Pig Blood Protein Precipitating Serum

Serum Precipitation of Pork Blood Proteins

About blood Blood is “liquid tissue”, which consists of a liquid part (plasma) and formed elements suspended in it (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets). The composition of the blood depends on age, the state of the body, the nature of nutrition, certain physiological conditions (physical activity, pregnancy, lactation), as well as under the influence of certain external factors (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.). Blood performs many functions in humans and in the body of animals. In the process of human evolution, the formation of the circulatory system as a universal transport channel entailed a decrease in the number of cardiac chambers and the formation of one of the four chambers found in some species of fish. In connection with the emergence of a 2- and then 3-chambered heart, the most functionally significant place for red blood cells in our blood turned out to be in the cardiac section, and not as in other systems. This distribution reflects the relative importance of hemocerebrospinal fluid effects on the respiratory organs. In our body, part of the blood is concentrated in the hollow internal