads, which, after removal, will simply linger on them and leave the pores clean.

A prepared, steamed face is an excellent base for using any adhesive device, be it a small patch or a mask. But if it is not possible to steam your face, then feel free to choose a product with a warming effect (traditionally camphor is included in the adhesive side of a special patch).

Film masks for problem skin fit perfectly, filling all the dimples of the skin surface, so they are great for “pulling out” unfortunate comedones from the pores. Before using the mask, your face should be cleaned of excess dirt, and you should keep it on for as long as the manufacturer indicated in the instructions.


Blackhead patch

If you don’t want to buy special masks, then there are home alternative ways to get rid of blackheads. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. The easiest way to make a film mask is to mix 5 crushed charcoal tablets (pharmaceutical activated) with PVA office glue (1 tablespoon). Before the mask, it is better to cleanse the skin of dead cells using scrubbing. Next, you should apply the mixture to the “T” zone - forehead, nose and wings, chin. After complete drying, you can remove the resulting film, and along with it the comedones will be removed;
  2. Another interesting mask is made from a chicken egg and essential oils of tea tree and ylang-ylang (3 drops each). You can do it every day, especially since it doesn’t last long – only 15 minutes;
  3. if there is no inflammation on the face, then you can use this mask: mix a spoonful of baking soda with a spoonful of lemon juice and a pinch of cosmetic clay. Apply the mask to the nose and other problem areas, and after 20 minutes cleanse the skin with a sponge soaked in chamomile infusion. You can also simply wash off the mask.

Half an hour after using the mask, you can wipe problem areas of the skin with hydrosol of rose, chamomile, calendula, aloe, etc.

Scrubs and peelings can help in the complex of measures to treat acne. You can make the product yourself or purchase it at a cosmetic store.

Among the effective recipes for scrubs, we can highlight the following: for abrasives, you can take ground coffee or “Extra” salt, ground apricot kernels, crushed nuts, etc. Take a spoonful of the selected abrasive (take a tablespoon or a teaspoon, depending on the required amount of scrub), add this a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lavender ether.

You can combine the following components to make your own homemade scrub:

  1. cinnamon powder + honey + tea tree ether;
  2. white clay + cucumber juice;
  3. sea ​​salt + avocado juice;
  4. baking soda + liquid baby soap.

For peeling, it is effective to use honey, namely the patting method (pour a little honey onto your palms, rub them and use patting movements to work on the face, namely problem areas with pores). Such actions “pull out” comedones from the pores using the natural stickiness of honey. It is also effective to use strawberry pulp, which will serve as a scrub, and its acids as an “acid” peeling. To enhance the effect, you can use a special cosmetic glove.

If you can go to a salon, you can use various cosmetic procedures to get rid of sebum accumulations and blackheads that have appeared. A specialist, after examining the skin, can suggest the following methods for removing comedones:

  1. mechanical cleaning (although not a particularly useful procedure for the skin, it is effective. It takes place in several stages. After the session, a recovery period is required);
  2. phototherapy (a safe procedure without pain, which is carried out with a special device and requires a course of 8-10 sessions. Reduces the appearance of new blackheads and acne, blackheads disappear for a while, and the skin looks much healthier);
  3. chemical peeling (non-intense peeling brings the skin “to life”, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby eliminates blackheads);
  4. mesotherapy (“the right” medications will not only improve the skin’s overall health, but also relieve it of many problems, including blackheads. A course of such therapy is necessary to see the effect);
  5. biodermabrasion (one of the peeling options, which is carried out using a complex of mechanical and chemical effects, with the help of the procedure you can significantly reduce the number and appearance of blackheads);
  6. fractional laser (an expensive procedure with a long recovery period, but it completely gets rid of blackheads. At the same time, you can reduce wrinkles and skin irregularities);
  7. ultrasonic cleaning (a gentle procedure that requires a course. But it significantly reduces pores and normalizes sebum production).


