How to get rid of loose skin on the neck

You can fight aging skin on the neck and chin either with the help of professionals or on your own. Regular tightening procedures at home prolong youth and save money.

Causes of sagging skin on the neck and chin

The epidermis of the face, chin, and neck is much thinner than the integument of the body. For hormonal reasons, it is more tender in women than in men. Therefore, when a man still retains attractiveness, the woman fades.

Causes of flabbiness:

  1. age-related changes after 40 years associated with the attenuation of collagen and elastin synthesis;
  2. dry air, sun, wind;
  3. weight loss at the age of 35-40, when the fading epidermis is not able to restore tension as in youth;
  4. low-quality, inappropriate cosmetics or lack of care;
  5. fluctuations in psycho-emotional state;
  6. disorders, diseases of organs and systems.

Features of a neck and chin lift at 30, 40, 50 years old

The aging of the female body begins at 25 years of age. At first very slowly, but every year the irreversible process picks up speed. Therefore, the anti-aging fight should begin as early as 30, establishing it as one of the permanent items of the daily routine.

What is included in the rejuvenating program:

From 30 years old Caring home remedies for the face, neck, décolleté - nourishing, moisturizing creams for day and night, thin gommages, nourishing and moisturizing masks.

Self-massage for intensive blood circulation, lymph flow, regeneration.

From 40 years old Factory-made creams, serums with proven formulas based on biological and plant extracts, saturated with collagen, stimulants for the production of elastic fibers.

Homemade natural remedies - rough scrubs, creams and masks made from vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils, mineral salts, algae.

Massage, exercises for facial and neck muscles.

From the age of 50, lifting procedures in beauty salons.

Nourishing, softening, moisturizing, soothing homemade compositions.

Tying the chin with an elastic bandage to speed up recovery processes.

Massage, gymnastics for small muscles.

Ways to tighten skin at home

To tighten the skin on the neck and chin, you need to use all the methods available at home:

  1. masks;
  2. compresses;
  3. massage;
  4. local exercises;
  5. fitness classes;
  6. walks in the open air.


Lifting massage is carried out using vegetable oils - olive, wheat germ, grape seed. They provide easy glide, nourish and soften, which is especially important for dry epidermis.

Essential and aromatic oils are added to the base ones:

  1. jojoba;
  2. almond;
  3. rosemary;
  4. ylang-ylang and others.

All oil extracts have antioxidant, tonic, regenerating properties, which are revealed during the massage.

The skin becomes elastic, smooth, velvety. The procedure begins with applying 1 oil or composition to a cleansed chin, neck, and décolleté.

The massage itself is performed by alternating hand movements:

  1. non-stretching stroking from the periphery to the chin;
  2. slight tingling in the opposite direction;
  3. soft circular rubbing movements from the middle to the sides;
  4. tapping the chin with the back of the fingers;
  5. Finally, a soothing stroke.

The session lasts 10-15 minutes. Remaining oil is removed with absorbent wipes, and the skin is rinsed with cool filtered water. After 30 years of age, massage should become regular - 2 times every week.


You can tighten the skin on the neck and chin with local gymnastics, because it pumps up facial and other small muscles.

An increase in the volume of muscle tissue increases the tension of the epidermis, returning the strict contours of the oval of the face, the angle between the chin and neck.

The most effective exercises:

  1. Extend the lower jaw and direct the force of the lower lip towards the nose.
  2. With your palms clasped in your fingers, press the bowed head closer to the neck and resist every pressure.
  3. Pull out your chin and forcefully draw in your lower lip.
  4. Draw large shapes in the air with a pencil in your teeth.
  5. Hanging your head face up from the bed, raise and lower it up to 30 times.
  6. Direct the force of the chin and fists under it towards each other.
  7. Pronounce AOUY in a hyperarticulated manner, causing the muscles to diverge and converge.

Local gymnastics is performed daily, slowly, starting with 3-4 repetitions, so that there is no soreness. In normal mode, each movement is duplicated 20 times with a delay in the force position for 15 s.


