Is it possible for a nursing mother to visit a solarium?

All women want to look good, this does not depend on age or marital status. Solarium is an excellent procedure for those who are naturally endowed with very pale skin. But visiting a solarium while breastfeeding raises many questions. Is it good for new mothers?

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium while breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for visiting a solarium; it does not have a direct effect on lactation. A young mother can either visit a salon for a professional procedure or use a mini-solarium at home. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Before visiting a solarium, you should consult a therapist, especially if you have chronic diseases. The fact is that contraindications to tanning in a solarium are:

  1. a large number of moles;
  2. gynecological diseases and postpartum complications;
  3. oncology;
  4. diseases of the mammary glands;
  5. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  6. asthma;
  7. kidney disease;
  8. taking hormones and medications to lower blood pressure.

Visiting a solarium under these conditions can lead to complications. The doctor will tell you whether the procedure can be performed in your specific situation. We must not forget that immediately after a caesarean section you cannot go to the solarium. It is necessary to wait until the stitches are removed, the scar is completely healed, and the crusts come off. Only after this (with the permission of the doctor) can you create a tan.


The benefits of solarium during breastfeeding

Visiting a tanning salon while breastfeeding can be beneficial. First of all, vitamin D is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In the warm season, when we often sunbathe and wear open clothes, the body usually has enough of this substance, but with the onset of autumn and winter the situation changes for the worse. Meanwhile, vitamin D is very important for the body: it is involved in the absorption of calcium and supports the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems. Vitamin D ensures the normal development of the child’s musculoskeletal system.

Ultraviolet rays also enhance the production of endorphins - joy hormones. Young mothers are often tired and feel depressed, so healthy emotions are very important at this time. Women go to the solarium to look better, so satisfaction from the procedure will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Do not forget that a mother’s good mood is the key to normal lactation. Some women even notice that their milk supply has increased after the procedure.


Harm from the procedure

A visit to a solarium may not have a very good effect on the body of a young mother. The hormonal background during lactation differs from the hormonal background of a woman during normal times, this can also affect the result of the procedure. Pigment spots and new moles appear on the body of some women, while old ones increase in size.

If low-quality or old lamps were used in the solarium, the visitor may experience burns and the risk of cancer increases. If a nursing mother sunbathes under such lamps, changes may begin in her mammary glands.

During the procedure, the body loses a lot of moisture. It is necessary for normal lactation, so after visiting a solarium, a woman may experience a decrease in the amount of milk.


Rules for visiting a solarium for nursing mothers

To make your visit to the solarium as safe as possible, follow a few rules:

  1. All large moles need to be covered with special stickers; they should be issued by the salon. If after the procedure any moles have increased in size, be sure to consult a dermatologist or oncologist;
  2. nipples must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The best option is to go to the solarium in a tight bra;
  3. Before the procedure, drink half a liter of water, and after it - another 300 ml. This is necessary so that lactation does not stop due to lack of water;
  4. Use sunscreen designed specifically for tanning beds. Choose a product without a strong odor, and after the procedure, rinse off the residue thoroughly so that the baby does not refuse to latch on to the breast;
  5. After tanning, apply moisturizer to the skin to restore water balance;
  6. you need to stay in the cabin for no more than 5 minutes;
  7. Before visiting the solarium, ask the administration how long ago the lamps were changed. The organization must provide documentation of replacement and inspection of lamps. If they burn for more than 1000 hours, then it is unsafe to be under them.

Video: how and when you can sunbathe, tips for parents

Reviews of young mothers about the solarium

During breastfeeding, you can go to the solarium, but, of course, without fanaticism. My child's pediatrician gave me permission. Everything was ok for me, but I started getting more milk after the solarium.


My friend and I went to the solarium, she was breastfeeding. The tanning salon worker said no. But she had been feeding for more than a year, consulted with the pediatrician, and the pediatrician gave the go-ahead. But still she sunbathed in a bra and for less minutes than me.

