Hardening of Children in the First Year of Life

killed organisms.

Hardening should begin with the simplest procedures, such as air baths, which can be carried out even indoors by opening the window for a short time. Then you can move on to more complex procedures, for example, swimming in cool water. In this case, the water temperature must be gradually lowered, starting at room temperature and gradually lowering it by 1-2 degrees every day until you reach the desired temperature. At the same time, the duration of bathing also increases gradually, starting from 1-2 minutes and increasing by 1-2 minutes every day.

It must be remembered that hardening should not harm the child’s health. Therefore, if a child has any diseases, developmental disabilities, or catches a cold, then it is necessary to temporarily suspend the hardening procedures until complete recovery.

When choosing hardening procedures, it is necessary to take into account the age and health status of the child. For example, for children under one year old, the use of procedures involving immersion in cold water is not recommended. For young children, it is better to use procedures involving air and sunlight, as well as wiping the body with a wet washcloth.

In conclusion, hardening is not only a method of preventing diseases and strengthening the immune system, but also an excellent way to improve the health and physical development of a child. However, in order to get the maximum effect, you must follow the general rules and start hardening with the simplest procedures, gradually increasing their intensity.