
Fortification is the process of enriching food products with vitamins. It is an important component of a healthy diet and helps strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.

Fortification can be carried out in several ways. One of them is adding vitamins directly to food. For example, some manufacturers add vitamins to flour to make bread more nutritious and healthy. Another way is to enrich ready-made food products with vitamins. For example, manufacturers may add vitamins to milk to increase its nutritional value.

One of the main advantages of fortification is that it allows you to increase the intake of vitamins by a certain group of the population. For example, children and people suffering from vitamin deficiencies can get an extra dose of vitamins through fortified foods.

However, it should be borne in mind that fortification may have some disadvantages. For example, adding vitamins to foods may increase their cost, which may negatively impact food availability for some populations. Additionally, some vitamins can be harmful if taken in overdose, so recommended doses must be followed.

In general, vitamin supplementation is an important component of a healthy diet and an important step towards improving the health of the population. However, it is necessary to consider all possible risks and benefits before deciding to fortify foods with vitamins or add them to prepared foods.

Fortification: why?

Fortification is a system of measures to increase the consumption of vitamins by a certain group of the population: children, working groups, pregnant women, and the elderly. Today it is impossible to live without vitamins; they support human health in general. However, after taking medications for a long time, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, which disrupts the functioning of these organs; this problem is widespread. The article provides information about the benefits of vitamins and vitamin complexes. After reading this information, you will know what to take wisely and important for your health!

**Fortification** is a comprehensive approach to ensuring healthy and balanced diets for the population. Efficiency is achieved by fortifying food products, primarily food products for mass consumption, for example, bread, baked goods, milk and dairy products, flour, cereals, juices, concentrates, jelly, potato, rice, bread-and-potato soups, milk mixture meat, sauces, drinks - nectars, syrups, tea, liquid milk porridges with concentrated milk or vegetable and fruit puree, beef jelly, marshmallows, Belevskaya marshmallows, fortified cheeses, liver sausages and others with specially prepared raw materials.

It is also possible to fortify with tablets, milk and fermented milk products, ready-made dry soups,