At what age do women go gray?

For Caucasians, gray hair appears on average at thirty-five years of age. For Asians - at forty-two years old, for Negroids - over fifty years old. Indian hair is considered the most resistant to graying. Their discoloration occurs at the age of seventy.

The color of human hair is determined by two pigments: a reddish tint and a darker, almost black one. The combination of these two pigments gives an individual color. The distribution of pigmentation is heterogeneous throughout the hair mass. This fact explains the natural color transitions on undyed hair.

Hair color also depends on genetic and endocrine factors. It is the hereditary factor that determines the quantity and quality of pigments produced, as well as the number of melanocytes: the cells responsible for their synthesis. Melanocytes are found in hair follicles and color the hair as it grows. With age, cellular activity decreases, and the level of synthesized pigments also decreases.

Gray hair of older people does not surprise anyone, because after 35 years a person begins to have individual gray hairs. Much depends on heredity; some people manage to maintain their hair color into old age.

Cause of graying hair is a lack of melanin pigment, which is responsible for skin and hair color. The pigment cells of the hair follicles, due to aging or other factors, stop producing the pigment melanin, as a result, air accumulates in the hair shaft instead. Under a microscope, gray hair resembles a tube with cylinders filled with air. Sudden graying of hair may be associated with diseases of the thyroid gland or due to severe nervous stress.

Since the supply of melanocytes in the human body is limited, graying is inevitable. But, given that this reserve is different for everyone, the timing of the onset of gray hair can vary greatly. In addition, over time, the activity of tyrosinase, the main enzyme involved in the production of melanin, decreases. This leads to the fact that the amino acid tyrosine, which is part of the hair protein, begins to be absorbed worse, the interaction of hair cells with melanocytes is disrupted and the pigment does not enter the hair.

If the color is lost prematurely

Very often today you can hear premature graying. What is it? Normally, men begin to go gray at the age of 30-35, and women at 40-45. If gray hair appears earlier, we can talk about premature graying. Most often, the first gray hairs appear on the temples, then on the crown and back of the head.

Today, no one can say for sure why a person goes gray ahead of schedule. For example, some doctors associate this with a previous viral disease, for example, caused by cytomegalovirus. This version has not yet been confirmed by serious research, but it is not refuted either.

  1. Another interesting theory says that air spaces appear in the structure of each hair, due to which the refraction of light changes and they acquire a characteristic gray tint.

There are many ways to disguise gray hair; alternatively, you can use the following:

  1. Covers light gray hair well highlightingThanks to this method, you can not only get rid of an imaginary defect, but also visually become younger and fresher.
  2. Lung toning hair. Tinting products do not affect the internal structure of the hair, but envelop the hair from the outside. After washing your hair, the dye is gradually washed off, so you will have to use this product quite often.
  3. If 45% - 50% of your hair is gray, then the solution may be coloring permanent hair color. To ensure that the result does not disappoint you, before you start covering your gray hair, carefully read the instructions that come with any paint. As a rule, the instructions indicate the rules for coloring gray hair.
  4. They will help solve the problem of staining regrown roots concealer and pomade for regrown hair. These products are easy to apply, dry quickly, and are washed off when washing your hair. For those with light graying hair, a strand lightening spray is an indispensable product.

Perms, unsuccessful or very frequent dyeing, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, poor ecology - these are the main enemies of our hair.

How to deal with gray hair

It turned out that the number of gray people among older people is much less than was commonly believed. Previously, there was an opinion that among 50-year-olds, half had at least 50% gray hair, but in fact less than 25% were found to have gray hair. Moreover, gray hair is spreading unevenly around the world, and in some countries there are even fewer gray-haired people.

Gray hair can be slightly tinted blue or lilac. But it’s better to cut them shorter or always put them in a bun. With long gray flowing hair, it is rare for anyone to not look like a “witch.”

But if it is impossible to “cure” premature graying, then you can still try to delay it, especially if early graying is genetic in you. The best prevention of premature graying is a healthy lifestyle, protection from stress and a nutritious balanced diet, including taking vitamin and mineral complexes. Long-term exhausting diets can negatively affect both your overall well-being and the condition and color of your hair.

The appearance of gray hair is also promoted by a lack of tyrosine, which is found in most proteins. If representatives of the white race begin to go gray at the age of 35 to 40, then blacks go gray a little later, and Indians generally after 70 years.

To prevent the appearance of gray hair, you should not give up protein-rich foods for a long time. Also, hair quickly turns gray due to a lack of copper in the body. It is found in large quantities in liver, nuts, sprouted wheat, lentils, beans and parsley. Gray hair cannot return to its original color, but if you take vitamins B, B, B2, B6, this not only strengthens the general condition of the body, but also delays the spread of gray hair. It is believed that in some cases, taking large doses of para-aminobenzoic acid in combination with folic acid can restore natural hair color.

Often the reasons for early graying can be a long-term illness, constant worries, emotional distress, and an unhealthy lifestyle. With some diseases, such as erysipelas, baldness, migraine, temporary graying occurs. from

Perms, unsuccessful or very frequent dyeing, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, poor ecology - these are the main enemies of our hair.

In case of premature graying, you should rinse your hair with a decoction of nettle roots and leaves. To prepare it, infuse 50 g of dry nettle in 500 ml of water and 500 ml of vinegar, then boil for 30 minutes. Cool the broth and strain, and then rub it into the scalp every evening for several days.

The content of the article

Graying is largely due to genetic reasons, but there are other factors, such as diet and stress.

For most people, genetics is the determining factor. You will have your first gray strands at the same age as your parents or grandparents. However, the rate at which new gray hair appears also depends on a person's lifestyle and habits.

What makes gray hair worse?

Smoking speeds up the process of new gray hair. Anemia, poor nutrition, lack of B vitamins and thyroid problems can also contribute to premature hair bleaching.

The pigment melanin is responsible for hair color in the human body. This is the same pigment that turns the skin dark when tanning. Each hair follicle contains cells called melanocytes. These, in turn, produce coloring pigments of black, brown, yellow and red, and also conduct melanin to the cells that produce keratin, the main protein that makes up hair.

At the very beginning of graying, melanocytes are still present in the hair, but the hair color becomes lighter. Gradually, these cells die out, and nothing remains of the rich hair color.

The appearance of gray hair is an inevitable process of aging. But sometimes premature gray hair occurs as a result of an autoimmune disease. Some people begin to go gray after the age of 20, but they are quite healthy. Severe stress or shock can cause large amounts of gray hair to appear quickly.

As a rule, white-skinned people begin to go gray after the age of 30, Asians closer to 40, and Africans after 40. According to research, the age of first gray hair in women is becoming earlier. Currently, approximately 32 percent of women begin to go gray before reaching age 30. This suggests that, in addition to genetic factors, hair is greatly affected by stress. It has been scientifically proven that during stress, vitamin B is destroyed in the body, and its lack contributes to the appearance of gray hair.

Japanese scientists claim that hair follicles react to stress in the same way as DNA. This is called oxidative stress and is caused by pollution, smoking and ultraviolet radiation. There is also some connection between this type of stress and emotional stress.

How to deal with gray hair

Nowadays, those who want to look young have little choice: dye their hair or leave it as is, gray. It should be borne in mind that gray hair is difficult to dye due to the lack of melanin in it.

Researchers from the L'Oreal Institute discovered an interesting fact. They learned that skin and hair cells produce melanocytes in the same way. But skin doesn't change color with age the same way hair does. The reason for this is the lack of enzymes in hair follicles that are found in skin cells. Scientists hope to develop a drug that could replicate the effect of enzymes to make hair cells retain color longer.