Contrasting temperatures, which enhance blood circulation and metabolism, are used in lifting compresses. Terry towels soaked in hot and cold water with sea salt and herbal infusions are alternately applied to the problem area.

The initial temperature difference should not be shocking; it increases by 1-2° per month. Exposure time to cold and heat is 20-30 s. The total duration of the session is 15 minutes. The procedure is completed by patting the chin with a wet towel. Its ends are brought together a little and sharply separated so that the middle pops up.

Cabbage brine has a rejuvenating effect. Its acids and vitamins tone and add elasticity. The brine is mixed with half the amount of water and soaked in a multi-layer gauze napkin. Keep the compress for up to half an hour; when it dries, it refreshes.

Apple cider vinegar has the same effect. Add 1 tbsp of it and sea salt. l. into a glass of water. Then everything is the same as with brine. Using this principle, applications are made with decoctions of mint, St. John's wort, sage, and chamomile.

Homemade skin tightening creams

Anti-aging cream, prepared with your own hands, has a rejuvenating, lymphatic drainage, smoothing effect. Universal cream with peach seed oil. Place the glass container on the steaming pan. Soften 3 tbsp. l. cocoa butter Add 3 tbsp. l. base kernel oil, 1 tsp. beeswax, 2 tbsp. l. water infusion of roses. Continuing stirring, remove from steam.

The homogeneous cream is transferred to a sterile jar. Used as a night cream for any skin type. Suitable for face, neck, décolleté, under eyes.

Cream for dry, tired epidermis. Heat oil for a couple: 100 ml olive, 15 g cocoa, 1 tsp. coconut Add 1 tsp. beeswax. Set aside the liquid mixture for 10 minutes. Gradually adding 3 tsp. water, 10 drops of vitamin E, lavender extract, 1 drop of sea buckthorn oil, beat and put in the refrigerator to thicken. Apply before bed.

Universal butter cream. Stir 1 tsp. thick natural cream, on the tip of a spoon of honey, a third of a tsp. yolk. Use day or night, leaving on skin for 20 to 60 minutes. Residues are removed with a cloth soaked in filtered water.

Masks for chin and neck lift

At home, it is easy to prepare formulations that are suitable for both tightening and nourishing, moisturizing, and toning the skin on the neck and chin. For oily dermis, ingredients with low fat content are selected, for dry dermis - with high fat content.

After 30 years, 1 mask per week is enough, after 40, 50 – 2 times. Before the procedure, you need to wash your face with cleansing gel and wipe your skin with tonic. Apply and hold the mask while lying down so that the chin and neck do not form wrinkles.

Mask with honey

Mix running honey with warm olive oil (3:1). Cover the chin, neck, shoulders. In 20 minutes. collect the remains with a napkin and wash with filtered water.

With oils

2 tbsp. l. flavor the high-fat cream with oil extracts of patchouli and ylang-ylang, 2 drops each. Spread the mixture over the skin, cover with cling film for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the procedure, wash your face.

With yeast

Dilute 1 tbsp. l. powdered yeast with warm water (milk) so that the mixture is like sour cream. Cover with a towel and place in a warm place to rise.

Homemade masks are a great way to tighten the skin on your neck and chin

When the volume has doubled, spread the starter over the skin and wait until it dries. Finally, moisten the crust, soften it in a circular motion and rinse.

With peas

A couple of st. l. dilute regular dry pea flour with half a glass of unsweetened yogurt. Keep the paste on the skin for 10 minutes, add a second layer for another 10 minutes. Collect the remains with a napkin and rinse with cool water.

With potatoes

Prepare mashed potatoes from boiled potatoes. Add water or milk depending on the oiliness of the skin. The mask should remain in a thick layer for half an hour. At the end, shake the puree onto paper and rinse.

With banana

Mash the middle fruit into a puree, add a spoonful of liquid honey, 1 yolk. Apply the mixed mask under the film. After 20 minutes, remove the film. Without stretching the skin, wipe with a napkin and wash.

