How to do a honey facial massage

Honey is not only a favorite treat for those with a sweet tooth. With its help, you can tidy up the appearance of your face and eliminate the first signs of aging. Honey facial massage is a cosmetic procedure that is a source of beauty, youth and health. With the help of honey, you can keep your face in excellent shape, relieve fatigue and give your face a fresh look. Classic facial massage, like honey massage, is considered not only a cosmetic procedure, but also a general strengthening complex for the whole body.

In the treatment of many diseases, honey is considered one of the most important aids. It is believed that facial massage with honey affects not only the outer skin, but also the internal organs.

honey facial massage

Skin gains a fresh, rejuvenated appearance

The essence of honey facial massage

Each of us has heard more than once about the healing properties of honey. But how can honey affect the skin and internal organs? For a more detailed and understandable analysis, we will divide the mechanism of influence into two groups:

  1. external influence
  2. internal influence

Considering the external influence, we can say that honey effectively nourishes the skin, saturating it with beneficial vitamins and minerals, of which there are many. Honey also has bactericidal properties, which helps relieve inflammation and quickly heal scratches and wounds. In some cases, it is enough to use a honey face mask to achieve the desired result.

As for the internal influence of massage, which is triggered during the procedure, biologically active substances play a big role here, penetrating deep into the skin and affecting receptors. The receptors, in turn, trigger reflex reactions that directly affect the internal organs. In addition, blood circulation improves, positively affecting the functioning of internal organs.

According to many experts, honey massage of the forehead affects the functioning of the small intestine, massage of the nose affects the functioning of the heart, massage of the cheeks affects the lungs, and massage of the chin affects the genitourinary system.

I would like to note another very valuable effect - effective, deep cleansing of the skin from dead cells, dust, sebum, thereby normalizing the work of “slagged” cells. This tones the facial skin, giving it a healthy appearance.

Honey massage technique

Honey massage technique: honey is applied in a thin layer

Indications and contraindications

Before use, read the indications and contraindications for honey massage. Make sure that you do not have any of the listed contraindications for use.


  1. shallow wrinkles
  2. dull complexion
  3. dry or oily skin
  4. weakened facial muscle tone
  5. fat metabolism disorder


The main contraindication is an allergy to honey. Before use, perform an allergy test: apply honey to a small area of ​​skin and wait 15 minutes. If nothing appears (redness, itching, swelling), you can begin facial massage.

  1. skin diseases
  2. violations of skin integrity
  3. high body temperature
  4. venereal diseases
  5. bleeding disorder
  6. asthma

Massage technique

Before you begin the massage technique, you need to prepare your facial skin. To do this, clean your face with cosmetic milk, remove all makeup from your eyes and lips.

  1. Let's start the massage. First, we perform a preparatory light massage: with light touches of the fingers, we stroke the face along the massage lines - from the center of the forehead to the temples; from the wings of the nose to the temples; from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. We repeat all movements 3 times.
  2. Heat the honey a little in a water bath until liquid. Gently apply it to your face. Make sure that honey does not get on your hair or in your ear.
  3. Let's move on to performing a classic facial massage: we start moving our fingers from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the jaw, diagonally, repeat 3 times. Then we move from the center of the chin to the earlobes, the technique is performed with four fingers of both hands, repeat 3 times. Next, we perform stroking from the center of the forehead to the temples. Afterwards, we stroke the nose with three fingers: we move from the wings of the nose to the tip and along the bridge of the nose up to the point between the eyebrows.
  4. We proceed to soft kneading, also along massage lines: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes.
  5. Next, we perform massaging in the nose area: movements begin from the wings of the nose along the bridge of the nose to the point between the eyebrows.
  6. Knead your forehead: use the pads of four fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  7. We begin the “forceps” technique: with the pads of the index and thumb we walk along the nasolabial fold from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose. Repeat 3 times.
  8. Then we perform the “fork” technique: to do this, we fix the outer corner of the eye with the index and middle fingers, and perform light tapping in this area with the middle finger of the second hand. With this technique we work on the so-called “crow’s feet”.
  9. Having completed the above techniques, we begin to gently “drive” honey into the skin of the face. The technique is performed with the inside of the thumb and index finger along the massage lines.
  10. The honey has thickened by this time, so we move on to the gentle “tear-off technique”: we apply the entire surface of the palm from the chin to the earlobes and slowly tear off; from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes; from the wings of the nose to the temples; from the center of the forehead to the temples. Repeat 3 times.
  11. Next, we perform the final technique over the entire surface of the face - “finger-shaped rain”: to do this, we “run” along the massage lines with the pads of four fingers.

Once all the techniques have been completed, you need to take a damp towel and remove the remaining honey from your face. The duration of one procedure is 20-30 minutes. Recommended session - 2-3 times a week.

Massage results:

  1. removing dead skin layers
  2. growth of new young cells
  3. blackhead removal
  4. normalization of brain function
  5. improvement of complexion

Honey massage can be combined with other procedures: plastic massage, cosmetic massage, sculptural massage. Systematic implementation will completely eliminate skin problems and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Review of honey facial massage

Svetlana: after the first procedure, my complexion changed for the better and became fresher. The skin became soft and very smooth. We can say that the face has become younger. I'm very pleased with the result.