Interviewing the victim and others

Ask the following questions:
• What happened and why?
• Do you have pain? In which place? What is the nature of the pain? When did you feel it?
• Are you allergic to anything?
• Do you have any health problems?
• Are you taking medication?
If the victim is unconscious or has just woken up and does not remember what happened, or if the victim is a child, ask others around. The victim may be frightened by what happened. Be calm and patient when talking to him. Try to calm him down.
Checking for signs of life
Consciousness, breathing and pulse are called signs of life. These signs will help you determine how the victim's body is reacting to injury or illness. Try to detect any changes or abnormalities in vital signs, check them every 5 minutes.
Check your level of consciousness.
• Usually a person, when conscious, is contactable and oriented in space and time.
To determine whether a person is oriented in space and time, ask him the following questions:
• How old are you?
• What day is today?
• Where are you at?