With Vaseline

Make a homogeneous mass from equal parts of petroleum jelly, lanolin, camphor alcohol, honey and 1 yolk. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then pat your skin dry.

With sprouted wheat

Free the sprouts (2 tablespoons) from the roots, rinse and place in a blender. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. kefir, water. Pour the whipped mixture into a glass container and leave for 20 minutes. Let the mask work on the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse off.

With green tea

Mix 2 parts of the infused drink, oatmeal, 1 part of full-fat kefir, and honey. For better interpenetration of ingredients, leave for 1 hour and only then apply in a thick layer. After 15 minutes of exposure, rinse off.

Lifting with an elastic bandage

In addition to anti-aging procedures, cosmetologists have come up with the idea of ​​fixing the chin and neck with an elastic bandage or, more conveniently, with a special neck belt that fastens at the top and back of the head.

Bandage devices create compression (pressure), which is useful for restoring normal blood circulation, lymph flow, and muscle tone.

At the same time, the facial and neck muscles are strengthened, since when talking and chewing, one has to overcome resistance. There is no time limit for wearing the bandage; you can sleep with it.

Revision of diet

To help your skin, you need to fill your daily menu with vegetables and fruits, herbs, and natural juices. The structure of the epidermis will be improved by vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are abundant in yellow, orange, and red fruits. The effect of omega acids from walnuts and olive oil is beneficial. To build collagen, you need proteins - lean meat, fish and seafood.

Limiting fatty, sweet foods, coffee and replacing them with clean water (up to 2 liters per day), natural teas will speed up metabolism and stabilize the water-fat balance. Dry, tired skin will respond by increasing elasticity and smoothing out small and deep folds.

What procedures are carried out in the salon

Cosmetology clinics and salons use a large number of lifting procedures that can stop skin aging.

Most Popular:

  1. mesotherapy - injections with vitamins, minerals, acids;
  2. contour tightening - injections with absorbable gels for the subcutaneous cushion;
  3. biorevitalization - injections with hyaluronic acid, which forms a natural subcutaneous gel;
  4. RF therapy with wave impulses that return collagen fibers to the shape of springs.

Efficacy and benefits of home methods

An anti-aging home program does not give such quick results as salon procedures.

Its advantage is different:

  1. all procedures are painless;
  2. no side effects, complications;
  3. the compositions do not contain harmful preservatives or dyes;
  4. plant cells are easily absorbed by the skin.

At the same time, home remedies are much more affordable, and their regular use will long delay the need for expensive cosmetologist services.

Prevention of early aging and sagging skin on the face and neck

How to tighten the skin on the neck and chin and maintain the effect for a long time? You need to adjust your lifestyle.

If necessary, completely rebuild your life at home:

  1. Maintain daily physical activity by exercise, swimming, running, and long walks.
  2. Make sure that your back remains straight and your chin does not touch your chest when reading or sleeping on high pillows.
  3. Get used to contrasting showers.
  4. Chew rough foods (carrots, firm apples) for a long time to strengthen small muscles.
  5. Avoid frequent consumption of alcohol, completely stop smoking and drugs that cause irreparable harm to the body and affect the condition of the skin.
  6. Rest on time, get enough sleep.

Reviews about the effectiveness of folk methods

Home rejuvenating activities are indispensable. Without proper nutrition, regular exercise, and massage, the best professional procedures will be useless - this is what the female part of society writes in reviews.

The famous writer Cervantes considered it a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be. At home, these words as a motto will help you find time to tighten the skin on your face, neck and chin.

Article format: Olga Pankevich

Video on how to tighten the skin on the neck and chin

How to get rid of a double chin:

Exercises for the chin and neck to tighten the skin:

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Many people forget about their neck, caring only about their face. After all, flabby skin on the neck can be easily hidden behind a scarf or high-neck sweater, but in the summer you will definitely want to wear a sundress or an open dress, but the unpleasant appearance will not allow you to do this.


