Pulmonary Trunk Subvalvular Stenosis

**Pulmonary stenosis of the subvalvular (subpulmonary valve) --** is a term that refers to a narrowing of the lumen of the pulmonary artery. This disease is caused by sclerosis of the lung tissue and is characterized by a slowdown in blood flow through the lung tissue, as well as a decrease in their respiratory function.

**Definition, etiology and pathogenesis**

Subvalvular pulmonary stenosis is a narrowing or complete closure of the lumen of one of the three trunks that enter the aorta (common, left circumflex trunk and left descending pulmonary great vessels).

The main causes of this disease are: - trauma, - inflammation, and in the long-term course of the pathology - dystrophic, atrophic and sclerotic processes in the heart muscle and pulmonary system.

Other causes include: * inflammation (pneumonia, fungal infections, bronchitis), in which rough fibrous scars can form, narrowing the lumen of the lungs. These are chronic infectious or allergic bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, enphysema, etc.

The danger of this condition for the patient is that it can lead to expansion of the left atrium and congestion in the lungs, increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation, and the development of right ventricular failure. Ultimately, this leads to a general deterioration in heart function, increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure, stroke and death of the patient.

It should also be mentioned that this disease can be congenital, caused by the presence of an anomaly (two) or a single artery of the lung, which is characterized by excessive expansion and slow blood flow through the small arteries. In this case, there is a “blind” valve trunk, which is the cause of stenosis.

The cause of vasoconstriction is sometimes caused by illnesses suffered in childhood, such as infectious infections, rheumatism and others. Quite often in infancy, the body suffers from valve hypoplasia. Parts of it or no functioning at all. According to the results of various studies, this cause of stenosis occurs in approximately 5-11% of cases.