
Glycine is an amino acid that has a sedative effect and improves metabolic processes in brain tissue.

Indications for use:

  1. Reduces craving for alcohol in chronic alcoholism
  2. Used for depression
  3. Helps with increased irritability
  4. Normalizes sleep

Directions for use and dosage:

Glycine is prescribed in the form of tablets under the tongue.

For depression and irritability, take 1 tablet 2-4 times a day.

To normalize sleep - 1 tablet 20 minutes before bedtime.

When treating alcoholism, on the first day, 1 tablet is prescribed with an interval of 20 minutes, then 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The total daily dose is 0.6-0.7 g.

Release form: tablets of 0.1 g.

Glycine: properties, uses and benefits

Glycine, also known as glycocol, is one of the most abundant amino acids needed for normal body function. It plays a number of important roles in the body and has many beneficial properties. In this article, we'll look at the basics of glycine, its uses, and its potential health benefits.

Glycine is a simple amino acid compound containing an amino group NH2 and a carboxyl group COOH. It is a non-essential amino acid, which means that the body is able to synthesize it on its own. Glycine is found in large quantities in proteins such as collagen and plays an important role in the formation of connective tissue, muscles and the nervous system.

One of the key properties of glycine is its ability to act as a neurotransmitter that transmits signals in the nervous system. Glycine plays an important role in the regulation of nerve activity by controlling excitation and inhibiting nerve impulses. This may be especially beneficial for maintaining healthy brain function and normal sleep.

In addition to its role in the nervous system, glycine is also a precursor to important biochemical processes in the body. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, DNA, RNA, glucose and other substances. Glycine is also the main source of creatine, which plays an important role in energy metabolism in muscles.

Additionally, glycine may have positive effects on several aspects of human health. It may help improve sleep and reduce anxiety. Glycine also exhibits antioxidant properties, protecting cells from free radical damage. Research also shows the potential use of glycine in the treatment of some neurological and psychiatric disorders, although further research is required to confirm these results.

Glycine is available as a dietary supplement and dietary supplement. It is generally well tolerated and has no serious side effects when consumed in moderation. However, it is always recommended that you consult with your doctor or qualified healthcare professional before starting to take glycine as a supplement.

In conclusion, glycine is an important amino acid compound that plays a role in regulating nerve activity, participates in the body's biochemical processes, and may have positive effects on human health. Its properties include the ability to control arousal in the nervous system, improve sleep, have antioxidant properties, and potentially help with some neurological and psychiatric disorders. Glycine is available in the form of dietary supplements and supplements, but it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before using them.

Although glycine is safe for most people, each body is different and individual reactions or contraindications may occur. Therefore, it is important to obtain medical advice before starting to take glycine supplement or changing your dosage.

Overall, glycine plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body and can be a beneficial addition to a healthy lifestyle. However, further research is required to fully understand its effects and potential benefits.