There Are No Bad Babies

Who among us does not know the humorous, paraphrased expression: Beating determines consciousness, And the British have a saying: Spare the rod, spoil the child.

So, what’s better: spank the naughty guy, put him in a corner, or deliberately not talk to him for hours?

First, let's try to figure out why children act up? This happens at different ages for different reasons. Today we’ll talk about the little ones who are under two and a half years old. At this age, it is pointless to scold or punish children, just as it is pointless to shout at a baby when he soils his diapers.

Toddlers cannot yet be held accountable for their actions because they do not yet understand when they act badly. Does this mean that you should let them do whatever they want? Of course not.

The little ones need to be taught what they should and shouldn’t do, not through punishment, but by explaining or simply showing what makes you sad and what makes you happy.

Let's take an example that all adults invariably encounter. While sitting at dinner, the baby spins around and knocks over a plate of soup. The soup spreads over the oilcloth, pours down and drenches the hem of your skirt. The first reaction to this is to spank him. But do not rush to attack the baby shouting: “Shame on you! Bad boy!”

Your lack of restraint can cause a deep wound to your child. At an early age, a child is just beginning to explore the world. You are both a source of love and a teacher for him. If you yell at him, he takes your words literally: he is bad and no one likes him.

A child under two years of age has not yet developed an awareness of cause and effect. He just doesn’t understand that it was he who spilled the soup.

What to do in such a situation? It’s better to throw out your emotions, but not on the child: “What should we do now? The whole table is flooded!” The child will understand that you are upset and will feel sorry for you. And then explain to him how to avoid this trouble.

Even if it seems that the baby is deliberately acting badly, in reality this is not the case. For example, a two-year-old child broke a vase by pulling a tape recorder towards him. By scolding him, you will cause an undeserved insult. Explain that objects fall when you pull them. Then he himself will remember what not to do.

Don't expose your baby to unnecessary temptation. For example, prohibit climbing into puddles unless you wear wet shoes. In rubber boots, let him enjoy his favorite pastime to the fullest.

The main thing is that the child must learn a lesson, but without a wound in his soul. No child plays pranks on purpose. Help him understand the rules of good behavior. Then he will learn to evaluate his actions.