Hematuria Family Hereditary

Familial hereditary hematuria: understanding and characteristics

Familial hereditary hematuria (h. familiaris hereditaria) is an inherited condition characterized by the presence of blood in the urine of several family members. This is a rare disease that can be inherited from one generation to the next. Familial hereditary hematuria usually appears in early childhood or adolescence and can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, including pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen.

One of the main characteristics of familial hereditary hematuria is the constant presence of blood in the urine. Blood may be visible to the naked eye or only detected by microscopic examination of the urine. The intensity and frequency of bloody discharge in the urine can vary from light bleeding to significant volumes of blood. In some patients, hematuria may be intermittent, that is, periods with bleeding alternate with periods without it.

With familial hereditary hematuria, accompanying symptoms may also be observed, such as pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen. These pains may be caused by the formation of kidney or bladder stones, which is one of the possible complications of hematuria. Some patients may experience increased sensitivity to urinary tract infections or recurrent renal stone colic.

The manifestation of familial hereditary hematuria is usually associated with the presence of genetic mutations that affect the function of the kidneys and urinary tract. However, the exact genetic mechanisms of this disease are not fully understood and require further research.

The diagnosis of familial hematuria is usually based on the family's medical history and the results of clinical and laboratory tests. An important aspect of diagnosis is to rule out other possible causes of blood in the urine, such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or tumors.

Treatment of familial hematuria is aimed at managing symptoms and preventing complications. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove kidney stones or other abnormalities that may be causing bleeding. Regular observation by a urologist and conducting control studies of urine and kidneys allow you to monitor the patient’s condition and regulate treatment.

In conclusion, familial hereditary hematuria is a rare genetic condition that presents with blood in the urine in several family members. It is characterized by constant or intermittent bleeding, as well as possible pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen. Diagnosis is based on family medical history and laboratory tests. Treatment is aimed at symptomatic support and prevention of complications. Regular monitoring and consultation with a urologist are important aspects of managing this condition.

However, it is important to note that this information is based on current knowledge and research up to 2021. Further scientific research may lead to new discoveries and a more accurate understanding of familial hereditary hematuria.

Hematuria is a hereditary disease expressed in the excretion of blood in the urine. The most common cause of hematuria is the formation of renal blood clots and stones (urolithiasis), hemorrhage in the urinary tract, urinary tract tumors; hematuria should be distinguished from formed red blood cells in the urine (hematuria of the hemoglobinuria type).

Pathogenesis. It has now been established that, apparently, there are several genetically determined syndromes that form the thoracoabdominal phenotype - from mild familial forms to symptoms