Is it possible to completely remove stretch marks?

Probably no one would refuse to have perfect skin throughout their life. In fact, this will remain only in dreams. The skin is one of the most important organs in the human body and is responsible for a large number of functions, not only external, but also internal, which are subsequently reflected on the skin almost instantly. It is especially difficult to come to terms with skin defects that cause deformation of the appearance, such as stretch marks, so the question of how to remove stretch marks and is it possible to completely get rid of them becomes especially relevant?

Why do stretch marks appear?

Throughout life, situations may arise that are completely impossible to control: sudden weight gain or equally unreasonable weight loss, pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. In fact, all this can cause the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) in the chest, thighs, abdomen and buttocks. What do stretch marks look like and why do stretch marks appear? It is worth noting that they appear unexpectedly; initially they are purple in color, sometimes having a slightly purple tint. If stretch marks are exactly like this, then we can say with complete confidence that they are completely “fresh”. This color is given to them by blood vessels, after some time they begin to gradually fade until they practically become beige or their former color.

This is due to the fact that as the connective tissue grows, a moment comes when it begins to fill the vessels, so stretch marks can be either completely white or slightly pearlescent in color. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that striae are not exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which means they do not tan in the sun. This occurs due to the fact that the connective tissue simply does not produce the necessary pigment. Thus, at the height of the beach season, stretch marks on the stomach, hips and chest become even more visible, which is why women have to wear a one-piece swimsuit rather than a bikini.


Stretch marks on the stomach

A large number of women are faced with the question of how to remove stretch marks on the stomach or chest after childbirth, as a result of which they begin to fight them by going on a diet. In fact, this is wrong, since this method cannot stop the appearance of stretch marks, and after that they have to deal with stretch marks in the hips and buttocks area, since most often stretch marks appear during hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, it is common to find stretch marks in adolescence or in athletes who switch to a special protein diet to quickly gain weight. We must not forget that the elasticity of the skin directly depends on hereditary factors. So if your parents or grandparents had problems such as stretch marks, then most likely sooner or later they will appear in you.

How to prevent stretch marks

Any qualified medical professional can say with confidence that it is best to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it. In fact, completely removing stretch marks is quite problematic, so it is better to follow simple tips to prevent them from appearing at all:

  1. It is necessary to constantly monitor your weight and try to avoid a sharp increase or decrease in body weight.
  2. It is worth watching your diet. As for sweets or starchy foods, it is best to avoid them altogether. It is also worth monitoring the consumption of preservatives and salts. As for healthy food, you should pay special attention to fruits and vegetables; you should also include seafood or chicken in your diet. In this case, one serving should be no more than can fit in your palms.
  3. Physical activity is required. This is also true during pregnancy; only those exercises that the expectant mother should do should be prescribed by a doctor. It is worth noting that the condition of the skin will improve even after walking.
  4. A contrast shower or other water procedures, even at home, will be very useful, especially if combined with a hard washcloth, due to which the skin can become noticeably more elastic. All problem areas must be massaged very carefully, after which you can apply a special oil or cream to prevent stretch marks.
  5. Systematic use of special (licensed) products that help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, and if they have already appeared, this product will help make them less noticeable. This product can be purchased at specialized sales points or made independently.

Thus, you know how to prevent stretch marks, preventing this problem from reaching a critical stage.


Cream against stretch marks

Stretch marks after childbirth: how to remove them at home

Separately, I would like to talk about pregnant women or young mothers, who most likely would not even dream of going to specialized cosmetic institutions in order to find out how to get rid of stretch marks in the abdominal area and chest area, but stretch marks after childbirth are a common occurrence .

By the way, do not forget that during breastfeeding and pregnancy, a large number of cosmetic procedures are simply prohibited. Despite this, it is possible to make stretch marks less noticeable at home, on your own. It is immediately worth noting that the main thing in this is the systematic application of procedures. The effect will not be noticeable if there is no consistency, thereby once again disappointing you.

