How does Toxicosis Occur?

Swelling and headaches are not always harmless. They may turn out to be alarming signs of incipient toxicosis. Swollen hands or feet, unexpected weight gain of more than two kilograms per week, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision - as soon as a pregnant woman experiences at least one of these symptoms, she should immediately consult a doctor. Only a doctor can determine whether these ailments have harmless causes or whether they are warning signs of dangerous poisoning in pregnant women, the so-called toxicosis.

Medicine does not yet have a clear answer to this question. Apparently, one of the reasons is an imbalance of two biochemical substances: vasoconstrictor and vasodilator. In addition, a connection is suggested with an unbalanced diet and stressful situations at work.

Toxicosis can cause serious complications in pregnant women: the process of intravascular breakdown of red blood cells; elevated liver function tests; decreased platelet count. Symptoms: pain in the epigastric region and in the liver area. Treatment in hospital is aimed primarily at lowering blood pressure, preventing seizures and normalizing blood clotting.

Women who are pregnant for the first time (with a second pregnancy the risk is minimal), who are under 20 or over 35 years old and who already suffered from diabetes or hypertension. It is significant that toxicosis occurs only in the last third of pregnancy.

Due to poor blood circulation, the child receives less nutrients and his growth slows down. As for the mother, she is in danger of developing toxicosis into eclampsia (severe form with seizures), as well as cerebral hemorrhage.

If blood pressure exceeds 140/90, then the pregnant woman should be admitted to the hospital for observation. If blood pressure remains consistently below 160/100 and laboratory test data are within normal limits, then treatment can be continued on an outpatient basis.

Every pregnant woman, especially women prone to high blood pressure, needs to ensure that food is rich in vitamins and nutritional substances, and avoid stressful situations. Experts advise drinking more and at the same time consuming one teaspoon of iodized salt daily, dissolved in at least one quarter liter of water. In addition, general baths lasting up to 30 minutes are recommended.