Plantar Sulcus Medial

Pain and discomfort in the forefoot do not always indicate problems associated with the bones or joints of the legs and require consultation with a specialist, although many things can be solved at home. Some people mistakenly believe that if this occurs, it is always necessary to consult a doctor for medical help. After all, hospital treatment and specialized care for foot conditions are significant costs. However, there are simple techniques that will help you avoid expensive treatment and help you maintain your health.

A small canal runs along the inner surface of the foot, called the medial plantar groove. This space is located quite deep, so not everyone can feel it with their toes, but it is important both for the health of the legs and the psychological state.

Young people and adults who have experienced stress and problematic situations that carry many experiences and fears that can change a person in an unpredictable way are susceptible to this phenomenon. In these cases, patients feel unstable, weak, and may often experience fatigue, especially after sports or physical activity. This manifestation can be noticed at the initial stage of the occurrence of such overvoltage. It is also worth considering that in the absence of treatment, such symptoms can worsen over time and lead to serious consequences. It is when the first signs appear that you need to seek qualified medical help.