Marina Surmach (Polguy)

I went to the solarium 3-4 times when I was breastfeeding, only there was a little more milk and my mood improved from a tanned pug - all pluses, but I completely covered my breasts just in case

almost perfect

My aunt and cousin went to the solarium - before my sister’s wedding she wanted to. I was getting ready to feed my daughter, but there was no milk... I don’t know, maybe this isn’t always the case, but this is a real example.


Women during lactation can visit the solarium; moreover, the procedure will be useful to them to some extent. But in order not to harm yourself, you need to listen to the recommendations of specialists and follow all the rules.

After childbirth, a woman wants to recover as quickly as possible, including returning good skin tone and an attractive appearance. Many believe that a solarium will help them with this - an even tan hides minor skin imperfections and visually makes the body more toned. In conditions of sun deficiency, solarium treatments help the body actively produce vitamin D.


However, doctors are in no hurry to recommend visiting a solarium for nursing mothers, and there are a number of reasons for this.

The benefits of artificial sun

In the main territory of our country in the autumn-winter period there is a lack of sun, which negatively affects people's health. Sunlight is required for the synthesis of vitamin D, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium.

It is important for a nursing mother to replenish calcium losses during pregnancy and avoid a deficiency of this microelement in the body during lactation. For these purposes, you can attract artificial sun in a solarium.

As a result of exposure to sunlight, the body stimulates the production of “happiness hormones” - endorphins have a beneficial effect on a woman’s well-being, and her good mood is passed on to the baby.

The positive effects of solarium include the cosmetic result of the procedures - lightly tanned skin looks much better than pale skin. A woman feels attractive, which adds to her self-confidence and optimism.


Harm from solarium

Before going to a solarium, it is worth assessing the risks associated with the effects of artificial sun on a woman’s body during lactation.

Ultraviolet radiation emitted by lamps penetrates the skin faster and deeper than natural light, and this means that the skin loses moisture, collagen and elastin more intensively, due to which it ages faster. The risk of cancer also increases.

Nursing mothers should take into account that the activity of hormones in their bodies is increased - this is triggered by pregnancy and lactation. The radiation from solarium lamps promotes additional activation of growth hormones, and this can lead to undesirable consequences - the appearance of age spots and new moles, or an increase in the size of existing moles.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium include:

  1. excessive number of moles (several dozen);
  2. diseases of the thyroid gland, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, kidneys;
  3. gynecological diseases;
  4. bronchial asthma;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. dermatitis;
  7. taking hormonal drugs, antidepressants, antidiabetic drugs, diuretics and vasodilators, drugs to lower blood pressure, etc.

Mothers who practice natural feeding can visit the solarium only after consulting a doctor. To minimize health risks, certain precautions should be taken.


Checking the safety of lamps

If you decide to visit a solarium while breastfeeding, it is better to do this no earlier than 3-4 months after giving birth, and reduce the duration of sessions to a minimum - it is not recommended to spend more than 3 minutes under the artificial sun.

The safety of staying under the artificial sun depends on the quality of the lamps installed in the solarium. Their rays are considered almost identical to those of the sun. Exposure to rays stimulates the formation and accumulation of melanin - this pigment gives the skin a golden hue.

There are three types of rays (from weak to hard radiation) - A, B and C. The ozone layer protects the Earth from dangerous components of sunlight. “Artificial sun” lamps also have protection that limits the radiation spectrum.

In solariums, lamps are used that transmit rays A and a certain percentage of rays B. For people with fair skin, lamps in which B rays make up no more than 1% can be considered the safest. People with good susceptibility to tanning can be exposed to harsher radiation of up to 2.5%. Staying under a lamp with B-rays of 2.5% or more significantly increases the risk of negative consequences.

The protective layer of the lamp lasts until its expiration date (indicated by the manufacturer), and then burns out and the radiation spectrum becomes uncontrollable, which is dangerous to health. Before going for the procedure, be sure to ask the tanning salon management for documents on the installed lamps to find out the characteristics and period of use.