The causes of loose skin on the neck can be different, but the most popular of them are:

  1. Age-related changes in the body. Typically, after 35 years of age, women's skin loses its elasticity. In addition, the amount of collagen gradually decreases after menopause and this cannot but affect the skin.
  2. Diseases within the body, malfunctions of the endocrine and digestive systems. Stomach diseases and poor nutrition often have a negative impact on the appearance of the neck.
  3. If you spend a lot of time indoors with dry air, this will also negatively affect the condition of your skin.
  4. Loose skin on the neck often appears in those people who overuse tanning or like to apply self-tanning creams.
  5. Stress, fatigue, depression, irritation and nervous breakdowns also negatively affect the condition of the neck.
  6. Sudden changes in weight can cause the skin to stretch, causing it to lose its elasticity.
  7. If you do not use cosmetics correctly, this can also affect the condition of the skin on your neck.

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What to do if the skin on your neck is loose?

If you don’t want sagging skin on your neck to appear, you should follow a few important rules. First of all, set yourself up for a healthy lifestyle, regularly care for your skin, maintain its nutritional and water balance, and do some physical exercise to keep your neck toned.

Probably, many of us notice that we have not the best or specifically bad habits. They need to be carefully monitored, because they often cause the first wrinkles to appear (at 25-30 years old). What should you not do?

  1. You should not sleep on high pillows or read in a lying position, as this leads to the appearance of horizontal folds.
  2. Try to maintain correct posture at all times: your shoulders should be straight and your head level.
  3. Proper nutrition plays a very important role. Be sure to include vegetables, fruits, grains and foods rich in minerals and vitamins in your daily diet.
  4. Try to exercise every day.
  5. To prevent loose skin on your neck from appearing prematurely, you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  6. It is very important to drink up to 2 liters of water per day (not counting various juices, teas, coffee).

How to get rid of loose skin on the neck?

If you want to get rid of sagging skin on your neck, you must not only use a variety of creams and expensive masks, but also do special physical exercises. But you need to do such exercises every day four to six times, gradually increasing the load. Of course, on the first day you should not strain your body too much; do all exercises calmly and moderately.

  1. Make slow circular turns with your head while sitting or standing. After this, tilt your head and hold it in this state for up to 10 seconds.
  2. Tilt your head slowly to one side or the other (four to six times), and then do the same, only more sharply (ten times).
  3. Place your palms on the back of your head and clasp your fingers. Lower your head forward and then sharply throw it back. It is important to overcome hand resistance.
  4. Sit up straight and tilt your head back. Look at the ceiling and make chewing movements.
  5. Lift your chin up, cover your upper lip with your lower lip, and try to smile. You must remain in this state for up to ten seconds, then repeat.

How to tighten loose skin on the neck?

If you want to know how to tighten sagging skin on your neck, then you should learn about the various masks and creams that various cosmetics manufacturers offer today. To properly care for your skin, you need to carry out a variety of procedures. It needs to be cleaned, moisturized and softened. Nourishing masks, special wraps, massages, and various compresses are perfect for this. But it is worth monitoring the procedures very carefully. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing your neck skin too much. Remember that this is the area of ​​the thyroid gland, so you need to be as careful as possible.


The most important vitamins that help fight sagging skin are vitamin E and vitamin P. That is why proper nutrition plays such an important role here. You should not only try to add foods that contain these vitamins to your daily diet, but also try to take special courses (of course, after consulting a doctor).

Vitamin E can be found in the following foods: any vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, soybean, peanut), sunflower seeds, nuts, apple seeds, milk, liver, wheat germ, egg yolk (small amount), spinach, sea buckthorn, bran, broccoli , various grains.

Vitamin P can be found in the following foods: orange, lemon, rose hips, cherries, apricots, grapefruit, lettuce, buckwheat, chokeberries, black currants.

