Ladder of creatures - (historical) - is a concept that describes the process of evolution of living organisms on Earth. According to this theory, during the evolution of life, new forms of creatures arise that can be better adapted to environmental conditions and survive in it longer than their predecessors.
The Ladder of Creatures theory states that all species of living beings were created from simple ones until they evolved through various processes: natural selection, mutation, co-evolution, etc. This process of evolution, according to supporters of this theory, led to the emergence of more complex life forms. Each new generation of living beings strived to survive and prosper, and these generations passed the path from a simple creature to a more complex one, up to man.
In biological terms, the ladder of creatures theory states that each creature has a unique evolutionary trajectory and its own species, derived from other species. These species live on Earth for hundreds of millions of years, transforming and evolving over thousands of generations of creatures. However, now the majority of scientists refutes this thesis.
However, in culture, the ladder of beings is a popular metaphor that illustrates the process of growth and development - from lower forms of beings to higher, more complex and conscious forms. It also reminds us of the complexity and diversity of the world we live in, which can be explained by a ladder of creatures. The staircase also symbolizes progress