
Atelomyelia is a rare congenital disorder characterized by incomplete development of the spinal cord.

With atelomyelia, there is a partial or complete absence of the spinal cord. This leads to disruption of the innervation and motor function of the lower extremities and pelvic organs. The extent of the damage depends on the level of the spinal cord malformation.

The main symptoms of atelomyelia:

  1. Paralysis or paresis of the legs
  2. Sensory impairment in the lower extremities
  3. Deformities of the feet and contractures of the joints of the lower extremities
  4. Pelvic organ dysfunction (urinary and fecal incontinence)

Diagnosis of atelomyelia is based on medical history, neurological examination and instrumental studies (MRI, CT).

Treatment is mainly symptomatic and includes physiotherapy, massage, and orthopedic correction. The prognosis depends on the severity of the lesion. With a total absence of the spinal cord, the prognosis is unfavorable.


Atelomyelia is a rare disease that is characterized by a lack of communication between the spinal cord and the cerebellum. This disorder occurs due to the lack of a connecting suture between the nervous tissue of these parts of the brain. This congenital anomaly can lead to a variety of symptoms and complications, including motor skills, motor coordination, balance and coordination difficulties, and balance problems.