Irritation Conditioning

Stimulus conditioning is a term used in psychology and physiology to describe the process in which a person experiences irritation or discomfort in response to a specific event that has previously caused similar emotions in him. This process can be associated with various factors such as social interactions, physical conditions, stress, etc.

Stimulus conditioning occurs when a person is exposed to a specific stimulus that causes them to feel negative emotions or anxiety. Then, when the same stimulus appears in the future, the person may experience the same emotion even though he is not aware that it is related to the original experience.

For example, if a person is stressed because of work, then he may become irritated when his colleague is late for a meeting or does not fulfill his duties. The next time a coworker is late or doesn't complete work, the person may experience resentment again, even if it is unrelated to his or her original experience of stress.

This process can have both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, it can help a person adapt to new conditions and reduce stress levels. However, if the conditioning irritation becomes too strong and constant, it can lead to a decrease in quality of life and the development of psychological problems such as depression or anxiety.

In order to avoid irritating conditioning, it is important to understand what happens in our brain and how we react to different events. It is also important to learn to control your emotions and learn to manage your stress. It is also helpful to develop social and time management skills to avoid situations that may cause irritation.

Overall, irritation conditioning is a natural process that occurs in our lives. However, it is important to learn to manage your emotions and avoid situations that can lead to negative consequences.

**Irritation condensing**

Contrary to popular belief, this effect does not occur due to the air conditioner directly affecting the person or his organs. It’s like a switch that turns the air conditioner on or off, and a person already acts as a switch for the air conditioner, turns it on and controls his microclimate - temperature, humidity, air movement, air flow speed. Everything is very simple here: if the air conditioner is turned on, it works and circulates air in the room. When the air conditioner is turned off, the flow of cool air in hot weather is stopped.

The causes of condensing irritation may be:

1. High air humidity. It can be caused by various reasons, for example: human operation of an air humidifier or over-humidification of the room due to improperly installed