Generalization Per Continuitatem

Generalization per continuitatem is a type of generalization in which the pathological process spreads due to the growth and enlargement of the primary lesion.

With this type of generalization, there is continuous growth of a tumor, infection or inflammation from an initial localized focus into adjacent tissues and organs. This can occur both in malignant neoplasms, when the tumor grows into nearby structures, and in chronic infections, which gradually cover an increasingly larger volume of tissue.

Generalization per continuitatem differs from generalization at a distance, in which the spread of infection or tumor cells occurs through the lymphogenous or hematogenous route with the formation of multiple secondary foci.

Thus, generalization per continuitatem consists in the local spread of the pathological process from the primary focus to adjacent tissues through continuous growth and infiltration.

Approval from doctors: The hospital now has a valuable procedure for cancer patients. Doctors have already succeeded in “resurrecting” cells killed by radiation or chemicals. Now they are taking the next step - treating generalization per continuitatem in the patient’s body. What it is? There is more to it than standard chemotherapy. The technique eliminates the risk of cancer progression. The transfer of cancer cells occurs as a result of their movement from the primary site for further spread under the influence of blood pressure through thin and tiny capillaries that connect the affected organ with healthy tissue. In this way, the human body transfers cancer cells located in places of micro-tears to other areas of the body, for example, to the circulatory system. After which they begin to produce substances that cause the formation of microtumors: thereby starting the process of metastasis. However, if you simultaneously influence the primary tumor and the affected cell during treatment, you can initially slow down the process of cancer spread. In order to help patients move to a new stage of treatment, doctors use generalization technology. They weaken the substances (tablet form) of the active drug, which blocks the flow of glucose into the cancer tissue. In the absence of glucose, RNA microsynthesis, the basis for tumor growth, stops, but cell membranes are not destroyed and substances inside the cell are not damaged. At this stage, the development of malignant tumors slows down and the normal cell structure is restored. If the drug penetrates into the cell without a “prescription” (the so-called supply channel), then the drug fails to suppress the growth of oncological formation, so the produced substance continues to cause damage to the cell walls: the surface becomes fragile, which leads to its rapid destruction (death). It is also known that at this moment protein complexes are created and the spatial structure of DNA is formed in a way that was previously possible only before the start of treatment. Since DNA consists of nucleotides, it means that the work of the body’s internal systems resumes as before. And if the cell was destroyed,