Surgical treatment of the spine.

When engaging in weightlifting disciplines such as bodybuilding, powerlifting and kettlebell lifting, our body often receives a colossal load, most of which falls on the spine. Seated and standing presses, military press, hyperextension, deadlift, bent-over barbell row, barbell row to the chin - this is just a small list of exercises that can injure your back in a few movements. It is for this reason that we once again draw your attention to the importance of warming up and warming up, and always try to do the first working approach only with a bare bar. These simple tips will greatly minimize the likelihood of an unfortunate sports injury. But what if you are still unlucky?

Even a minor spinal injury can take you out of your work routine for a long time. Some problems can be solved without surgery - we have already talked about this many times in our previous articles? For example here, or here. But sometimes, unfortunately, you cannot do without serious treatment...

After using all possible methods of classical treatment, if positive results have not been achieved, doctors recommend consulting a neurosurgeon for advice on the operation. But there are also times when the patient requires emergency surgical intervention, for example, an intervertebral disc prolapses or a vertebral displacement occurs, which leads to compression of the spinal cord or the vessel that supplies the brain. As a result of such pathologies, the development of disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and bladder is observed, and the mobility of the arms and legs is limited.

It is worth noting that different countries have different attitudes towards spinal surgery. For example, in Israel people are sent for a consultation with a neurosurgeon several days after it is confirmed that conservative treatment has not relieved pain; in the USA this period is several weeks. At the same time, in Sweden, for example, they operate much less frequently, since they believe that complete rest brings the same results as surgery.

Today there are classical and modern (that is, microsurgical) methods for performing such operations. The microsurgical method of surgery involves performing the intervention through a small incision using special instruments that practically do not affect the bone and nerve structures. The patient can walk after such an operation the very next day. The reason for the slight spread of this method in clinics in Russia and other CIS countries is the high cost of equipment and very high requirements for the qualifications of a spinal surgeon.

The classic method involves a fairly large incision (10–12 cm) and a long recovery period. After such an operation, the patient needs bed rest for several months until the vertebrae and other structures are sufficiently strengthened. And after this, you need special gymnastics, exercises in the pool, walks, which will restore flexibility to the spine and strength to the back muscles.

Comprehensive postoperative treatment is also necessary, which includes the use of agents that can normalize metabolic processes in muscle and nervous tissues, improve the conductivity of nerve impulses, and eliminate spasms of peripheral vessels. Glucocorticoids are prescribed, which help suppress autoimmune processes, biostimulants, sedatives, massage, exercise therapy, and psychotherapy.

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