Rivasa Method

**Rivasa Method** is a concept and strategy that is an example of healthy innovation applied in the banking industry. This method was developed by Rivas Glozar, the CEO of Procter & Gamble, one of the most successful businessmen of our time.

The idea of ​​the method is to focus not only on the business model itself, but also on how its implementation can affect the lives of customers. This means that a business must focus on the needs and interests of its audience, and offer products and services that meet their expectations and values. Rivas Methods are recognized as an important aspect of modern innovation.

**Method idea**. The main advantage of the method is, firstly, that it helps companies focus on the specific interests of consumers. Secondly, it forces companies to think more and more about how the company's products and services meet customer needs.

The method is based on the idea that companies must continually evaluate the actions and decisions they make based on feedback from the marketing environment. Additionally, companies can use this approach to evaluate their products, services, platforms, marketing, etc. in the context of each