Change of Seasons

Article "Change of Seasons":

In summer and autumn, the menu should include a lot of fruits and vegetables. They can also become components of cosmetic masks.

Fruit, berry and vegetable masks are used to improve nutrition, cleanse, soften and whiten the skin. They are especially useful for dull, porous, wrinkled skin. From time to time, instead of juices or gruel, pieces of fruit or vegetables can be applied to the skin.

Masks are applied not only to the face, but also to the neck, the skin of which usually begins to fade early. Don't forget about your lips - they need nutrition too.

If you have dry skin, add egg yolk and honey to a fruit or vegetable mask For acne and seals, a carrot mask is useful cucumber mixed with whipped egg whites tightens pores.

You can make fruit, berry and vegetable masks 2-3 times a week.

Skin needs especially careful care in cold weather - late autumn, winter. The skin is much more sensitive to cold than to heat. Prolonged exposure to low temperature, humidity, and wind leads to premature aging of the skin.

In winter, the face requires constant use of appropriate cosmetics and continuous care to avoid frostbite and dry skin.

Nourishing creams for dry skin are indispensable during this period, both in the evening and during the day. Masks with fats, yolk, cottage cheese, and vitamins complement facial care.

In spring, increased nutrition, the use of vitamins, and careful facial care are necessary. For sensitive and dry skin, a gentle regimen is important.

In summer, on hot days, creams must be used, otherwise the skin will dry out. The correct choice of day cream in small quantities is important. Washing with herbal infusions and refreshing with fresh juices are beneficial.

In different seasons, it is important to correctly and promptly use fresh fruits, vegetables and juices, and use fruit and vegetable masks. This comprehensive approach will help maintain the beauty and health of your skin.