Budget-friendly care for problem skin

Many women mistakenly believe that caring for problematic facial skin can be done with conventional products that only cleanse and nourish, completely forgetting that they need to simultaneously deal with peeling, pimples, and red spots. As a result, it turns out that the skin receives everything it needs, but continues to bother its owner, not at all shining with health and well-groomed. Is it really that simple and it’s impossible to correct mistakes? Not everything is so sad, because modern cosmetology provides a considerable selection of drugs that will provide care no worse than in an expensive salon!

6 main mistakes in caring for problem skin

Often, those with problem skin are themselves to blame for the fact that their face is replete with spots and pimples. There is only one reason here - mistakes made in care, which should be corrected immediately.

So, we identify the problem, take care of it, and carry out facial skin care with problem skin according to all the rules prescribed by cosmetologists. The most common mistakes:

  1. Use ordinary running water for washing, which contains many aggressive elements.
  2. Everyday decorative cosmetics do not match your skin type and cause irritation.
  3. Cosmetics have too dense a structure and do not allow the epidermis to breathe.
  4. The use of expired cosmetics, which accumulate a lot of bacteria that cause pimples.
  5. Eating harmful foods, which greatly contribute to the appearance of rashes and redness, activates the sebaceous glands.
  6. Care is carried out irregularly - if procedures are carried out only a few times a month, they will not bring anything useful.

Important! Another important mistake that many representatives of the fair sex make is refusing to visit a cosmetologist. You definitely need to consult with a specialist who will determine at what stage the shortcomings were made and help correct them.

Rules for caring for problem skin types

There is no need to assume that proper care for problem skin takes a lot of time - if all processes become a habit, there will be no difficulties. The main thing is not to experiment; everything has long been tested and approved by many owners of capricious skin.

Basic rules that must be strictly followed:

  1. do not give up plant-based folk remedies, but it is better to give preference to purchased cosmetics that contain everything necessary for problematic skin;
  2. review your diet by including foods that are healthy for the epidermis - vegetables, herbs, fruits;
  3. use cosmetics that protect against external irritants, but do not interfere with the flow of oxygen into the epidermal tissue;
  4. use moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing compositions selected strictly for your skin type;
  5. do not try to squeeze out pimples - there are special preparations for this that will cope with the task more effectively and without unpleasant consequences.

Even these few rules are enough to get rid of the most obvious defects on the face.

We advise you to watch a video about the causes of acne and the fight against it:

Comprehensive daily care for problem skin

Caring for problematic facial skin at home should be carried out with preparations specially designed for this purpose. In order not to aggravate the situation, when purchasing products you need to carefully study the information on the packaging - it is there that it is usually indicated that the composition is specifically for capricious skin.

You will need complex care for your face, which includes several stages. It is important to properly cleanse, enrich with nutrients, tone and moisturize. You can do all this yourself - special preparations can easily cope with the task.

Washing and deep cleansing

You need to wash your face at least twice a day, using only distilled or filtered water - liquid from the tap will not help improve the condition of your skin. If you carry out care in stages, be sure to include the use of foams and special gels, which usually contain drying and disinfecting substances.

Important! We should not forget about peeling - deep cleansing will allow the epidermal cells to be freely enriched with oxygen. Another advantage of cleansing is that the skin will get rid of particles of dust, dirt and dead skin cells.

Moisturizing and antibacterial toners

When listing the stages of caring for problem skin, we should not forget about moisturizing and toning. What are the best drugs to use for this?

When purchasing preparations for toning, you must definitely study the composition - it should not contain alcohol, but it must contain amino acids that will restore the tone of the skin and get rid of microbes. For moisturizing, it is better to give preference to serum or emulsion - they are in no way inferior to cream in terms of effect, but they do an excellent job with the most common defects.

Gels and mattifying creams

You need to choose preparations with a mattifying effect very carefully, because this alone determines how much defects can be hidden. The composition must certainly contain herbal components that affect pimples and acne.

Another advantage of using such compositions is that they absorb excess sebum, making the face fresher and cleaner. Most gels and creams also serve as a barrier between the skin and harmful external influences - ultraviolet radiation, cold and heat, which cause irreparable damage to the face. A mixture of plant extracts, vitamins and natural prebiotics, caring for problematic facial skin, care with cosmetics that nourish and cleanse the face - only this can get rid of defects or make them completely insignificant and invisible.

