Why does the skin on my feet get so dry?

When dry skin appears below the knees, it causes significant discomfort to a person. Of course, you can lubricate it with moisturizer and wait until the dryness goes away. But this can last for years, which is quite uncomfortable.

To finally get rid of the problem, you need to find out what causes peeling of the legs below the knee and eliminate them. If this is not done, the affected area may spread to other areas of the skin.

Causes of peeling


All the reasons that can cause dry skin on the legs are divided depending on the cause. Most of the factors are external influences that can be easily eliminated and then the skin of the legs will return to its normal state. But there is a small chance that the peeling is a sign of a serious internal disease that requires medical attention.

External factors

Peeling skin may be the first warning sign of serious internal diseases. But if it is localized in one area and itches, then most often it is the result of external influences. There are a large number of reasons that can affect the skin of the feet, and it is impossible to take them all into account. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main factors that affect the legs.

  1. Dry air due to heating or constant use of air conditioning.
  2. Allergic reaction to household chemicals.
  3. Allergy to cosmetics.
  4. Wearing clothes (underwear, pants, socks) that are small, which causes pressure on the blood vessels in the legs and uneven distribution of nutrients. This effect can also be caused by shapewear of the wrong size, or worn on the body for more than 5 hours.
  5. Dry skin due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  6. Contact with skin of liquids with a high content of chlorine or other impurities that are used in tap water. This effect can be achieved both by home water treatments and by going to the pool.
  7. Infectious diseases affecting the skin.
  8. Wearing winter boots in a well-heated room.

Most of the external factors are easily removable, but if remission does not occur after taking preventive measures, you should consult a doctor. After all, this may be the first sign of the development of a serious disease. The same should be done if redness appears at the site of peeling, because this is most likely an infection.

Internal diseases

The causes of peeling legs below the knees may be a violation of the health of the body. Dry skin can occur either from local damage or from a general disease.

Common causes of dry skin:

  1. diabetes;
  2. disturbances in liver function;
  3. kidney dysfunction;
  4. erythroderma;
  5. psoriasis;
  6. eczema.

Internal causes also include a sedentary lifestyle. Because of this, veins and blood vessels are compressed, which leads to the supply of fewer nutrients necessary for the skin. This makes itself felt even if a person plays sports after a long day of work at the computer.

If the skin of the legs below the knees dries out due to an internal disease, then it is impossible to cure it on your own. Only a qualified doctor can accurately determine the cause and create the most appropriate course of treatment.

Therefore, before trying home methods, you should undergo a medical examination that will identify the source. And after treatment, you can use preventive measures and home methods for improving skin health.

Preventive measures


When the skin on a woman's legs peels below the knees, it is easier to cure the disease once, and then constantly maintain the condition of the skin. This is much easier to do than having medical procedures done every six months.

  1. It is very important to humidify the air in the apartment, especially during the heating season.
  2. You should avoid antibacterial soaps or those that contain many additional substances (dyes, fragrances).
  3. Use only proven high-quality cosmetics that do not contain toxic additives.
  4. Exfoliate the skin every week to get rid of dead particles from the feet.
  5. Moisturize your legs and feet with coconut oil or body milk.
  6. Reduce the amount of synthetic clothing adjacent to the affected area.
  7. Remove boots or other warm footwear indoors.
  8. When working sedentarily, alternate periods of immobility with walking. The most useful thing is to get up and walk every 20 minutes. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on work productivity.

Home care methods


External effects will be ineffective if the lack of nutrients that are necessary for the skin is not eliminated. Therefore, you should reconsider your diet. It is advisable to increase the amount of stewed fish and fresh salads seasoned with vegetable oil.

It is also important to eat grains rich in fiber. Doctors recommend starting courses of vitamin supplements in late autumn and early winter. This is necessary in order to support the body, which suffers from a lack of fresh greens, fruits or vegetables.

If the reason is insufficient subcutaneous blood circulation, then you can strengthen it with the help of foot baths. For this, procedures not only with warm water are suitable, but also quick dipping into containers of different temperatures.

If the skin of your feet is steamed, you can add a decoction of herbs that will help reduce peeling. Oak bark, chamomile, sage or St. John's wort are good options. It is advisable to alternate them throughout the course.

If the skin is insufficiently nourished, you can deliver beneficial substances using a foot mask. To do this, you need to purchase vitamins A and E at the pharmacy, which are sold in ampoules. You will also need 100 g of thick sour cream and 40-50 g of coconut oil.

