Glucuronic Paired Acids

Glucuronic pair acids are products of the neutralization of phenol, cresol and other aromatic compounds formed in the liver as a result of their interaction with glucuronic acid.

Glucuronic acids are derivatives of glucuronic acid, which is a monosaccharide. In the liver, conjugation (combination) of glucuronic acid occurs with toxic substances such as phenol, cresol and other aromatic compounds.

This process is called glucuronidation and is one of the main ways of detoxifying xenobiotics in the body. The resulting glucuronic acid pairs are significantly less toxic compared to the original substances and are more easily excreted from the body with bile and urine.

Thus, conjugation with glucuronic acid is an important mechanism for maintaining homeostasis and protecting the body from toxins.

Phenol, cresol and other aromatic compounds are complex chemical compounds that can have negative effects on the human body. Their excess can lead to various diseases, including Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. To avoid these consequences, it is necessary to detox the body from these substances.

One of the most effective systems for processing phenols and other organic compounds in the body is glucuronic acid. This acid plays an important role in the reduction and detoxification of many toxic substances, including phenolic compounds. When phenolic compounds come into contact with glucuronic acids in the liver, they react and form complex products called glucuronophenols or glucuronocresols. These compounds are then converted into specific liver components called glucuronates and can be excreted from the body as urine or feces.

Glucurones are also used by other tissues in the body, such as the kidneys, lungs and skin, to remove waste from the body. It has also been shown that certain forms of glucuronic acid pairs, such as galtorphates and inosine, can provide additional energy, increase the bioavailability of vitamin D and have antioxidant properties, making them very beneficial for health.

However, excess of these detox products can lead to a variety of unwanted side effects. They can cause symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and even the development of auto