Syphilide Papular Miliary

Syphilitic papular palmar * (syphilitic papular palmar) * is a disease that manifests itself in the form of a small papulovesicular rash on the palms and soles, accompanied by severe itching.

The causative agent of the disease is Treponema pallidum, the microorganism that causes syphilis. The pathogen is transmitted only through sexual contact, so the disease is more common in men, since they are the main source of infection. The female body can become an object of infection when using shared bed linen and washcloths in a shared bathhouse. Transmission of infection is also possible through failure to comply with personal hygiene rules and sharing household items with the patient (toothbrush, scissors, comb). Once in the body, the spirochete enters the bloodstream and tends to settle in the lymph nodes. After several cycles of reproduction, microorganisms leave the lymph nodes into the blood, multiply there for a long time, and then begin to colonize the internal organs, where they form ulcers. Only after this the pathogen begins its path to the skin - in most cases along the nerves. This path goes through several stages of development, each of which has its own clinical picture. So, the first symptoms of the disease appear within 3 weeks after infection: this is a small spot on the skin at the site of the initial rash. The disease itself can last for months, or it can progress over the course of a year, after which it goes into remission until the very end of life. But nevertheless, the disease causes serious harm to the health of the patient. Characteristic features of this type of syphilide are rashes in the interdigital folds of the hands or feet; it is least often found on the face, buttocks and torso. The rash looks like small follicular vesicles, which then turn into small papules with a diameter of no more than 2-3 mm. They are at first white with a bluish tint, then they take on a red-pink color and finally become purulent. The rash covers the palms and soles of the feet, but can also appear on the face. Most often, the disease occurs in workers in heavy occupations at night and in people suffering from alcoholism. Sometimes a papule can become a vesicle up to

Syphilide papules are a papular rash that occurs in patients during the course of secondary syphilis. In addition to humans, the rash can also appear in animals. This applies to syphilis in cattle and small ruminants. It is impossible to call this disease exclusively human. It is characterized as a pathology of the skin.

Most often observed in the warm season, it has a high pathogenicity and the ability to spread throughout the body. The infection can be transmitted from a sick person through saliva, blood, sweat, tears, anal secretions or breast milk.

One of the main symptoms is a skin rash - most often localized on the front of the chest, as well as on the back. The rash is characterized by the presence of small lesions, their size can reach 3–5 mm. They have a pale pink, white or slightly reddish tint. The rash can be either single or multiple. Associated symptoms may also include headaches, weakness, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, signs of metabolic disorders, and others.