Sour cream and butter are thoroughly mixed, then 1 bottle of medicine is added and the mixture is applied to the feet. The entire smeared surface is wrapped in cling film for 20 minutes so that the vitamins do not oxidize in the air. After completion, simply rinse off the substance with warm water.


Cleansing with paraffin. Depending on the affected area, you will need 2-3 thick suppositories. They are lit and gently dripped onto flaky skin so that the drop does not burn. When the piece hardens, cover the area nearby. Do not bring the candle very close to the skin, otherwise you may get burned. And after the entire affected area has disappeared, the procedure is repeated 1-2 more times. After this, the leg is wrapped in cling film, and after 1 hour it is thoroughly cleaned with fine pumice. The course consists of 5-10 procedures. When carrying out the last 4-5 wrapping procedures, it is advisable to use beeswax candles.

It is important to remember that this procedure can only be carried out if there are no scratches, otherwise the hot mass will corrode the wound.

Finding the cause of dryness and eliminating it is the best way to cure peeling feet. If you react early, you can avoid the cost of restoring the affected area. It is best to immediately consult a doctor who will help exclude serious diseases and skin infections from the group of causes.

You can find out about the development of problems in the human body if you pay attention to the fact that he has dry skin on his hands and feet - the reasons can be different. When the palms or feet begin to dry, or the skin on the legs and arms of an adult or child begins to peel, this is not only a lack of hydration. Dryness often indicates the presence of chronic diseases.

Why does skin dry out?

Ancient healers determined a person's health by the condition of his skin. Performing protective functions, the skin participates in water-salt metabolism and thermoregulation. Any problems with this organ indicate an incipient or progressive pathology in the body. The causes of dry skin can be both internal and external. Before stocking up on moisturizing creams, you should understand what external factor dries out the epidermis and eliminate it:

  1. unbalanced diet;
  2. bad habits;
  3. hair removal, depilation;
  4. frequent peeling sessions, dermabrasion;
  5. low-quality cosmetics;
  6. wearing synthetic underwear;
  7. age-related changes;
  8. improper care;
  9. low indoor humidity;
  10. prolonged exposure to heat or cold;
  11. sudden changes in temperature.

Causes of dry skin on feet

If vitamin deficiency is excluded, then drying out of the epidermis of the lower extremities indicates uneven blood circulation. Blood flow can be disrupted by wearing tight shoes or small tights. This fact causes not only dry skin, but also the formation of varicose veins. High socks and too-tight leggings are harmful; wearing them regularly will cause dry skin on your legs. Another factor that dries out the epidermis of the lower extremities is the use of cosmetics that contain a lot of alkalis.


The skin on the legs is peeling

Many women are interested in the question, especially in winter, why the skin on their legs is dry and flaky. The answer lies on the surface - she is dehydrated. It is difficult for the body to retain natural moisture in winter; as a result, the skin on the legs peels, it becomes white, covered with small scales, and in general, it looks unaesthetic. The situation can be corrected by proper drinking regimen. Not sweet coffee or tea, but clean drinking water per day, no less than 1.5 liters.

On the soles of my feet

If you have not walked barefoot on the ground or on hard surfaces, but your feet are very dry, this may indicate that they have a fungal infection. Diagnosing an infectious disease is not difficult: thickening of the nails is visible, the skin of the fingers takes on an unnatural red tint, peels, and itches. If all of the listed symptoms on the foot are present, you should go to a dermatologist. The specialist will order a test that will identify the type of fungus, after which you need to treat the infection with the appropriate ointment.

Below the knees

Many people have a very sensitive epidermis, so the skin on their legs below the knees peels due to the aggressive effects of cold, sun, wind, water or air. The solution to the problem can be greasy care creams or cosmetics with high UV protection. The cause of dryness can be the body's reaction to any food irritant. It is necessary to identify the product that causes the allergic reaction and remove it from the diet.

Peeling of the epidermis below the knees and on the ankles can occur for natural reasons when the body's processes slow down due to aging. After 50 years of age, the skin becomes thin as it loses moisture. This condition is caused by age-related changes in collagen fibers, which are the building blocks of the epidermis. Eating foods rich in collagen will help normalize fat and lipid metabolism: kelp, rabbit meat, turkey, fatty salmon fish, leafy greens.

Cracked skin on toes

Often the cause of the problem lies in lifestyle. For example, a man or woman adheres to a strict diet, limiting the intake of necessary substances into the body. As a result, the skin on the feet and toes cracks. Effective treatment of dry epidermis - a full course of vitamin therapy. Sometimes this symptom indicates a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, so it would not be superfluous to be examined by an endocrinologist.


