Polycythemia True

Polycythemia vera (true polynuclear megaloblastic hematopoiesis) is a form of myeloproliferative diseases in which an overgrowth of the cell population of the bone marrow occurs. The disease was first described by Karl von Waquez from Germany. Its other names are known: myelofibrosis, idiopathic myeloid leukemia (stage I) or myelofibrosis polychromastic myelosis. Basic indicators of red and white blood allow you to diagnose this disease. The table shows characteristic changes in the blood count detected in polycythemia. By origin: Chemotherapy polycyteria associated with long-term chemotherapy by paracentesis of gallstones with cytostatics Erythroid (erythropenia, hyperleukocytosis, granulopenia, thrombopenia). Point lesions in the spleen, liver, bones. Increased level of neutrophils in peripheral blood. Atypical nuclei. The Coombs test is negative. Acute forms are sluggish Stage of displacement. Hemolysis is increased destruction of red blood cells due to membrane disease.

Polycythemia vera is a myeloproliferative disease accompanied by a significant increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood. This condition is characterized by frequent hemorrhages, pain and anemic syndrome associated with a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. This type of disease is not very common. In developed