Hypertension Stable

Hypertension (HTN) is a group of chronic diseases that develop when blood vessels narrow or dilate. Hypertension manifests itself in the form of increased pressure in the arteries, which can be either an independent diagnosis or part of many other diseases.

One form of hypertension is stable hypertension (as shown in the diagram above). With healthy blood pressure, blood contracts in the chest and flows to the heart, then to the arteries and finally to the limbs. In the case of stable hypertension, the arterial walls become compressed and blood flow decreases. This causes increased pressure in the arms, legs and other parts of the body. Stable hypertension can result from many different causes, including hypertension, excessive alcohol consumption, kidney disease, stress, insufficient rest, lack of physical activity, and others.

Stable hypertension is a chronic disease. Its development may be slow and gradual. It may not cause discomfort in a person for a long time, but at the same time gradually destroy the cardiovascular system, and then other organs and systems of the body. Symptoms of hypertension may include fatigue, headache, dizziness, swelling in the legs, increased cholesterol, poor memory and attention, and blurred vision. Symptoms of heart failure, coronary heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases may also appear. If hypertension is left untreated, it can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Treatment for hypertension may include medications, lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, physical activity, quitting smoking and alcohol, and weight control, as well as maintaining a daily routine and proper sleep. For more complex cases, such as hypertension, the use of special drugs is required. However, treatment of hypertension is complex and long-term, because it requires constant and continuous monitoring and adherence to doctor’s recommendations.

Also, in the treatment of hypertensive disease, it is recommended to carry out physical exercises, which help improve heart function, reduce the risk of complications, fight edema and lower blood pressure. You should avoid the use of alcohol, strong tea and coffee, reduce salt intake and increase fluid intake, it is also recommended to increase your potassium and magnesium intake, and reduce your fat intake.

Stable hypertension is one of the most common and potentially dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system. This disease is accompanied by a constant increase in blood pressure, which can lead to serious health consequences. In this article, we will look at the main causes of the disease, symptoms, treatment and prevention, as well as the role of a healthy lifestyle in reducing the risk of developing hypertension.

Stable hypertension occurs due to a violation of the mechanism of blood pressure regulation in the body, which occurs when the walls of blood vessels overdevelop and the amount of blood passing through them increases. Some factors, such as heredity, stress, poor diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, excess weight and others, can contribute to the development of stable hypertension.

The main symptoms of stable type hypertension are: - fatigue; - headache; - noise in ears; - dizziness; - swelling;

In order to treat persistent hypertension, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. The most important action is to reduce your salt intake and add foods high in potassium, such as bananas and oranges. You can also start eating healthier, giving up fatty and spicy foods, and eating more vegetables and fruits. Reducing alcohol consumption also helps reduce high blood pressure.

In the initial stages of a persistent increase in blood pressure, treatment with medications can be used, but with further progression of the disease and the appearance of health complications, more serious treatment and even surgery may be required.

It is important to understand that with regular visits to a cardiologist, timely monitoring of health status and prevention of delayed manifestations of persistent hypertension, it will help to significantly reduce the risks of development and prolong the life of patients.