Massage + oils

In order to remove stretch marks in the chest and abdomen area, you can use massage with the assistance of oils. To do this, every time before going to bed, rub in a mixture of oils, which you can prepare yourself. To do this, you need to take: about 8 drops of patchouli essential oil, then add 7 tablespoons of olive oil and add 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil, mix it all thoroughly.

Some argue that ordinary sea buckthorn oil is good in this case, which, according to reviews, helps quite well in tightening the skin in the abdominal area. At the same time, you need to know that such oil dries out the skin, so if you have problems with dry skin, then instead of sea buckthorn, it is best to use olive oil.


Photos before and after when getting rid of stretch marks with oil and massage


One of the proven remedies in the fight against this problem can be noted - mumiyo tablets. Together with them you can make an excellent homemade cream. To do this, one tablet is enough, which must be dissolved in a small amount of warm water. After this, this mixture must be mixed with a small amount of baby cream. In order for the resulting cream to have a pleasant smell, you can add a few drops of essential oil (many people like citrus fruits, but you can add any to taste).


How to get rid of stretch marks with a scrub? Now let's look at two options:

  1. Sweet and salty: vegetable oil together with sugar and salt.
  2. Coffee: shower gel or oil with the addition of ground coffee.

The procedure should proceed as follows. It is necessary to massage problem areas with a scrub every day, every other day, while taking a shower. The point of this procedure is that the abrasive particles create a grinding effect. Among the advantages of such a remedy, one can note the possibility of using this remedy both during pregnancy and lactation.


Photos before and after using a scrub for stretch marks during pregnancy

Pharmacy products

If you don’t have time to create remedies against stretch marks yourself, you can turn to the help of specialists who were able to create an effective remedy in medical laboratories (based on reviews from real customers). Such products are available in almost any pharmacy and medical institution, which must be used according to the instructions in the instructions. It is quite possible to remove stretch marks using pharmaceutical products if you completely follow the instructions.

How to remove stretch marks on the body in a salon

If you have made every possible effort to get rid of stretch marks and have not gotten the desired effect, then you should probably seek the help of professionals. At the moment, there are a sufficient number of salons that position themselves as effective centers for providing services for getting rid of stretch marks in particular. Such centers offer a varying number of services, but we must not forget that the choice of such a salon must be approached very responsibly.

Ultrasound therapy

Treatment of stretch marks using ultrasound therapy is as follows. The skin is directly affected using a special device that emits ultrasonic waves, which, by the way, are absolutely safe in this case. Thanks to this procedure, the metabolism in the skin cells also improves, due to which the skin almost immediately becomes more elastic. Despite the fact that this procedure is the most popular among “salon” ones, as for whether it is possible to completely get rid of stretch marks in this way - most likely not. However, this method will be effective only for small stretch marks.


Photos before and after using ultrasound for stretch marks

Laser and chemical peeling

It is worth noting that before using this method of getting rid of stretch marks, you need to prepare your body and the skin itself for such a procedure for several days in a row. Despite this, laser and chemical peels are very popular in the treatment of stretch marks on the body. The entire process should be supervised by a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary creams. The procedure itself is quite complex, and only a qualified specialist can perform it efficiently. During the procedure, all stretch marks are burned away with a laser while the patient is under anesthesia.

Despite the fact that the post-rehabilitation period is quite long, the results will exceed all your expectations. As for chemical peeling, this method involves treating the skin with special acids, which in turn burn off stretch marks along with the surface layer of the skin.


Photos before and after laser peeling for getting rid of stretch marks


As for the most “gentle” method of removing stretch marks, we cannot fail to mention wraps. Some even doubt the effectiveness of this method, but despite this, the facts speak for themselves. During such procedures, cosmetologists use algae, which contain substances that have a beneficial effect on human skin. A composition of extracts of these algae is applied to the skin, after which the patient is wrapped in film, followed by wrapping in a special thermal blanket for about 40 minutes. Often after such a procedure, a specialized salon provides the opportunity to take water mineral treatments.

How to get rid of stretch marks forever. Is it possible?

