Therapeutic massage: body restoration technique

Therapeutic massage includes almost all types and techniques of massage that affect the body for one or another therapeutic purpose. Currently, this procedure is an excellent remedy for the treatment of many ailments and diseases. With its help, the body begins to restore normal activity. It is used to speed up the body’s recovery after illness and to treat various diseases.

Depending on the nature of the disease, a certain classification can be distinguished. Today there are such types of procedures as:

  1. For injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  2. For diseases of the digestive system
  3. For respiratory diseases

Depending on how the nature of a particular disease changes, the method of implementation also changes. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the technique is used for diseases of the spine and joint diseases. If you have problems with the digestive tract organs, a technique of massage of the stomach, intestines, etc. is performed. If the cardiovascular system is in disarray, the technique is performed for heart disease, hypertension, etc.

For a specific disease, a specific massage technique is performed, which, in turn, depends on factors such as the specifics of the disease, the cause, the clinical form of manifestation and other reasons. That is why, for example, back massage for osteochondrosis differs in the specificity of back massage for scoliosis.

In addition, you need to take into account the fact that at different stages of the same disease, different techniques are performed. Also, the treatment procedure for the same disease will take place differently for everyone, since different organisms perceive treatment in their own way.

Techniques and methods of implementation include:

  1. Stroking
  2. Kneading
  3. Squeezing
  4. Vibration
  5. Trituration

Depending on where the movements need to be carried out, on the nature of the disease and on the individual characteristics of the muscles, a selection of techniques is performed. The effectiveness of the procedure can be increased several times if you add to the basic techniques such types of massage as acupressure and segmental.


With its help, the body recovers from illness much faster

The effect of therapeutic massage on the human body

If the techniques are performed correctly, the technique chosen and the correct dosage, like any other massage, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the body. During the procedure, the patient feels a pleasant sensation of warmth, general condition improves, and vitality increases.

Using this procedure, you can reduce nervous excitability and relieve tension. If the intensity of the techniques is increased, the action will work in the opposite direction. It is also possible to restore reflexes lost by the patient, improve tissue trophism, etc. The functioning of the pathways is restored, reflex connections of internal organs and blood vessels are improved.

The positive effect of massage has also been noticed on the peripheral nervous system. Certain techniques can relieve pain and speed up the process of recovery and treatment after injuries.

Of course, external factors can also affect the positive results and effects of massage. The therapeutic effect is reduced if the patient is faced with noise, long lines, loud conversations, etc.

Undoubtedly, the procedure also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Through the techniques performed, the skin is cleansed of keratinized particles, foreign microbes and particles. The work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is normalized. Under the influence of massage, the skin becomes firm, velvety, elastic, and the skin-muscle tone increases.

The procedure also has a positive effect on the action of skin capillaries a peculiar opening of reserve capillaries occurs. The massaged area is better supplied with blood and enriched with oxygen. The overall blood circulation of the whole body is significantly improved.


Forms of therapeutic massage

The form of influence of the procedure can be divided into general and specific. The general form is performed on all parts of the body, but with special attention to those parts and areas of the body that are associated with a specific disease. Typically, a general massage lasts less than 1 hour. Period of execution: every other day or in series, depending on the form of the disease.

A private form of the procedure is performed on specific parts of the body. This could be a leg, arm, hand, finger, joint, etc. The duration of the procedure depends on which organ is being massaged. The duration can vary from 3 to 30 minutes. The private massage technique is carried out according to the general technique, only with special care and a large number of techniques.

What needs to be done before the session:

  1. The patient should take a position in which his joints and muscles are relaxed.
  1. The patient's body should be covered with a sheet. Only the parts of the body being massaged should remain open.
  1. There is no need to change the patient's position during the entire session unless absolutely necessary.
  1. In the room for the session, you need to create the necessary environment, i.e. exclude the presence of unauthorized persons, noise or bright light.
  1. Use pillows when necessary. For example, hand massage, back massage for curvature of the spine, etc.

Using this procedure, it is necessary to relieve general pain, improve metabolism in the damaged area, accelerate the resorption of swelling, activate muscle contractions, etc.

Main goals:

  1. Relieve pain
  2. Improve metabolism and blood circulation in the affected area

Basic Techniques:

  1. Alternating and spiral stroking
  2. Circular and longitudinal kneading (performed in a gentle mode)
  3. Light patting and spiral stroking
  4. Longitudinal kneading, circular with two hands, circular with phalanges of bent fingers.
  5. Stroking and patting.

For this disease, this therapeutic therapy has a hypotensive effect. This effect is very useful and effective, especially in the early stages of the disease. The technique for arterial hypertension does not include intense movements, having a deep effect on the tissue. In this case, the technique is aimed at relaxing the body and calming the central nervous system, which is directly related to the pathological narrowing of blood vessels in hypertension.

First, the neck and collar area are massaged, gradually moving to the back area. Each muscle is worked carefully and slowly. The massage therapist uses techniques such as stroking, squeezing and kneading.

Before you begin massage and physical therapy, you must take into account all contraindications. Namely:

  1. Acute inflammatory process
  2. Blood diseases
  3. Purulent processes
  4. Various skin diseases
  5. Phlebeurysm
  6. Mental illness
  7. Acute allergic diseases

Possessing the skills of professional therapeutic massage, specialists take modern medicine and everything connected with it to a higher level. With its help, you can not only solve a health problem, but also improve your overall well-being and vitality.