Ultrasound facial cleansing

In order for the salon procedure to give the expected effect, you should follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations for skin care after the session.

On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about the use of this or that cosmetics for blackheads. Some express their “wow” from the effect, but there are also those who were completely dissatisfied with the result. In any case, there are plenty of such products on the cosmetic market.

Be that as it may, the use of cosmetics has its place. Manufacturers claim that only products from one line can be a salvation from blackheads and other similar skin problems. One line, as a rule, includes all the necessary “jars and bottles” for cleansing and caring for the skin of the face. By the way, it often happens that inexpensive complexes have a much greater effect than their famous expensive analogues.


Line of anti-blackhead products

There are opinions that experts in the pharmaceutical craft know some unique recipes for drugs that allow them to look young for many years and at the same time quickly eliminate skin problems.

When contacting a dermatologist with the problem of comedones, he can select individual proportions of talkers, creams, and ointments. Among these popular remedies, pharmacists-magicians can make:

  1. zinc-based chatter (+chloramphenicol, aspirin, dimexide, etc.);
  2. ointment based on sulfur (+zinc, streptocide, etc.).

If you look at the pharmacy counter, you can find ready-made creams for blackheads: Differin, Propeller, Baziron. Ointments: Zinc, Ichthyol, Retinoic.

Prevention of acne and blackheads

It is easier to prevent the occurrence of comedones than to try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. Cosmetologists note the following basic preventive measures that prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands:

  1. if inflammation appears on the skin, you should not try to get rid of it using mechanical cleansing or other aggressive procedures (for example, squeezing out the comedone yourself);
  2. It is not recommended to remove oily shine on the skin with alcohol-containing products, or to remove makeup with them;
  3. Do not wash your face frequently with soap or use scrubs every day, this can cause excessively dry skin;
  4. you need to use cosmetics specifically designed for a specific skin type;
  5. Do not use oily cream for oily (or combination) skin.

Treatment of acne and comedones is quite lengthy and unpleasant, and can also require considerable expenses. Timely cleansing of the skin will prevent the development of infection, and suitable cosmetics will eliminate the problem of intense work of the sebaceous glands.


Even a very beautiful face no longer looks so attractive when it is pleasant to look at only from afar. And up close it becomes noticeable that he is spoiled by a whole scattering of black dots, as if a person suffered from an explosion and grains of gunpowder were eaten into his face. People call such persons rudely: “the flies have been sitting.” It is certainly unpleasant to feel like something that flies like to land on. A person with such spots looks unkempt, even unwashed - how to get rid of blackheads effectively and safely?

What are they?

The pores of our skin are excretory ducts that connect the sebaceous glands to the hair follicles. Sometimes these ducts become clogged with dead skin particles mixed with sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. A traffic jam forms. At first, the fat in it is almost transparent, but then it hardens and turns white or yellow. In an open pore, the top of the plug oxidizes under the influence of oxygen and turns black.

This is how a blackhead is formed, or, in Latin, a comedon. Blackheads are common accompaniments of puberty in both sexes. But many people suffer from them, and many after puberty. They appear anywhere - on the skin of the face, especially on the nose, where the pores are enlarged, as well as on the body - blackheads often occupy the shoulders, chest and back.

As a rule, they cause a state of psychological discomfort - in teenagers, since they are concerned about age-related changes in their appearance and are afraid of appearing unattractive, and in adults - they are also not happy about such “decoration” and mistakenly accuse themselves of being unclean. But comedones cannot be eliminated with regular washing. On the contrary, washing too often can even provoke their appearance!

The causes of blackheads are varied. Sometimes their formation is due to several factors at once. What are these reasons?

