How to pump up the cheekbones on your face? or face building - fitness for the face.

There are a lot of exercises for any muscle group, but what to do if the problem area is the face? How to pump up the cheekbones on your face if they are far from perfect? This is precisely why face-building was invented - fitness, which can replace a lot of plastic surgery: on the lips, chin, cheekbones, cheeks and even nose.

When losing weight, the face may become less prominent, and its oval may lose its outline. And some people by nature do not have clear facial contours. You can correct and pump up your cheeks and cheekbones using Facebook building exercises.

How should you exercise to make your cheekbones appear? It is advisable to perform the complex after washing and caring for the skin, and preferably twice a day. But once is basically enough.

  1. We start by relaxing the cheeks. They pouted, pressed their lips tightly together and placed the palms of their hands on their cheeks so that their fingers touched their ears. We press on the cheeks, but do not let out the air. This greatly tones the face and relieves fatigue. And at the same time prepares for other exercises.
  2. We fold our lips into a tube, press our tongue on the inside of the cheek, and stretch the muscles a little. The main thing is not to open your mouth. We stretch each cheek for half a minute. This way you can stretch your facial muscles and pump them up slightly.
  3. Ball in mouth. Let’s imagine that you have a balloon in your mouth, but it’s small - a little smaller than a tennis one... Hide it behind one cheek, and now roll it to the other cheek through your upper lip and back through your lower lip.
  4. You can tighten the lower cheek muscles and thereby make them more expressive with the following exercise: place your thumb behind the cheek as low as possible (to the gum itself) and pull the cheek from the inside. We strain the muscles and try to press it again to the gum.
  5. Open your mouth so that it takes the shape of the letter “O”. We lower the lower jaw and try not to raise it during the entire exercise. We place straight index fingers behind the cheeks and press them to the lower teeth so that the nails touch the outermost lower teeth. We tense the muscles of our cheeks (as if we are trying to retract them) and try to connect our fingers. There will be a desire to tense your mouth, but then you won’t be able to pump up your cheekbones. But the area near the nose and upper lip must be relaxed, otherwise wrinkles will appear here.
  6. Another exercise for the zygomatic muscles also begins with us extending our mouth into the letter “O”. Now we place our fingers under the upper lip, but not straight, but at a slight angle. It is important not to scratch the teeth, gums and mucous membranes with your nails. Again, we try to press our upper lip on our fingers and connect them. The lower jaw should be relaxed.
  7. Now you don't need your fingers. Again we draw out the mouth like the letter “O” and strain the zygomatic muscles (those that go in the middle of the cheeks from the nostrils to the temples). In order to pump this area more effectively, you can wrinkle your nose a little.
  8. Finally, in order to make your entire face thinner and your cheekbones to appear more expressive, you can do this exercise. Opening your mouth, roll your lips over your teeth. We tense the muscles of the cheeks and lips. Place your hands on your cheeks and slowly move them upward. By the way, after these exercises, soreness on the cheeks is possible, but after a couple of weeks their relief will change for the better.
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