Bakilla - fava beans

They are famous. There are Egyptian beans, which are well known, as well as Nabataean and Indian beans. The Nabatean ones are the most astringent, while the Egyptian ones are more moist and less nutritious. Fresh beans generate more surplus, and if they were not digested so slowly and did not swell so much, they would not be inferior in good nutritional value to barley gruel; on the contrary, the blood generated by them is thicker and stronger.

The best of them are thick and white, untouched by the wormhole; the worst are fresh; they are improved by long soaking and good cooking. The beans are eaten with pepper, salt, asafoetida, satar and the like, seasoned with oils.

Close to balance, but more prone to coldness and dryness. There is also excess moisture in beans, especially when fresh. Moreover, fresh beans can be considered cold and wet. Those same doctors who attribute coldness to the second degree to beans are exaggerating.

Actions and properties.
The beans are lightly peeled and heavily plumped. However, if you boil them properly, changing the water several times, but not to the same extent as barley gruel, their swelling property will disappear. If the beans are peeled, boiled, and then simmered in a pot without stirring, their swelling properties are also reduced. Roasted beans have little swelling but are slower to digest.

Beans boiled in their skins will swell a lot, but flour made from them will probably swell less. Nabataean beans are more astringent, and their peel is even more astringent; they don't cleanse. Egyptian beans are more astringent than all other types of beans. They cleanse and produce loose meat and thick juices. Hippocrates believed that they are very nutritious and maintain health.

If you peel the beans, divide them into two parts and apply them to the bleeding area, this stops the bleeding. One of the special properties of beans is that if you feed them to chickens, the chickens stop laying eggs, and that they cause restless dreams. Beans cause itching, especially fresh ones.

If you apply a medicinal bandage made from bean peels to your hair, the hair becomes thinner, and if you apply a medicinal bandage from it to a child’s pubis, this will prevent hair from growing. It will also work if you apply it several times to the shaved area. Beans reduce bahak on the face, especially if applied with the peel, as well as freckles and bruises, and improve the complexion.

Tumors and acne.
Beans and wine are used to make medicinal dressings for testicular tumors.

Wounds and ulcers.
Beans help with muscle ulcers.

Tools with joints.
They are useful for muscle spasms; Their decoction with lard is used to make medicinal bandages for gouty joints.

Organs of the head.
Beans cause pain and are harmful to anyone who suffers from headaches. If you grind it into powder, mix it with rose oil and put the green substance inside the Egyptian beans, which tastes bitter, into your ear, it helps with ear pain.

Organs of the eye.
Beans with honey and fenugreek are a medicinal bandage for bulging eyes, especially if the pupil is protruding.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Beans are good for the chest, hemoptysis and cough. If mixed with honey and wheat flour, they help against tumors of the pharynx and tonsils. A medicinal dressing made from beans is good for breast tumors and for stagnation of milk in the breast.

Nutritional organs.
Beans are difficult to digest, but they do not go down and out of the body very slowly. They do not cause blockages. Beans boiled in vinegar with their skins on prevent vomiting, but Indian beans are highly conducive to vomiting.

Eruption organs.
Beans boiled in vinegar and water help with chronic diarrhea, especially if they are in the skin. They also help with abrasions in the intestines, especially Nabatean beans. Oatmeal from beans also helps with this - as it is, in the form of a paste or in a medicinal bandage. Beans help against testicular tumors.