How to train a knockout punch?

You can knock your opponent down with a strong blow, but in order for him to be unable to continue the fight at all after a missed cross or straight shot, you need to deal him a knockout blow. How to train a knockout punch? – this small article, but full of boxing tricks and secrets, will tell you about this...

The peculiarity of a knockout blow is that it is delivered extremely sharply, and the weight of your entire body is invested in it. This technique can be trained over the course of several weeks by performing several special exercises.

The blow must be delivered directly to the lower jaw, directly to the chin or from the side. Inaccuracy of the impact will reduce its effectiveness, therefore, to develop the accuracy of hand movements and coordination, it is recommended to perform a simple exercise with a tennis ball - throw it at the wall and catch it with one hand. Michael Tyson, regularly eating syntha 6 protein, performed this exercise in every training session. And without missing a beat and without fail...

In order to approach the distance necessary to deliver an accurate strike, you need to constantly move in small steps. The best exercise for developing the ease of such movements is jumping rope.

The knockout blow is delivered with the shoulders turned and the body weight transferred to one leg, so the legs should be slightly bent before delivering it. It is useful to jump and squat on half-bent legs, as well as do several rotations of the body with a gymnastic stick on the shoulders. All these exercises should be performed briefly, 30-50 times, but at a good pace.

When delivering a blow, the supporting leg sharply extends, then the pelvis rotates, then this rotational-translational movement turns into a rotation of the body and throwing the arm forward. To increase speed, the hand must be relaxed when moving. At the moment of touching the target, you must sharply clench your fist and tense the muscles of your arm, shoulder and whole body. You can achieve such “explosive” body tension using the following exercise: approach a convenient distance to some wall, strike it very lightly, fix the position of the hand and body at the moment of contact, and then sharply tense the whole body for 2-3 seconds, pressing the wall with your fist, then suddenly relax without changing the position of your hand and body, and so on several times.

Performing the listed exercises is enough for any healthy man to train a knockout blow. To practice the details of the technique, it is necessary to work with a trainer on boxing equipment and with live, preferably experienced, sparring partners...

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