If we answer this question comprehensively and completely, then getting rid of stretch marks is possible only through surgical intervention, which involves excision of stretch marks. Therefore, if you do not know how to get rid of stretch marks forever and whether it is possible at all, then abdominoplasty will come to the rescue. This procedure has a fairly large number of risks and contraindications, so this procedure must be approached with maximum responsibility. Among the most common complications are the possibility of scarring and infection of damaged areas of the skin.


Scars on the abdomen

Most likely, after you solve your problems associated with stretch marks, you will not want to deal with questions regarding the scars that appear after this procedure. That is why, before deciding to do this, you need to think carefully about everything. There is no point in saying that before this procedure you need to consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary examinations; this should be clear already. Striae are a very unpleasant phenomenon, but you shouldn’t cross the line when getting rid of flaws turns into a manic idea, because if you can’t get rid of them, it’s best to change your attitude towards this issue and focus on your positive aspects.

How to remove stretch marks: reviews

Ksyusha, 28 years old, Rostov-on-Don, wrote:

Hello everyone, I want to share my story, which I believe everyone can relate to. Now my daughter is already one and a half years old, but as soon as I gave birth to her, to be honest, I was not ready for the fact that my body and body would change so much. I was not able to wear an open swimsuit due to the fact that terrible stretch marks appeared on my stomach, of course there were some on my hips, but they were insignificant and I was not particularly worried about it. I tried almost everything, including sports, scrubs and creams, but nothing gave the same result as laser. In the end, after such stunning results, I went to the next session to remove stretch marks from my thighs.

Elizaveta, 31 years old, Moscow, wrote:

I would like to immediately note that I started fighting stretch marks immediately as soon as they appeared, because I knew that at home this was practically the only chance to change everything. I made my own nourishing lotion, which included vitamin E and olive oil in a ratio of 4 to 1. I had stretch marks in the chest and abdomen area, so after taking a shower I immediately treated the problem areas. I will say that after two months after giving birth, all the stretch marks disappeared. The main thing is not to delay with this problem, as the specialist said that after 8 months after childbirth, such a remedy will no longer help.

Luda, 34 years old, Minsk, wrote:

During pregnancy, I didn’t make any special efforts to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, just ordinary gymnastics, a contrast shower and massaging problem areas with a washcloth with the addition of gentle creams and oils, which I bought at the pharmacy, which are necessarily hypoallergenic. Despite this, small stretch marks still appeared after childbirth, but within one month, as I continued my procedures, not a trace remained of them. Naturally, before this I had a consultation with a doctor.

All women are certainly beautiful. But Francis Bacon was right when he once said: “There is always a flaw in true beauty.” And if in your case this flaw is stretch marks, it won’t hurt you to find out how to remove stretch marks and whether it’s worth your time and nerves.


Video tips for combating stretch marks ↑

Why do stretch marks appear ↑

Sometimes there are moments in our lives that cannot be controlled. Pregnancy and childbirth, significant weight gain or sudden loss of weight often cause the formation of stretch marks (striae) on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and chest. Why do stretch marks appear and what do they look like? Like all bad things, they appear suddenly. At first, their color is purple, sometimes with a purple tint, thanks to which you can unmistakably determine that the stretch marks are “young.” Blood vessels give them this shade. Over time, the stretch marks fade and eventually turn white. This happens because the connective tissue, growing, fills the vessels. Stretch marks may become completely white, or they may have a subtle gray or pearlescent tint.

It is also noteworthy that stretch marks do not tan. Pigment is not produced in connective tissue. Therefore, during the beach season, stretch marks on the stomach and buttocks are even more noticeable, which forces their owners to make a choice not in favor of a mini-bikini, but in favor of a one-piece swimsuit.

Many people think that stretch marks appear solely due to mechanical stretching of the skin. But the main reasons for the occurrence of such a defect are violations of skin regeneration and tissue elasticity.

After giving birth, many women think about how to remove stretch marks on their stomach and chest, and those who are keen on dieting are forced to deal with stretch marks on their buttocks and thighs. Striae can also occur as a result of hormonal changes in the body during adolescence, as well as in athletes due to the rapid increase in body weight.