Treatments for loose neck skin

There are various treatments for sagging neck skin that can help you deal with this annoying problem and make you look young and beautiful again. Among the most popular today it is worth highlighting:

  1. Mesotherapy is also called microcurrent therapy. It is based on injections into tissue in those areas that are too sagging. To carry out the procedure, a wide variety of drugs are used, which are prescribed by a doctor for each individual case. Typically these are microelements, vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants. They help moisturize the skin, activate collagen synthesis, and provide a tightening effect. As a result, you get tightened and elastic skin.
  2. Contour plastic surgery - during this procedure, subcutaneous and intradermal injections are used. For injections, preparations with absorbable gel and hyaluronic acid are used. Thanks to this, collagen production in the dermis is enhanced, which also restores the water balance. The skin quickly smoothes out and becomes velvety in appearance.
  3. Biorevitalization - this procedure is often used in conjunction with contour plastic surgery. It is suitable for thin and dry skin. Two types of drugs are used for it: IAL-system ACP and IAL-system. They are based on hyaluronic acid and are introduced alternately. Thanks to biorevitalization, the skin acquires a tightened, beautiful and elastic appearance.
  4. RF therapy – this procedure is often recommended for those who have severely sagging skin on the neck. It also allows you to remove sagging and improve your appearance. During the procedure, the main effect is on the tissue (dermis and subcutaneous layer) using radio wave radiation. Wave pulses act on the skin in such a way that they denature protein compounds in the dermis and stop the stretching of collagen fibers.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic treatment of loose skin on the neck includes the following procedures:

  1. DOT therapy is the full name of the Dermal Optical Thermolysis procedure. It is also known as fractional photothermolysis. This procedure is considered one of the most promising in cosmetology in the fight against sagging skin. This process is based on the use of laser beams that spread to the affected areas of the skin. Microtraumas appear in these areas, which trigger natural skin regeneration processes.
  2. Photorejuvenation is based on the action of light waves from a wide frequency range. They help stimulate collagen production. After the procedure, processes occur in the skin that help replace collagen fibers, remove old cells, improve metabolism within cells, and reduce sagging skin on the neck. The main principle of photorejuvenation is the stimulation of the body's natural systems.
  3. Aptos thread lift is a non-surgical procedure that helps tighten the skin. Also, after it, you will notice that the skin on your neck has become more elastic, youthful, and less flabby. Thanks to Aptos threads, you can not only eliminate sagging skin on the neck, but also get rid of a “double chin”. The procedure is based on introducing special threads into the skin, after which they are fixed there.

Traditional treatment

Alternative treatment for loose skin on the neck is often more effective than buying expensive drugs. After all, you make all the preparations yourself from natural and safe products. The most popular remedies for sagging skin on the neck today are:

  1. Make a special lotion for daily use. For it you need to take raw egg white and beat it until foam forms. Add 1 tablespoon of glycerin, lemon juice, a solution of burnt alum (2%), any cologne and a little castor oil. For oily skin, only 1 teaspoon of castor oil is needed. Wipe the skin on your neck with this lotion twice a day. Store the product in the refrigerator.
  2. A popular lotion for preventing sagging skin in winter is a product based on cucumber and rosehip. These ingredients must be crushed and poured with alcohol or vodka (a glass of liquid per 100 grams of mixture). This lotion is infused for two to three weeks in a dark place. Use twice daily.
  3. Dissolve a small amount of sea salt in hot water. Soak a towel in the resulting broth and apply to the skin of your neck for three minutes. Then wipe your neck with a second towel soaked in cold water and lemon juice. Apply nourishing cream.

