Adac - lentils

There is an edible type of lentil, and this is the lentil, which is well known, and there is also the wild type, which is bad. These are bitter lentils, characterized by a distinct bitterness; it is somewhat dry and astringent. As Dioscorides says, it is a tall herbaceous plant with many branches, with erect stems and leaves, like a quince, but longer than it and somewhat stiff and whitish.

The best lentils are those that ripen faster, that is, white, wide ones, which do not turn black when in water; When cooking, it should be well boiled.

Galen says: “Lentils are either moderate in warmth and dryness, or slightly inclined towards warmth; therefore it does not cool when it is eaten, or when it is in the stomach, or goes down.”

Lentils are swelling; It combines astringent and cleansing powers and causes bad dreams. The astringent property of its husk is also significant; it all swells greatly and thickens the blood so much that it does not flow in the vessels. As a result, lentils reduce the flow of urine and menstruation, giving rise to black gall juice and black gall diseases. Barley gruel sometimes counteracts lentils and from their combination a very good nutrient is obtained, one of the best nutrients. In this case, the quantity of barley gruel should be less than that of lentils. Lentils and beets also provide good nutrition, for these two plants also have mutually opposite properties and balance each other. Sathar and pulegium mint are added to them. The worst thing to do is cook salted fish with black lentils. For one manna of lentils, pour six mannas of water and boil the lentils well.

If you boil lentils in vinegar and apply them as a medicinal bandage, it will resolve mumps and hard tumors. Lentils, along with their repellent effect, collect pus. Abuse of it gives rise to cancer and hard tumors called sicyrrus.

Wounds and ulcers.
Lentils boiled in vinegar fill deep ulcers, eliminate the malignancy of ulcers and reduce the degree of their contamination; if the ulcers are large, then the lentils are boiled with something more astringent, for example, pomegranate peels and other medicines. Together with sea water, it is useful for gangrene, herpes, erysipelas and cracks caused by cold.

Tools with joints.
Lentils are harmful to the nerves. If you apply lentils with oatmeal as a medicinal bandage for gout, it helps. Abuse of it causes leprosy.

Organs of the eye.
Anyone who eats a lot of lentils has blurred vision, as lentils are very drying. Medicinal dressings made from lentils with sweet clover, quince and rose oil cure hot eye tumors.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Lentils boiled in sea water are used to make medicinal dressings for tumors of the female breast that arise as a result of retention of blood and milk in it.

Nutritional organs.
Lentils are difficult to digest and harmful to the stomach; it is bloating and heavy. If thirty hubb lentils are husked and swallowed, it is said to help relax the stomach. You should not mix sweets with lentils, as this causes numerous blockages in the liver. They say about lentils that they are useful for dropsy; this seems to be due to its drying properties.

Eruption organs.
Lentils boiled without the husk strengthen the stomach, but if you boil them with the husk in water and drain the first water, then the first water loosens the stomach. Lentils boiled with their husks, if drained, are stronger than peeled ones, because their husks have a very strong astringent property.

Lentils strongly strengthen the stomach when boiled with chicory, plantain, purslane, or beetroot, which is called “black” beetroot because of its deep green color, or with rose or anything astringent. Before this, it should be boiled well, otherwise it will cause stomach effects.

A medicinal bandage is made from lentils with sweet clover, ayra and rose oil on tumors in the anus, and if they are large, then with something that astringently stronger.

Wild lentils, that is, bitter lentils, cause blood laxation. Edible lentils reduce the flow of urine and menstruation as they thicken the blood; Let no one approach her if he suffers from a disorder of urination or menses in the sense of their insufficiency. As for bitter lentils, it drives away urine and menstruation and enhances their separation.