  1. Heredity. Genetic factors determine exactly how your sebaceous glands function, the structure of your skin, and the size of your ducts. If you inherited oily or combination skin, the likelihood of comedones increases.
  2. Hormonal “explosions” and “storms” - that is, an imbalance of hormones in the body, periodic or age-related (puberty, premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy). When the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone progesterone are especially active, sebum is secreted very abundantly.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, functional disruptions in the functioning of the gonads.
  4. Overstrain and chronic disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system - prolonged stress, regular insomnia, increased emotional stress (many people notice that they sweat a lot from excitement - the sweat and sebaceous glands work very actively).
  5. Vitamin deficiency - it also “knocks down” the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, which increases the secretion and accumulation of sebum in the pores.
  6. The habit of an unhealthy, unbalanced diet is a lack of necessary vitamins and microelements and an excess of fatty, sweet, spicy, too salty, flour foods - that is, fats and carbohydrates (by the way, in Latin the word comedo means “glutton”).
  7. Consumption of toxins contained in alcohol, nicotine, “chemical” foods and carbonated drinks, and certain medications.
  8. Neglect of hygiene standards, use of low-quality cosmetics.
  9. Excessive care about the cleanliness of the skin - frequent washing with soap, excessive use of lotions and tonics “kill” the protective layer of the skin, and the sebaceous glands react to this as a need to protect it! Too frequent peeling also leads to the opposite effect.
  10. Synthetic clothing, especially tight-fitting ones, can contribute to the appearance of comedones on the skin of the body - on the back, shoulders, chest.
  11. Direct sunlight.
  12. Poor environmental conditions, toxins contained in the atmosphere.

Battle on all fronts

If you decide to get rid of unpleasant blackheads, check out the ways to cleanse your skin of them:

  1. mechanical - comedones are removed “manually” at home or in a cosmetologist’s office; it is fast, but the result may be short-lived;
  2. cosmetic - these are various procedures (ultrasonic removal, vacuum cleaning, various oxidizing peels); such effects on the skin are effective, but are suitable for people who have no medical contraindications and are also willing to spend a fair amount of money on beauty;
  3. specialized masks and scrubs - you can select them from the lines of your favorite cosmetic brands or prepare them yourself;
  4. lifestyle correction is a labor-intensive, but the most effective method with a long-term effect and excellent psychological “pumping” - a person always feels uplifted when he begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get rid of harmful addictions and take care of himself.
How to remove comedones by squeezing

If you do not have the opportunity or desire to visit a cosmetologist, you can try to remove blackheads at home. The simplest and most common method is steam, which involves squeezing out blackheads.


You should be careful: if the skin is dirty and the hands are not disinfected, there is a real danger of introducing unnecessary microbes into the deep layers of the skin and causing an inflammatory process. Then the blackheads will seem like an insignificant drawback, because instead of them, full-fledged acne, if not boils, will form. Therefore, observe the following rules:

  1. To steam the skin, brew herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect (linden, chamomile, calendula).
  2. Don't overdry your skin, just warm it up properly.
  3. Wipe your fingers and nails with an alcohol solution (you can use cologne or eau de toilette).
  4. Squeeze out comedones as carefully as possible so as not to cause additional damage to the skin (be careful with manicure - long nails can injure the skin, and a wound will appear in place of the comedone!).
  5. After the procedure, you need to take care of narrowing the pores. If they are not “closed”, the sebaceous glands will actively “close it” themselves - with the same thing that you just removed. Hydrogen peroxide or a special lotion helps tighten pores.
  6. If possible, apply a mask that also narrows pores (tightens) - mix egg whites with lime or lemon juice, leave until dry and rinse. As a last resort, take care of pieces of ice in the refrigerator - you can wipe your “burning” face with them, the cold also tightens the pores.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a week, less often is possible, more often is not necessary. If your pores are naturally very enlarged, don’t expect long-term results.


If steam and squeezing are not your thing or are not suitable for you, you should try a special patch designed to clean out pores - it works great if comedones have occupied your nose. It is glued to the “places of location” of acne (the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose), held for as long as the instructions recommend, and jerked off.


