The healing power of sounds. What kind of music do doctors recommend listening to?

The world of sounds that accompany human daily life is many-sided and diverse. How pleasant it is to wake up to the sound of rain, the singing of birds or the hissing of a kettle that your loved one personally put on the stove, wanting to make you coffee. And how sometimes everyone gets sick of the sound of a hammer knocking on the wall - the neighbors are doing repairs again, the howl of a siren on the street or an unloved song from an unloved singer.

Agree: we rarely think about the huge impact various sounds have on our well-being and mood. And in vain, because thanks to them we can significantly improve our health, and perhaps cause irreparable damage to it.

Holy Scripture tells about King Saul, who was possessed by a demon. It was thanks to the bewitching melody of the harp performed by David that Saul felt much better. People have long believed that if you stand under the ringing bells on the Resurrection of Christ, you can get rid of or protect yourself from serious illnesses. It turns out that this is not a superstition at all: scientists have proven that the sounds of bells have powerful healing powers.

An interesting historical fact: in the Middle Ages, some villages saved themselves from the plague by ringing church bells day and night.

Fascist psychologists also knew about the impact of sounds on a person’s well-being: they tortured their prisoners with an ordinary water tap. People went crazy hearing the rhythmic sounds of falling drops every day.

I remember a sensational story about a girl who was in a coma: she was saved thanks to the fact that a famous Ukrainian singer, whose songs she idolized, sang them for her within the walls of the intensive care unit. The girl, whom the attending doctors had already given up on, miraculously returned to life.

“Chanting mantras in everyday meditation can cleanse your energy and get rid of many diseases. You, dear students, are already ready for this stage, but if an unprepared person tries to chant mantras, he can cause significant harm to his health,” the guru said, giving instructions to us, his faithful followers.

Using Eastern healing methods from my own experience, meditating and chanting mantras, I was able to get rid of a disease that I had unsuccessfully tried to treat with traditional methods for several years.

Singing cells

How do sounds affect the human body? University of California biologist David Deimer was able to scientifically explain this phenomenon: thanks to special instruments, he measured the vibrations of the cells of the human body and translated them into the language of sounds. It turned out that the cells of the body “sing” and their melody directly depends on whether a person is healthy or sick.

Healthy cells make sounds similar to the sounds of mantras in Eastern meditation, diseased cells wheeze, and dead cells make a slight noise. Since the surrounding world is made of vibrations - waves of different frequencies and longitudes - thanks to sound vibrations, negative processes in the human cell can be prevented.

The melodies of classical music, folk songs, as well as the sounds of nature - the voices of dolphins, the sound of rain, the singing of birds - normalize cell vibrations, thereby healing from various diseases.

Scientists have proven that sounds of a certain frequency improve a person’s memory by 45-50%, attention by 25-30%, they can also normalize heart rhythm, blood pressure, and improve lung ventilation. Sounds restore the body’s motor function after a stroke, not to mention the fact that favorite melodies can relieve depression and nervous exhaustion.

Regular listening to classical works, for example, the melodies of Mozart or Tchaikovsky, contributes to the treatment of such complex diseases as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

“Unfavorable” sounds, on the contrary, can cause attacks of tachycardia in a person.