Sometimes stretch marks even bleed in the last months of pregnancy

Heredity plays an important role in the elasticity of the skin. If members of the older generation of your family have had troubles such as stretch marks, there is a high probability that, under certain circumstances, you will also experience them.

Stretch marks themselves are not dangerous and do not pose any threat to health, other than psychological discomfort. But sometimes stretch marks can indicate serious diseases of the endocrine system, for example, diabetes mellitus, Cushing's syndrome. Therefore, before choosing a method for getting rid of stretch marks, visit a doctor and undergo all the necessary examinations to rule out diseases. If the appearance of stretch marks is also accompanied by excess hair growth, increased blood pressure or a sharp increase in weight, you should not go to the doctor, but run.


Striae may take the form of stripes, zigzags or waves

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of a skin defect ↑

Any physician will confirm that prevention is in many ways better than cure. It is really difficult to completely remove stretch marks, so during periods of life that are fraught with the appearance of stretch marks, follow simple rules of prevention.

  1. First, try to avoid sudden weight changes.
  2. Secondly, eat right. Try not to eat flour and sweets at all, limit the amount of salt and preservatives. But eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Your diet must include seafood, fish, and lean meat. Don’t eat a lot - a single amount of food should figuratively fit in your palms, folded into a boat.


Sudden weight fluctuations and poor nutrition can trigger the formation of stretch marks

  1. Thirdly, give yourself physical activity. Even during pregnancy, you can do simple exercises (your doctor will tell you which ones). Any activity, even walking, improves skin condition.
  2. Fourthly, do not forget about the benefits of water procedures. A contrast shower combined with a massage with a hard washcloth will make your skin more elastic. Massage problem areas, and after a shower, apply a special stretch mark prevention cream or oil.
  3. Finally, regularly use products that help prevent stretch marks and, if they already appear, make them less noticeable. Such creams can be purchased or prepared at home.


If you start using a product to prevent stretch marks before they appear, the skin defect will not be too noticeable

How to deal with stretch marks after pregnancy at home ↑

It is unlikely that a pregnant woman or a new mother will have the thought of running headlong to a beauty salon or clinic to find out when and how to remove stretch marks on her chest. Moreover, for most salon procedures, the period of pregnancy and lactation is a contraindication. But she can try to make the stretch marks less noticeable on her own. The main condition is the regularity of procedures. If you do them from time to time, you will not see the effect, but will only once again be disappointed in homemade cosmetics.

Let’s make a reservation right away: if stretch marks have already appeared, you won’t be able to remove them at home, you can only make them less noticeable.

  1. Massage + oils

A massage with oils will help remove stretch marks on the stomach or chest. Every day before going to bed, massage the following mixture of oils: olive (7 tablespoons), wheat germ oil (1 tablespoon), patchouli essential oil (7-8 drops).

Many people love sea buckthorn oil, and claim that it perfectly tightens the skin of the abdomen. You can try it, but keep in mind that this oil dries out the skin. If your skin is naturally dry, it is better to take olive oil.


You can try to get rid of fresh stretch marks at home - scrubs and massages have helped many to make stretch marks less noticeable

  1. Mumiyo

A proven remedy for stretch marks is mumiyo tablets. You can make amazing homemade cream from them. Take one tablet, dissolve it in a small amount of warm water, and then add a little baby cream. If desired, add a drop of essential oil (for example, citrus, it uplifts your mood). But remember that it is not recommended to use them during pregnancy; allergies may occur. After childbirth, also use carefully - the baby may not like the smell.


Shilajit cream is a recognized effective remedy against stretch marks. The process of preparing the miracle composition is as follows

  1. Scrubs

At home, you can prepare a sweet-salty scrub (salt, sugar + a little vegetable oil) and a coffee scrub (ground coffee + oil or any shower gel). Massage problem areas while showering every other day; the abrasive particles will gradually polish your skin. The advantage of such scrubs is that they can be used during pregnancy and after childbirth, especially sweet and salty ones (allergies to coffee, although rare, still occur).