The best cosmetics for problem skin care

When choosing cosmetics, you should be guided not by the cost or popularity of the brand, but by the qualities of the drug and its composition. There is no need to be seduced by beautiful packaging - you definitely need to study what is written on it.

For problematic skin, the composition must certainly contain:

  1. oils (jojoba, almond, lavender, sandalwood);
  2. prebiotics (relieve inflammation, prevent rashes);
  3. plant extracts (nourish, enrich with useful elements);
  4. minerals, vitamins (restore, cleanse and soothe the dermis).

If you have doubts that you will be able to adequately cope with the choice of drugs on your own, it is better to consult a specialist who will suggest the most effective formulations specifically for capricious skin.

TOP professional brands

Among the professional brands, there are many worthy and effective ones, which have already been tested by many women. The most popular are:

  1. Comodex. The use of drugs from a line of Israeli manufacturers is recommended for all age categories. Cream, gel, tonic will easily cleanse the skin, eliminate aesthetic problems, normalize sebum production, smooth out the face and make it more elastic and fresh. The cost of the drugs is quite high and ranges from 1500-2500 rubles.
  2. Christina. The preparations not only provide excellent and gentle care for problem skin, but also eliminate the effects of incorrectly selected products that were previously used. The brand offers serums, anti-rosacea masks, gels and cream. The advantage of the line is that you can choose the composition for different ages. The cost of funds is from 1800 to 3300 rubles.
  3. Peelosophy. The brand presents gels, creams, masks and lotions that will provide problematic skin with comprehensive care at any age - cleaning, getting rid of blemishes, preventing rashes and peeling. The cost of the compositions will not please you - from 4500 to 6000 rubles.

Nothing can affect the face like professional care, so you should not save money - homemade compositions are unlikely to get rid of problems on the skin.

Budget-friendly care for problem skin

You should not despair if expensive products are beyond your means - there are cheaper formulations that, nevertheless, can get rid of many defects.

The best budget brands:

  1. Clean line. Inexpensive but effective products that can be used at any age - there are no restrictions. The brand offers several types of creams, gels, and masks. Cost – from 80 to 200 rubles.
  2. Nevskaya cosmetics. The brand does not offer a very large selection of products for problematic skin, but gels, creams and lotions have long gained their fans among women due to their effectiveness and mild effect. The cost of the funds will certainly please you - from 60 to 150 rubles.
  3. Nivea. The brand presents all kinds of compositions for all ages, designed specifically to care for capricious skin with numerous defects. Creams, gels, tonics, masks and lotions - you can choose products that provide comprehensive care at a low cost. Cost – from 120 to 300 rubles.

You can find many other budget-friendly facial care products at your local store. Find out more about them and save!

There is no need to strive to purchase an expensive branded product - even professionals are sure that among inexpensive brands you can choose the most suitable formulations.

Regardless of which medications were chosen for skin care, you should always remember that everything should be in moderation. There is no need to stuff your face with various products, most of which can only cause harm. By choosing just a few compositions, you can easily get rid of many defects and always look well-groomed, young and beautiful.

Beautiful acne-free skin is not just one cream, one cleanser and one cleaning at the cosmetologist. This is a whole set of rules with which you can maintain a clean face without much expense or worry. Welcome to the cat!

I compiled a set of these rules myself, based both on advice from the Internet and on my own experience. We managed to structure them into two large groups:

2. Requirements for caring cosmetics for problem skin.

I. Facial hygiene.

Facial hygiene, especially if the skin is problematic, is not limited to the area of ​​the face itself and extends to hands, hair, clothes and even objects that we bring to the face and that come into contact with it.


Sorry about Caps Lock, but this is the most important and well-known rule, everyone just breaks it. There are many reasons: habit, nerves, illiteracy. Not everyone understands that squeezing out a new pimple with dirty hands in a public toilet is a chance to spread, in addition to acne bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, for example, to your face. That when we squeeze out a big pimple, no matter how hard we try, we push not only outward, but also inward. Many people know how the contents of a pimple, sorry for the unpleasant detail, literally shoots out under pressure. Likewise, it can shoot under the skin, spreading bacteria, inflammation and pus to places where there might not be any. It's the same with blackheads: a squeezed blackhead is almost 100% guaranteed to be a pimple.

