Extensor-ulnar reflex

Shoulder extension-rotation reflex

*Attention! This article is not intended for self-medication* One of the most common types of reflexes is extensor. It occurs reflexively when the arm is abducted in the shoulder joint to identify the reflex; there is no reflex delay.

**Type I:** is formed due to irritation of skin receptors during shoulder extension. That is, there is a change in body position. The elbow is turned slightly inward and the shoulder is slightly extended. This type of reflex process is formed in a healthy person from birth.

Do a simple test: raise your arms forward and bend them slightly. Notice if there are elbow joints. They should be opened at an angle of approximately 60 degrees. In this case, normally the elbow joint should be shifted inward and forward. What is it for? In order for the intra-articular fluid to have a normal volume. Otherwise, if there is a lack of fluid, we get dangerous consequences. We’ll talk more about this harm a little later, after the article.

In the case when you do not bring your arm to the required level (bringing it to the pain threshold) in the abduction position in the area of ​​the outer side of the elbow, you feel pain in the lower back and lumbar spine. The pain can be weak or strong, short or long-lasting, can be localized on the left or right, but it is always diffuse in nature. A slight swelling may also appear above the area of ​​inflammation. The skin in this area may turn red. Squeeze the nerve when spreading in the shoulder joints so as to hold the ulnar joint capsule. This phenomenon is called stretching and is very common. Occurs due to strenuous activity.

When pain occurs in the back, which radiates into the arm, you should not stretch your arm excessively, but you must either bend it slightly and rest, or if the pain persists, consult a doctor. Happens in those