You can create a patch with your own hands: you need to thoroughly mix the gelatin with lukewarm milk and keep it in the microwave for 8-10 minutes so that the mixture swells. Be careful, you need to apply the mixture warm, but not hot - you don’t want to get a burn on your face, do you? When the homemade “mask” hardens, remove it - it will come off along with the sebaceous plugs.

DIY remedies for comedones

The cosmetics market is now unusually rich - you can find more than one remedy for blackheads. But many still prefer to use folk remedies, and there are reasons for this:

  1. folk remedies have no side effects;
  2. they can be quickly prepared from the most common products on hand;
  3. you will know for sure that they will not cause you an allergy (you don’t keep something at home that is an allergen for you;
  4. this is very inexpensive compared to store-bought cosmetics - especially well-known brands.

You will be surprised how easy to prepare effective home remedies for comedones:

  1. fresh tomato puree;
  2. a “mix” of carrot and cucumber juices with the addition of half a clove of garlic (chopped, of course);
  3. 2 tbsp. l. clear, uncandied honey with the addition of lemon juice or just warmed honey (apply on face for 10-15 minutes and rinse);
  4. 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice, olive oil and oatmeal, pour 2 tablespoons of yogurt, apply to face, wait until dry, rinse;
  5. mix special whitening clay with pink water and lubricate your face;
  6. the most ordinary kefir can dissolve sebaceous plugs, since it contains acids - you just need to smear it on your face, wait until it dries, and wash your face;
  7. squeeze in a juicer or pass through a meat grinder and squeeze fresh parsley through gauze and lubricate clean skin with the juice 2-3 times a day, repeat for 3 weeks;
  8. Bran perfectly helps cleanse oily skin - you need to mix it into a mixture of beaten egg whites with the addition of honey, milk and lemon juice (all this in a teaspoon) - you should get a paste; You should keep it on your face for about half an hour, then carefully remove it with a cotton swab or gauze and rinse your face (it is better to brew a chamomile solution for this).
So that they don't come back

Be sure to take time to take preventative measures to combat comedones. It is necessary to ensure proper cleansing of the face and help the sebaceous glands to work optimally.

  1. If you have a bad habit of unconsciously touching your face with your hands and you catch yourself doing it, try to get rid of it; if you need to touch your face (it itches, something is stuck) - use a paper napkin;
  2. Try to use cosmetics with a delicate effect on the skin when washing your morning and evening;
  3. do not overdry problem areas - and the skin in general (remember, comedones can appear not only on the face!) with soap or alcohol solutions. The skin perceives drying as “aggression” towards itself and reacts with increased production of sebum;
  4. never go to bed with makeup residue on your face - be sure to wash it off thoroughly and then wash your face “clean” with plain water;
  5. check your favorite creams: whether they moisturize the skin enough and are not too greasy;
  6. make it a habit, when you finish any hygiene procedures, to rinse your face (ideally the whole body) with cool water - it will help close the pores;
  7. Water-based cosmetics are more suitable for skin prone to the formation of blackheads than oil-based ones - the skin “breathes” better, the sebaceous glands work normally;
  8. do not use thick foundation;
  9. if you have a layer cake with custard on your face - several layers of cosmetics - then comedones may soon remind you of themselves;
  10. living in megacities and just industrial cities with a polluted atmosphere, regular walks along polluted streets and highways will help your pores become clogged with dirt and dust from the atmosphere - so use a good foundation applied in a thin layer;
  11. and - most importantly - do not forget about the right lifestyle!

Then blackheads will say goodbye to you forever. Good luck and good health to you!

Video on the topic:

Name Action Active components
Cream-gel Effaclar Duo (+), La Roche-Posay moisturizes, corrects acne spots mild cleansers, zinc pidolate / ZINC PCA, thermal water
Corrective care against imperfections “Normaderm 24 hours moisturizing”, Vichy