On the shins

This problem usually occurs after improper shaving. The following will help correct the situation: a sharp blade, special depilatory creams and moisturizing the epidermis. You can eliminate dry skin on the lower legs using olive, flaxseed or coconut oil, which must be rubbed in daily after showering or shaving. Increased dryness will go away if you make a nourishing mask several times a week, which contains: baby cream, 3 drops of glycerin, 1 drop each of vitamin E and A (oil solution).

Causes of dry hand skin

Wrinkling, peeling, permanent condition of the skin of the upper extremities - many people are familiar with this situation. These symptoms are a signal from the body that it is necessary to start taking care of your hands. Insufficient care, vitamin deficiency and stress have a bad effect on the condition of the epidermis. However, the causes of dry hand skin are not only external. This condition may be due to other factors:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With a lack of vitamins and microelements, the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, which immediately affects the condition of the epidermis.
  2. Diabetes. Increased sugar provokes dry skin.
  3. Iron-deficiency anemia. The disease causes dry and itchy skin, which begins to crack and hurt.
  4. Fungal infections. If your feet are affected by a fungus, then it is more likely that the peeling of your hands is also caused by it.
  5. Allergy. Caused by anything from household chemicals to wearing rings. A dermatologist will identify the allergen after tests.

Why does the skin on my palms peel?

Peeling of the palms is much less common, but the sight is unsightly and unpleasant. The factors that lead hands to such a state are varied, and the method of solving the problem depends on the reason that caused it. If the skin on your palms is dry, you should definitely contact a dermatologist, because such symptoms appear during exacerbation of eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis. Self-medication with such a diagnosis is unacceptable. There are many diseases, signs of which are peeling and bursting of the epidermis on the palms:

  1. lupus erythematosus;
  2. staphylococcal infections;
  3. lichen planus;
  4. syphilis;
  5. fungal infections;
  6. scabies;
  7. hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis.


On fingers

With frequent contact with water, a person’s hand skin becomes very dry, because water dries out the epidermis and washes away the protective layer. This problem can be corrected if you regularly take baths with such softening ingredients as a decoction of oak bark, nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort, linden, and sage. Often dry skin on the fingers occurs due to weakened immunity or vitamin deficiency in spring and autumn. In this case, nutritional adjustments are needed. If you have congenital dryness or a genetic predisposition, your fingers need softening throughout the year.

Dry skin between fingers

When peeling of the epidermis between the fingers occurs, many reasons can be suspected. Most are due to improper hand care or reactions to detergents. Other causes of dryness between the fingers are a fungal infection or vitamin deficiency. What to do to avoid the problem:

  1. After washing your hands, the area between the fingers should be thoroughly dried;
  2. When washing dishes or doing laundry, use gloves and then moisturize;
  3. choose the right creams (ointments) for your hands and regularly care for them;
  4. In cold weather, do not be without warm gloves or mittens.

Dryness and redness of the skin of the hands

Why does the skin on my hands dry out? Women are especially concerned about this combination of pathologies such as dryness and redness. If the skin bursts at the same time, then most likely this is a consequence of lack of care. To prevent dryness and redness of the skin of your hands, as well as dermatitis, blisters and peeling, which can occur due to poor hygiene, you need to constantly lubricate them. Folk recipes provide excellent hydration and nutrition effects. Our ancestors also advised:

  1. apply cream, sour cream or make milk compresses after each hand wash;
  2. use unrefined vegetable oil as a compress at night under gloves.


Dry skin in a child

In children, the epidermis dries out for many reasons. Basically, cracks on the body are provoked by low activity of the sebaceous glands, which arise due to increased water hardness. Dry skin in a child is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poor nutrition of the mother during lactation or pregnancy, and early refusal of breastfeeding. As a rule, it is not worth treating the sensitive epidermis of a one-year-old child. Over time, it returns to normal on its own.

Rough on a baby

Immediately after birth, the baby’s epidermis is covered with vernix lubrication, which first helped pass the birth canal and then adapted the child to the air environment. When the substance dries, rough skin appears on the baby, which immediately reflects irritation, dermatitis, and allergic manifestations. The situation is aggravated by unfiltered bathing water, lack of air baths, infrequent changes of linen, and poor mother’s diet. In order for the upper layer of the child’s epidermis to adapt faster, the following measures should be taken:

  1. improve nutrition;
  2. remove all irritating factors;
  3. choose only hypoallergenic products for bathing;
  4. increase the humidity in the children's room to 75-80%;
  5. lower the room temperature to 19-21 degrees.

