Peutz-Touraine Syndrome

**Peutz-Touraine syndrome**

Peutz-Touraine syndrome describes the clinical manifestation of multiple benign polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract, including the duodenum, appendix, colon and small intestine. It is also known as Peutz-Jeghers and Touraine-Ailles syndrome. The syndrome is named after the French gastroenterologist Jean-Louis Peutz, who described the first two patients in his work in 1937, and the French dermatologist Alexandre Touran, who, along with Pierre Ailles, wrote a monograph on the prevalence of the disease among his family's patients in 1945. It has a genetic basis and is characterized by the distribution of small polyps, which are usually located in the distal jejunum or ascending colon, especially in the duodenum and its flexures. The polyp itself consists of a soft and thin mucous membrane, which often contains keratin deposits. Clinical

Peutze-Touraine syndrome is a rare disease characterized by the appearance of polyps, as well as protruding papilloma formations on various parts of the body. The cause of the disease is not completely clear, but it is known that the syndrome is inherited, and the probability of the disease manifesting itself in the second generation is up to 40%. People suffering from this disease may have various symptoms, such as stomach polyps, rectal polyps, papillary skin tumors, or even growths under the nails. Diagnosis of the syndrome is complex and includes endoscopic examinations and dermatoscopy. Treatment includes surgical removal of formations, drugs that reduce the growth of polyps and regulate the functioning of the digestive system. However, the incidence of complications and relapses after removal of tumors is quite high. Peutzo-Turresia syndrome is a fairly rare disease, and occurs, perhaps, no more than one case per thousand inhabitants. The cause of this disease can be heredity, lifestyle, and viral infections. Doctors are almost unable to influence this syndrome; only the consequences should be treated; it can be prevented through your lifestyle, proper nutrition, and exercise. I hope you found this article helpful. Do I still have questions?