There are quite effective creams that have received a lot of positive reviews. These are Mederma and Contractubex. You can purchase them at any pharmacy and use them according to the instructions. But remember that the products are only effective against “young”, recently formed stretch marks.

Salon procedures for removing stretch marks ↑

Have you made every effort, but still cannot get rid of the skin defect? Perhaps salon treatments will help. They are, of course, not cheap, but they are effective. Women are offered ultrasound and laser therapy, chemical peeling and body wraps.

The skin is exposed to ultrasound using a special apparatus. As a result, metabolism improves, so after a course of ultrasonic resurfacing, the skin becomes tightened and elastic. Is it possible to completely get rid of stretch marks using ultrasound? Even a doctor will not give a definite answer, despite the fact that the procedure is quite popular. Ultrasound affects not only the skin, but also fatty tissue and muscles. But the method is effective only for small “young” stretch marks.


If home remedies are powerless, hardware cosmetology will help get rid of stretch marks

  1. Mesotherapy

It is a microinjection of cocktails of vitamins B and C, amino acids, collagen and other substances beneficial to the skin. Mesotherapy, like the previous method, reduces newly appeared stretch marks.

  1. Laser and chemical peeling

Before getting rid of stretch marks using a laser, you need to prepare the skin for the procedure for several days - rub in special creams recommended by the doctor. Laser peeling is not an easy procedure and can only be done under general anesthesia. It is clear that it should be carried out by an experienced doctor who has undergone special training. After all, stretch marks are literally burned off with a laser. The healing process is quite long, but the results are impressive.

Chemical peeling involves exposing the skin to acids that cause a superficial chemical burn. Stretch marks go away along with the skin. If they are fresh, you can get by with a superficial peel with fruit acids or glycolic acid. For older stretch marks, a medium chemical peel will be required.

Perhaps the most gentle method, combining business with pleasure. Many even doubt: is it possible to remove stretch marks with wraps? As practice shows, it is indeed possible. After all, spirulina is used for wraps - algae, which cosmetologists call “the product of the future”, since they contain all the substances necessary for human skin. The composition is applied to the skin, wrapped in a special film and wrapped in a thermal blanket for 35-40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you will be asked to take a shower with mineral water.

The skin is exposed to photo rays, which activate tissue metabolism, resulting in an increase in the amount of collagen. The procedure is painless, contraindications are minimal. Its only drawback is that the price is a little steep, and at least ten procedures are required.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks forever ↑

Only by surgical excision of stretch marks. This method is called abdominoplasty. This is a serious operation that has a number of contraindications and risks. The most common complications are infection of damaged skin areas and the possibility of scarring. It is unlikely that you will want, having solved the problem with stretch marks, to think about how to get rid of scars after abdominoplasty. This means that if you decide to have surgery, weigh the pros and cons several times. And of course, consult only a good doctor who is not financially interested in performing this operation on your body.


Should you worry about stretch marks if they are almost invisible?

Of course, stretch marks are an unpleasant phenomenon. But let's once again remember the words of Francis Bacon that true beauty can be without flaw. Agree, it is much worse if this flaw is not on the body, but in the soul. And if you couldn’t get rid of stretch marks, maybe you should just change your attitude towards them?

Clearvin cream saved me. I used it during pregnancy, there were almost no stretch marks. And I brought out what appeared with the same Clearvin.

Why is there not a word about ozone therapy? She helped me completely remove stretch marks in 10 visits! I was already planning on having an abdominoplasty...... but I tried ozone and seeing the result after the 2nd procedure, I decided not to take radical measures. In Moscow, this procedure can be done at Arbat Estetik on Smolenskaya. You can save even more by following their promotions)



The content of the article


Causes of stretch marks on the skin

Stretch marks on the body can appear completely unexpectedly, both in men and women. They can be of different sizes and different shades. As a rule, the shape of stretch marks depends on the reasons that caused their appearance. The most common places for stretch marks to appear are the arms, chest, stomach, legs, thighs and buttocks. That is, those places that are most susceptible to fat deposits and that can lose weight.