It is important to take into account that newly installed lamps differ in radiation intensity, and in this case it is recommended to reduce the time spent under artificial sun by 1.5-2 times.


Precautionary measures

To prevent a visit to a solarium from negatively affecting the health of a nursing mother and lactation, certain rules should be followed:

  1. cover moles with special stickers;
  2. do not sunbathe with exposed mammary glands (during lactation they are overly sensitive to any influences, radiation can provoke diseases);
  3. do not sunbathe for more than 5 minutes per session;
  4. use baby-safe, hypoallergenic means of protection against exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  5. Always pay attention to the sanitary condition of the cabin to avoid infectious diseases.

After the procedure, the protective cosmetic product must be thoroughly rinsed off, paying special attention to the breasts so that foreign substances do not enter the baby’s body with the milk.

Staying under artificial sun dehydrates the body, which impairs milk production. To prevent lactation from being affected, drink more fluids after the procedure - you can drink non-carbonated clean water and hypoallergenic herbal teas.

Doctors do not impose an unequivocal ban on nursing mothers visiting the solarium, but they advise to play it safe - take into account medical contraindications and not get carried away with tanning.


Of course, this question interests many women who have recently become mothers, because they really want to regain their former shape and beauty.

This is most relevant if you visited sports centers, beauty salons and solariums before pregnancy.

But it’s worth noting that now you need to take care of more than just yourself, so you need to find out whether the solarium poses any significant harm to your baby or your health. Is it worth going there during the lactation period or is it better to wait?

In general, ultraviolet radiation does not affect the breastfeeding process, but you need to take into account that solarium rays penetrate deeper and faster into the skin than natural ones.


Undoubtedly, this affects the skin, which ages faster and becomes more susceptible to cancer. Also, the rays of a solarium activate growth hormones, and a woman already has enough active hormones during lactation. It is for these reasons that doctors usually do not advise mothers to visit solariums.

The benefits of visiting a solarium during breastfeeding

  1. During the tanning process, vitamin D is produced, which helps in better absorption of calcium, which is so necessary for the baby and mother. Read about the importance of vitamins in the article Vitamins for nursing mothers>>>
  2. In addition, tanning stimulates the production of endorphins - “hormones of happiness”, which have a wonderful effect on the mother and, of course, are passed on to the child. This is most important in autumn and winter, because during these seasons there is not enough sun and light in our climate zone.

What conclusion should be drawn from all of the above? Is it possible for a nursing mother to go to the solarium?

After analyzing all the nuances, we can answer that you can visit a solarium, taking certain safety measures and consulting a doctor. If your health is good and there are no contraindications, the doctor will not prohibit you from going to the solarium.

Rules when visiting a solarium:

  1. Necessary cover your chest, because during the feeding period she is most susceptible to the influence of negative external factors, which can provoke breast diseases, including cancer. It is best to wear a swimsuit or bra.
  2. If you have many moles on your body, it is better to ask for special stickers, since hormones and ultraviolet radiation, interacting together, have a very negative effect on them. There are more moles and they increase in size. If there are a very large number of moles, it is better to avoid solarium altogether.
  3. Knowing of limits. You should remember that more than 5 min. You cannot tan in one session! Even if you spent a lot of time under ultraviolet rays before pregnancy, it is better to refrain from doing so now.
  4. You need to take care of cosmetic UV protection products that will not cause allergies in your baby. It is better to talk about this with your doctor in advance, as sometimes the child may refuse to breastfeed altogether. After going to the solarium, you must thoroughly wash off the cream from the mammary glands.

When going to the solarium, make sure the booth is clean, since any infection is now doubly dangerous, because a child can easily get infected through your milk.

Following these simple rules will make your visits to the solarium as safe and effective as possible, and will also help you get the maximum positive charge and a beautiful tan!

This is especially true for young mothers, because they so want to look beautiful, attractive and healthy.