Human skin is a very important organ. Its main function is protection against adverse factors such as toxins, microbes, bacteria, and viruses. But it performs this function well only when it is healthy.

The skin on the human body has varying degrees of sensitivity. On the legs, especially below the knee, the skin is exposed to various environmental influences. Therefore, itching, flaking, and dryness most often appear in these places. There are many reasons why the skin on your feet dries out. Let's look at the main ones, and also talk about what to do if problems start with the skin on your legs.


Why is this happening

The causes that cause unpleasant symptoms on the legs can be divided into two groups: external and internal. In most cases, this is a negative environmental impact that can easily be eliminated and return the skin of the feet to its normal condition.

However, there is a possibility that the reasons why the skin below the knees dries out may be infections or diseases of the internal organs, as well as skin ailments (dermatitis, fungus, psoriasis). In these cases, you will need the help of a doctor.

External reasons

It is impossible to take into account all the factors that affect the legs. There are a lot of them. Here are the main ones:

  1. Very dry indoor air.
  2. Washing your feet with chlorinated water.
  3. Allergies to skin care products. They do not have to be of poor quality for unpleasant symptoms to appear. Expensive cosmetics can also contain components that are not suitable for a particular person.
  4. Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and microelements.
  5. Frequent hair removal.
  6. Cloth. Too tight, constricting tights or trousers compress blood vessels, slowing down blood flow. As a result, the nutrition of the skin deteriorates. Synthetic clothing also negatively affects the skin, as it interferes with normal moisture and air exchange.
  7. Winter shoes (especially high boots) can also cause this. You cannot wear it for a long time, as your feet will overheat in it.
  8. Washing your feet with too hot water.
  9. Long sunbathing, solarium.
  10. Exposure to extremely low temperatures (for example, in winter, if a person does not wear clothing appropriate to weather conditions).

All of the above reasons are easy to eliminate. But if after this there is no improvement, you should contact a dermatologist. Perhaps dry skin on the legs is a manifestation of the disease.


Age-related changes

As people age, irreversible changes occur in their skin. The amount of hormones that keep her in good shape decreases sharply. The structure of collagen fibers, the main building element, changes. The dermis becomes thin and dehydrated, which leads to dryness and flaking of the skin. The skin of the legs below the knees gets especially dry.

To normalize lipid and fat metabolism in tissues, it is recommended to consume more pure water. It is worth including foods high in collagen in your diet. Treat the skin of your feet with moisturizers.



The reasons why the skin on the legs cracks and dries out may be general or local health problems:

  1. Eczema.
  2. Dermatitis.
  3. Psoriasis.
  4. Renal dysfunction.
  5. Liver diseases.
  6. Diabetes.

Of course, in this case, only medicine can solve the problem of dryness.


There are always microtraumas on the skin that are invisible and do not cause discomfort. But this is an open gate for infection, in particular for pathogenic fungi. You can become infected with them in any public place, and you do not have to come into contact with the carrier.

In this case, unpleasant sensations appear not only on the lower leg, but also on the foot. The area between the toes is especially susceptible to fungal diseases, as it is warm and humid there. With fungal diseases, the skin on the legs peels off. This is most often observed on the feet and between the toes.

Only a doctor can help here. Tests will need to be taken to detect infection. Based on these, treatment will be prescribed.


Poor nutrition

Everyone knows that healthy food is the basis of health. However, many people neglect this rule. What should be in a person's diet? Fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, eggs, fish, seafood.

With a balanced diet, the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients. Their lack leads to problems. Thus, the skin on the legs becomes dry, itchy, flaky, and may crack.

Also at risk are tea, coffee and alcohol drinkers.

How to deal with unpleasant symptoms

Treating dry feet at home is very easy. You just need to be patient.

Improvised means. If the skin on your feet is dry, you definitely need to moisturize it regularly. Any means that you have in the house are suitable for this. Cream for hands, feet or even face, vegetable oil or butter. If you have cosmetic oil, even better. The product should be applied to problem areas, allowed to absorb a little, and the residue should be removed with a napkin.


In order not to use improvised means, you need to purchase a special cream or lotion that will nourish and moisturize the skin.

Medicines. These include vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and creams sold in pharmacies. You can consult your pharmacist about purchasing these medications.