The most common reasons for the formation of stretch marks on the skin include:

Dramatic weight loss. This is the most common reason that leads to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Rapid weight loss in a short period of time leads to the formation of stretch marks on the body. It takes time for the skin to tighten and contract. Thus, the desire to quickly lose weight is fraught with the appearance of stretch marks.

Hormonal changes in adolescents. Girls during puberty may suddenly develop stretch marks on their skin. This is also facilitated by an unhealthy lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle and poor diet).

Stretch marks often appear during pregnancy. This is due to the natural hormonal adaptation of the expectant mother’s body, as well as a significant increase in body weight. Often women, being in an interesting position, allow themselves to eat beyond the norm. Over time, this leads to significant weight gain. This contributes to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. In this case, stretch marks mainly form on the hips and buttocks, sides and abdomen.

Stretch marks after childbirth. After a rapid loss of body weight, the skin does not always quickly return to its previous shape. In addition, the breasts fill with milk, significantly increasing their size. This causes stretching of the skin, which contributes to the formation of stretch marks. To avoid this, you should not neglect special shapewear.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks

Healthy and proper nutrition is an important component of success in the fight against stretch marks. Experts recommend sticking to a separate and proper diet. It is necessary to structure your diet in such a way that it is dominated by grain porridges, seafood and fish, fresh vegetables and fruits. Meat should be chosen from lean varieties - poultry or young veal. Thirst must be quenched with herbal or green tea, pure mineral water.

Sports should be part of your life on a regular basis. Swimming and running are excellent cardio exercises that will help make your body more resilient, your body slim, and your skin smooth. Sports activities will tighten your skin, tone your muscles and help you lose weight.

A contrast shower will also help in the fight against stretch marks. It helps to activate the metabolic process and restore elasticity to the skin.


To successfully get rid of stretch marks, you need to understand what they are physiologically. The appearance of white scars is caused by microdamage to the upper layer of skin. Pregnancy or a sharp increase in weight contribute to severe stretching of the connective tissue, which then loses its elasticity and firmness. In places of micro-tears, stripes of stretch marks, also called striae, are formed.

Most non-surgical methods available for at-home use are aimed at improving skin elasticity. Unfortunately, there is no universal method, the use of which could restore the former elasticity of the abdominal skin and completely remove stretch marks. The best results can be obtained using an integrated approach


A great way to increase blood circulation in the right area of ​​the body. Circular movements of the palms in a clockwise direction will help tone the skin and speed up regeneration. For better results, it is necessary to use excipients: special creams and aromatic oils (lemon, grapefruit, orange, lime).

Regular contrast shower

Changing hot and cold water during water procedures has a beneficial effect on the skin, helping to increase its firmness and elasticity. A contrast shower in combination with other activities helps make stretch marks less noticeable.

Using Olive Oil

Probably the only oil whose use constantly and in any quantity will never cause harm. Rubbing it into problem areas can significantly soften the skin and improve blood circulation. The maximum result can be obtained by applying olive oil after water procedures: open pores promote deeper absorption.

Many oils have a similar effect. Applying castor oil, lavender oil, flaxseed oil and chamomile oil to the problem area will significantly improve the condition of the skin and help smooth out fine wrinkles and make large scars less noticeable.

Wrap and exfoliate

Most ways to get rid of stretch marks at home involve the use of a scrub and wrap. You can prepare the scrub yourself, for example from ground coffee and honey. Sea salt and sea buckthorn oil are excellent. The scrub should be quite thick to make it easy to apply. It is recommended to cleanse the skin with a scrub up to 2 times a day. Before applying the mixture, you can take a cold shower or wipe your stomach with ice cubes, this will close the spores, and rough physical cleansing will not harm the skin

The wrap is made mainly from blue clay with the addition of a few drops of essential oil. The oil is applied to the body, wrapped in cling film and left for a while. You can also do seaweed wraps or honey compresses.

When using cosmetic products to remove stretch marks, pay attention to the presence of components such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins C and E. These substances stimulate the tissues to produce their own collagen, which is so necessary for skin restoration. Eating foods that contain these vitamins will also benefit your skin.