
Psychomotorics is a branch of psychology that studies all aspects of the mental and motor processes of interaction of a living being with the environment, as well as the specifics of their formation, features of development and functioning. In a broader sense, psychomotor skills are usually interpreted as a set of innate and acquired reactions of all types of human motor activity.

In psychomotor there are two levels:

The first of them is the elementary elements of movement (movements of the eyes, head, torso, arms, legs, etc.). The second level is motor acts (walking, running, holding a pose, sitting, etc.) and motor skills (for example, the ability to hold a spoon).

Psychomotor skills are closely related to the nervous system and the functioning of the brain as a whole (the activity of which is generally considered to be its functional basis). Interacting with various environmental factors, a person launches a complex chain of motor acts to complete the tasks assigned to him (reading, writing, fine motor skills, etc.).