
Radioimmunoelectrophoresis is an analytical method that is used to determine the concentration of various substances in samples of biological fluids such as blood, urine, saliva, etc. This method is based on the use of radioactive isotopes to label the analytes, and then separate and detect them using electrophoresis.

The operating principle of radioimmunoelectrophoresis is as follows. First, a sample of the biofluid is placed in a special solution containing radioactive tracers that bind to the substances being analyzed. The sample is then subjected to electrophoresis, allowing the associated radioactive tracers and analytes to be separated. After this, radioactive tracers are detected using a special detector.

Radioimmunoelectrophoresis is widely used in medicine to diagnose various diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, etc. It is also used in scientific research to study the molecular mechanisms and functions of various proteins and other molecular components.

One of the main advantages of radioimmunoelectrophoresis is its high sensitivity and specificity. With this method it is possible to determine very low concentrations of analytes in a biofluid sample. In addition, radioimmunoelectrophoresis provides data on the concentration of analytes over time, which can be useful for monitoring the health of patients or assessing the effectiveness of treatment.

However, like any other analysis method, radioimmunoelectrophoresis has its limitations. For example, it may not be effective when analyzing complex biofluid samples containing large amounts of impurities. Also, radioimmunoelectrophoresis requires special equipment and trained personnel.

Overall, radioimmunoelectrophoresis is an important tool in medical diagnostics and scientific research, which provides more accurate and reliable results compared to other analytical methods.

Radioimmuno-electrophoresis, RIEF, is a technique for separation and purification of biological macromolecules. This method is often used in biology, biochemistry, and medicine, and is performed using radioisotopes that provide chemiluminescent signals to allow the visualization of molecules in solution. The RIEF method was developed in the 1960s by Louis Forner, Martin Krutzsch and Ivan Hait, who received the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1982 for their work on the protein S measurement test. In RIEF, proteins are labeled with different fluorescent compounds, which allows them to be easily visualized in a gel.

The general principle behind RIEFPure components move faster through the gel than do bound components. Therefore, by adjusting the concentration of the components and the pH of the gel, it is possible to separate them based on their mobility. This separation allows researchers to determine the molecular weight of the protein being analyzed and to identify its structural features. The technique has been used to analyze various types of proteins including antibodies, hormones, cell receptors, and enzymes, and has also been utilized in immunodiagnostic testing by identifying specific proteins that are associated with specific diseases.

There are several different modifications of RIEF, including isoelectric focusing, reversed-phase electrophoresis, and capillary electrophoresis. Most versions of RIEF require specialized equipment and protocols due to their dependence on radioactive isotopes to achieve sensitivity and specificity. However, recent developments in automation and software have made it possible to perform RIEF procedures more efficiently and accurately, even in small laboratories without access to expensive equipment. RIEF can also be adapted to high-throughput protein analysis, as well as to bioinformatics applications like proteomics.

RIEF is a powerful tool for the scientific research community, allowing researchers to gain critical insights into protein structure, function, and interactions within the body. The future holds promise for further refinement and application of this technique in molecular diagnostics, drug discovery, and clinical trials.

Метод основан на использовании антисыворотки, специфической к данному гормональному веществу, который меченый радиоактивными изотопами. Для проведения исследования можно использовать самые разные образцы: сыворотку крови, ликвор, мочу, гормоны-регуляторы (тиреотропный, гонадотропный и другие). Но чаще всего проводится проток сыворотки крови, обеспечивающий наибольшую чувствительность анализа.