More serious medications should be prescribed by a doctor. These are hormonal agents, antifungal or antibacterial drugs.

Baths. They will help if dryness occurs on the feet. You need to take a tablespoon of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage or oak bark) and brew a glass of boiling water. Insist. When cool, strain and pour into a container. Add the required amount of water. It shouldn't be very hot.

If you are very worried about itching on your legs, you can take a bath with the same herbs.

Wrap. If you have time and desire, you can pamper your feet. Suitable for this procedure: honey or cosmetic oil. Lubricate the feet generously with the product and wrap with cling film. Then take a comfortable position sitting or lying down and wrap your legs. Leave for at least half an hour. Then wash everything off.


In many cases, this is the reason why the skin on the legs dries out. What are the dangers of commercially available products:

  1. Wax strips are a fairly aggressive method of removing unwanted hair. By tearing them out by the roots, we cause great harm to the skin. Firstly, while healing, the wounds formed during such depilation can be very itchy. Secondly, it is an open gate for infection. Thirdly, the top layer of skin is “torn off” with the hairs.
  2. Depilatory cream is an equally traumatic method. When applied to the skin, it dissolves hairs, which are then removed with a scraper. If women have delicate skin on their legs, irritation, dryness, itching and flaking cannot be avoided.
  3. Epilator. This is a more gentle method, but it can also cause redness and peeling.
  4. The gentlest method is a razor. But its noticeable disadvantage is the fragility of the smooth legs. After all, the hairs begin to grow again immediately. At the same time, they become coarser and darker.

When self-medication is unacceptable


If the itching and dry skin of your feet does not go away despite all your efforts, you may need medical attention. This is especially important if the situation worsens - cracks appear from which ichor, bleeding ulcers, and pustules can be released. In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary studies to find out the cause of problems with the skin of the legs and prescribe a course of therapy.

The best creams for skin care of legs and feet

There are quite a lot of such products, both imported and domestic:

  1. "Zorka" Floralizin cream. The product was developed for use in private farming. They lubricated the udders of cows with it. But the natural composition and effectiveness in the fight against dryness and flaking were also enjoyed by beauties. The product contains chamomile extract, glycerin, vitamins A and E.
  2. "Radevit". Broad spectrum ointment. Relieves itching and inflammation, accelerates regeneration. It contains a loading dose of vitamin A, which determines its effectiveness. But this drug is prohibited for use during pregnancy.
  3. "Bepanten Derma". Designed specifically to soften and protect against excessive keratinization of the skin. It has a more natural composition. This cream for dry skin of the feet contains provitamin B5 (decpanthenol), allantoin, vitamin E, physiological lipids. The cream helps restore skin naturally. Penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  4. Kenyan Body Butter. Cream for moisturizing the skin of the legs and body from Ecolab. It is based on 97% natural ingredients - oils and extracts. The product does its job perfectly: moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin. It is quickly absorbed and leaves virtually no sticky film. The only drawback this product has is the small volume of the jar.
  5. "D-panthenol." The active ingredient is dexpanthenol. The product has a powerful regenerating ability. This is a cheaper analogue of Bepanthen Derma cream.

Foot care rules


How should you take care of your feet to avoid skin problems? The rules of care are quite simple:

  1. Be sure to wash your feet daily. After this, wipe them dry with a towel.
  2. Every evening, moisturize your skin with milk, lotion or cream.
  3. Washing products should be chosen that are more gentle, with a neutral pH. Antibacterial soap is very drying, so it's best to save it for emergencies.
  4. A contrast shower will help relieve fatigue. The water should move from warm to cool.
  5. Exfoliate weekly to get rid of dead particles. If the skin on your legs peels off, the scrub should be delicate, and the procedure should be done more often.

Preventive measures

If the skin on your feet is dry, you need to start treating it. To prevent this phenomenon from occurring, you can regularly perform a number of simple measures:

  1. Drink enough water.
  2. In an apartment where the air is very dry, it is necessary to humidify it. This is especially true during the heating season.
  3. Use proven skin care products.
  4. Choose clothes from natural fabrics.
  5. Do not stay indoors for a long time wearing warm shoes.
  6. Wear your own slippers in the public bathhouse or sauna, as well as on the beach.
  7. Try to sit less and move more. If it is impossible to avoid sitting for a long time, do a warm-up every 20 minutes or just walk around. This is useful not only for the skin, but also for the general tone of the body.
  8. Normalize your diet. Food should be varied. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, eliminate sweets and foods containing large amounts of caffeine.