Kininase I

Kininase-I or family 63 carboxypeptidases are metalloproteases, a group of enzymes that can catalyze the activation of kinins, peptides derived from the amino acid known as arginine. Kinins are involved in various physiological processes of the body and regulate local blood flow,

Introduction Kininase I belongs to the group of peptide hydrolases and is one of the key enzymes in the system for regulating arterial vascular tone. Produced by the endothelium of the vascular wall and platelets. The function of kininase is to degrade bradykinin and kallikrein. Violation of normal functioning leads to disruption of the entire body.

Animal studies Blood capillary cells containing kininase I take up bradykinin and utilize it. However, when the cell is damaged, the enzyme is released into the plasma of the bloodstream. In the first minutes of observation, the amount of enzyme increases and then decreases. Changes in kininase levels may indicate the degree of destruction of the blood vessel wall.