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Masks for sagging neck skin

  1. Lemon mask – peel the fruit and cut it into small thin circles. If necessary, remove the seeds and stir to form a paste. Apply a fairly thick cream to the skin of your neck first, and then a small layer of cotton wool. The lemon mask should be applied to this layer. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe with a cosmetic disc, first moistening it with water and lemon juice. Apply any nourishing cream.
  2. Banana mask – cut the fruit into small rings and grind into a paste. Moisturize your skin with cream and apply a mask. Rinse off after 20 minutes.
  3. Cucumber mask – grate a cucumber and apply the resulting mixture to the skin of your neck. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply any nourishing cream.
  4. Potato mask – boil one potato and mash it. Add the yolk of one egg, a teaspoon of honey, glycerin, vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Gently apply to the skin and cover with nylon. Wrap with an additional terry towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Herbal treatment

The most popular folk remedies based on medicinal herbs for improving sagging neck skin are various compresses. To use them you need two towels. The first is soaked in a decoction of herbs, and the second in cool water. A towel soaked in the prepared broth is usually kept on the skin for up to 10 minutes, and then it is replaced with a second one for 1-2 minutes. The most popular decoctions for compresses are:

  1. A compress with chamomile and milk will help greatly if your skin has stretched and lost its elasticity. Pour milk over a handful of chamomile flowers and bring to a boil. Boil a little more, leaving it on low heat. Moisten a fairly thick napkin in the resulting broth and apply to the skin of the neck. Wrap with cling film and towel. Leave for 15 minutes. After this, wipe with a clean towel and apply any nourishing cream.
  2. Tonic herbs such as sage or rosemary are suitable for decoction. It will help improve collagen production and reduce skin sagging.
  3. An excellent remedy for a compress are hot decoctions based on mint or linden.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment of loose skin on the neck is carried out using a lift. The following procedures are considered the most effective:

  1. Ulthera System - the use of an ultrasonic device that affects the deepest layers of the structure (dermis and subcutaneous fat). This system is compared to plastic surgery, but does not require long recovery. The Altera System device uses targeted ultrasound pulses that immediately reach the deep layer of skin. Due to heating, elastin and collagen fibers begin to contract, from which the tissue frame is formed. This device is the only effective procedure that helps to completely get rid of the “double chin.”
  1. Lipofilling is a surgical procedure that helps improve the elasticity of the skin on the neck, remove sagging, and create a more attractive and youthful appearance. To carry out such an operation, you must first conduct special studies. The patient takes a blood test, urine test, and an electrocardiogram. The main feature of this procedure is its complete safety. Usually, fat tissue for transplantation is taken from the abdomen, thighs or waist. After this, it undergoes special processing. Punctures are made in the skin in the right places. It is through them that the adipose tissue is then injected. After the operation, bruises on the skin and slight swelling will remain for 2-3 weeks. You will see the result immediately. Sometimes, to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to carry out two or three lipofilling procedures.


To prevent loose skin on the neck, there are several popular and quite effective methods and procedures. They help moisturize the skin, enhance the production of elastin and collagen, and tighten tissue in the affected area. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. Cosmetic procedures for neck care. They use homemade masks, lotions, compresses, as well as drugs from well-known manufacturers.
  2. Massages.
  3. Various physical procedures (microcurrent lifting, radio frequency lifting, ultrasonic lifting).
  4. Procedures based on lymphatic drainage, which help remove toxins and harmful substances, increase the outflow of lymphatic fluid through the vessels, moisturize the skin and relieve swelling.
  5. Injection techniques – biorevitalization, mesotherapy, thread lifting, bioreparation, botulinum therapy.


If you forget about your bad habits, start eating right, leading a healthy lifestyle, doing specially designed physical exercises, and carrying out prevention using various physiotherapeutic procedures, you can easily improve the appearance of the skin on your neck, remove its sagging, and enhance the production of natural collagen over a fairly short period of time. But you should understand that in order to maintain the results obtained, you will have to continue to exercise, do masks and compresses, massages and other procedures.

A flabby neck, or “turkey neck”, “turkey goiter” is a soft tissue condition where the skin under the chin sags in the form of a drop. A typical problem not only for women, but also for men.

It occurs most often with age and goes through different stages. In especially advanced cases, the angle between the chin and neck - the so-called “angle of youth” - disappears, and the skin of the chin literally flows down onto the neck.

