
Country of origin: Germany

Pharm-Group: Beta1-blockers (cardioselective)

Manufacturers: Zt-Artsnaimittel Hemische Tempelhof GmbH (Germany)

International name: Acebutolol hydrochloride

Synonyms: Acekor, Sectral, Sectral

Dosage forms: film-coated tablets 200 mg, film-coated tablets 400 mg

Composition: Active ingredient - acebutolol hydrochloride.

Indications for use: Arterial hypertension, angina pectoris (prevention of attacks), myocardial infarction, supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapse, headache of vascular origin, tremor, anxiety, thyrotoxicosis.

Contraindications: Chronic heart failure in the stage of decompensation, cardiogenic shock, sick sinus syndrome, AV block of II and III degrees, severe bradycardia (less than 50 beats/min), hypotension (including during myocardial infarction). Restrictions on use: Bronchial asthma, obstructive airway diseases, impaired liver or kidney function, peripheral vascular disease (Raynaud's disease or others), heart failure (decompensated stage), pheochromocytoma, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, depression, myasthenia gravis, psoriasis, pregnancy , breastfeeding, elderly and children.

Side effects: From the nervous system and sensory organs: sleep disturbance, insomnia, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, nightmares, depression, blurred vision, asthenia, weakness, anxiety, paresthesia, convulsions, decreased production of tear fluid (dry mucous membrane of the eyes ), Pain in the eyes. From the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): chest pain, deterioration of peripheral circulation, decompensation of heart failure, AV block, bradycardia, hypotension. From the gastrointestinal tract: dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, flatulence, anorexia, hyperlipidemia, liver dysfunction. From the respiratory system: shortness of breath, vasomotor rhinitis, cough, bronchospasm, status asthmaticus (rare). From the genitourinary system: edema, dysuric disorders, darkening of urine, nocturia, weakened libido. Other: allergic reactions (rash), arthralgia and myalgia, hypoglycemia.

Interaction: Verapamil, diltiazem, quinidine, halogen-containing anesthetics, amiodarone enhance the negative ino- and/or chronotropic effect. Hypotension is potentiated by other antihypertensive drugs. Accelerates the depletion of catecholamine depots against the background of sympatholytics (reserpine). With simultaneous use of insulin and oral antidiabetic drugs, it increases the symptoms of hypoglycemia. Incompatible with MAO inhibitors. Increases the likelihood of severe systemic reactions (up to anaphylaxis) due to the use of allergens (immunotherapy, skin tests).

Overdose: Symptoms: severe bradycardia, arterial hypotension, bronchospastic reactions, heart failure. Treatment: symptomatic: administration of atropine (1-3 mg intravenously), glucagon, vasopressors (dobutamine, epinephrine, dopamine), isoprene

Special instructions: Before starting treatment, heart failure should be compensated; in the future, it is necessary to monitor heart rate, blood pressure and early detection of symptoms of heart failure. It is necessary to reduce doses in elderly patients, in the presence of obstructive respiratory diseases, bradycardia. For pheochromocytoma, administration is possible only in combination with an alpha-blocker. It should be borne in mind that in patients with diabetes mellitus during treatment, hypoglycemia is not accompanied by tachycardia. Taking acebutolol is possible 2 weeks after stopping MAO inhibitors. During treatment it is necessary to exclude