
Catharsis is a phenomenon that describes the process of cleansing and releasing negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, depression, etc. In psychology, catharsis is considered as one of the methods of psychotherapy that helps people overcome their problems and improve their mental state.

Catharsis occurs when a person experiences strong emotions that cause them stress or tension. For example, this could be fear of speaking in public, anxiety before an exam, depression after the loss of a loved one, etc. When a person experiences such emotions, his body begins to produce stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can cause muscle tension, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and other physiological reactions.

However, when a person experiences catharsis, these hormones begin to act in the opposite direction, which leads to a decrease in stress and tension. This happens due to the fact that a person finds a way of expressing his emotions that allows him to free himself from them. For example, he may cry, scream, dance or play sports.

Psychotherapists use catharsis as a treatment method to help people overcome their emotional problems. They offer their clients various ways to express emotions such as painting, writing, dancing, singing, etc. These methods help them release their negative emotions and improve their psychological state.

Thus, catharsis is an important phenomenon in psychology and can be used as a method of treating emotional problems. It helps people free themselves from negative emotions and improve their emotional state.

**Catharsis** is a term used in psychology to describe the effect that occurs after experiencing strong emotions such as fear, sadness or joy. Catharsis can help a person release these emotions and overcome the psychological problems that cause them. In this article we will look at the concept of catharsis, its application in various fields and its impact on humans.

**Origin of the term.** The word "catharsis" comes from the Greek word "katharsis", which means "purification", "liberation from something." The term was first used in psychology in the 18th century, when Friedrich Nietzsche began using it as a way of describing his experience of a "transcendental experience" during intoxication. WITH