You can improve the appearance of your neck at home only at the very beginning stages flabbiness. In the middle and advanced stages, only cosmetology and plastic surgery will help.

However, the initial stage already is a very worrying sign. Imagine an iceberg. What we see: fading, wrinkles and sagging skin is its tip. Such manifestations indicate deep and large-scale changes in fat and muscle tissue.

This is a fairly serious defect that requires immediate action. The longer you delay solving the problem, the stronger the symptoms increase, the more difficult it is for loose skin of the face and neck to be corrected.

Photos "before" and "after"

Neck lift, results before and 12 hours after! After the operation: the oval and contour of the lower jaw are emphasized, the jowls are corrected, the double chin disappears, the chin does not sag when the head is tilted! Performed by the surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev .

Performed facelift-smas, lipofilling, face, co2-lifting. Before and 9 days after. Performed by surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev.

Hollywood neck plastic surgery. Photos were taken “before” and 7 days “after”. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey .

Neck lift. Author's technique. "Before" and 7 days "after" the operation. Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim .

Neck lift using dynamic platysmoplasty - the chin will not sag even when tilted. Result 10 hours after surgery. There is swelling and markings. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Platysmaplasty with installation of a Medpor chin implant. Photos were taken “before” and 12 days “after”. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim .

Neck lift, results “before” and 12 hours “after”. Author's technique. Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim .

Neck lift (author's technique). Photos "before" and 2 days "after". Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev M.N.

Expert comment:

“If you notice that the skin on your neck has become loose, you should literally today Call and make an appointment with a cosmetologist at your next appointment. Because one stage flows into another very quickly: in a matter of months the skin becomes wrinkled, folds form on the neck and a bag under the chin.

The so-called “turkey neck” is a late stage. With this development of events, a sagging chin and neck are difficult to correct even using Hollywood platysmaplasty methods and require a masterly combination of several techniques from the surgeon.”

Loose skin on the neck occurs for various reasons

With age, the skin and muscles (mostly the neck muscle - platysma) lose tone. The muscle fibers separate. A double chin forms, and the skin of the neck begins to sag unsightly.

This process is accelerated by the weakening of subcutaneous tissue due to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin with age.

Excess fat also contributes. Loose in its structure, it gives the neck looseness and its heaviness further stretches the skin.

There are other reasons too.

  1. Sharp weight loss. First, fat accumulates in the neck area. After losing weight, it disappears, but the skin remains stretched.
Features of the facial structure. For example, a short length of the lower jaw, a small chin, and a low location of the hyoid bone lead to early sagging of soft tissues, then a flabby neck and chin appear before the age of 30.

Whatever the reasons for a sagging chin and neck, it does not add attractiveness and grace to the face.

How to tighten your neck at home

Does skin care help tone your neck? These tips will help you tighten your skin and muscles in the initial stages.

  1. To eliminate sagging neck skin, you need to drink at least 2 liters a day of ordinary clean water - it maintains hydration and increases the elasticity of soft tissues.

After exercise, throughout the day, you should take short minutes of rest.

Moisturizing and nourishing creams that suit your skin type should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck. On the front and back surfaces of the neck, the cream is applied from bottom to top - from the collarbones to the chin. Along the sides of the neck - down, from the ears to the shoulders.

Keep your weight under control. Fat stretches the skin, which does not shrink even after losing weight. Correctly selected gymnastics for the neck tones and helps at an early stage.

As for physical strength loads, you should not overexert the platysma and lift weights. Platysma is a delicate muscle. You will be able to pump up your neck, but at the same time there will be problems with cords - vertical lines on the front surface of the neck.

Straining the neck, for example when lifting weights, leads to the development of unsightly vertical bands

How to get rid of loose skin on the neck using cosmetic methods

At initial signs of flabbiness are helped by mesotherapy, biorevitalization, mesobotox, lipolytic injections, placement of mesothreads and thread lifting. Myostimulating procedures have a good effect.