Thrombocytopathy Hereditary

What causes hereditary thrombocytopenia? Hereditary platelet pathology manifests itself due to a breakdown in chromosomes. Relatives of the same person have different gene changes. However, even in this case, the exact mechanism of development of the pathology still remains open.

What are the symptoms of hereditary thrombocytosis in children? Primary signs can appear at different periods of a child’s life and are more pronounced after reaching reproductive age, for example, during pregnancy and childbirth. Common symptoms include soreness in the fingers, nose and eyes, as well as frequent bleeding, which may be accompanied by dizziness and headaches. Treatment should be aimed at increasing the level of platelets in the blood using specific medications. Careful treatment and strict monitoring lead to improved quality and longevity of the patient's life.

In general, hereditary forms of the disease are much less common in children than hereditary forms. The more common form is acquired or secondary thrombocytosis.