Even understanding all this, we continue to find excuses and put pressure: "Well, it’s small, shallow, I’ll squeeze it out with clean hands, and the wound will heal quickly". It will work once, but the habit will remain.

There is also a nervous habit of pressing, when a person is able to pick into the trash a healthy face because he imagined a pimple somewhere.

How to deal with this? Awareness, willpower + character, auxiliary measures such as long nails that do not allow you to mock yourself.

Well-known pattern: If you squeeze one out, three will pop out. Therefore, WE DO NOT PRESSURE. We washed ourselves, put on something healthy and rested.

Rule No. 2: You must, you must, wash your face in the mornings and evenings.

Now half the acne owners will scream at me: "What do you think, are we doing something dirty? Yes, we wash our faces 5 times a day!". Hush, hush. You know, but there are those who don’t know. Let’s think about them too.

So, we get up in the morning and wash ourselves with a product appropriate for our skin type. In the evening, remove makeup with a suitable product (micellar water, hydrophilic oil) and wash again. We don't sleep in makeup! If something more serious than powder has been applied, do not neglect special removers - ordinary gel and water will not remove them, and then we will wonder where blackheads and clogged pores come from.

An important nuance of washing is the water temperature.. The water should not be cold or hot, it should not freeze us or, on the contrary, steam our face. All this irritates problem skin and leads to stagnation. The water should be lukewarm, a little close to cool.

Is it possible to wash your face more often? Depending on need and opportunity, it is possible. It is only important not to dry out the skin.

Rule No. 3: remove everything dirty from your face.

This is a rule that should be brought to the point of good, healthy paranoia.

Don't touch your face with your handsthat have not just been washed with soap.

Keep your hair away from your face. Hair is always dirtier than your face - they are washed, as a rule, less often, they are smeared with balm, which, although useful for the ends, can clog pores, the hair attracts a lot of dust, dirt, and exhaust fumes. And all this touches the face, tickles it, you want to scratch your cheek or forehead with unwashed hands. No no no! We remove the bangs, collect a ponytail, a bagel or a braid. There are a lot of beautiful hairstyles without facial hair. Speaking of balms: it is better to wash your body in the shower after you have already washed off the balm and wrapped your hair in a bun. Many people suffer from acne on their back precisely because hair balm clogs the pores of the skin in this area.

Wash your hat and scarf as often as possible, collared sweater. It's a pity? Don't you feel sorry for the face? All this touches the face and collects dead skin cells, sebum, sweat, bacteria, and dirt for weeks and months. When you start to realize this, it becomes simply scary to touch your face with such things. The same goes for your pillowcase and face towel. I change my pillowcase once a week, and I have long given up reusable towels in favor of disposable napkins.

I wash everything that touches my face more often: makeup brushes, sponges, beauty blenders, powder puff. It’s also a good idea to sprinkle them with chlorhexidine. We wipe our phone, sunglasses, keyboard, mouse with the same chlorhexidine - we constantly touch them with our hands, it’s scary to imagine how much there is. Well, I don’t think it’s worth explaining about cosmetic samples in the store.

Rule No. 4: remove excess fat)))

Matting napkins - a true true friend of those who fight for clear skin.

Everyone loves a matte face, and everyone considers a fat, shiny nose and forehead unattractive. But this is not only unsightly, but also dangerous. Do you remember where acne bacteria live and what they eat? That's right, sebum. More sebum means more food for bacteria - more bacteria themselves. Therefore, I advise you to use a mattifying napkin instead of powder, which essentially only masks sebum secretions. It's simple, it's hygienic, it doesn't damage makeup. And there is no room left for bacteria to live and thrive.

II. What cosmetics should be for problem skin.

Here we will divide the rules into categories of products: washing, toning, moisturizing and treatment.

1. What to wash your face with?

The cleanser must first correspond to your skin type (dry, oily, normal, combination). We do not wash oily skin with light foams for dry skin - they will not cleanse it. We do not torment dry skin with Domestos for oily skin.

Washing for problem skin should:

good for cleaning pores

do not dry or irritate the skin

contain at least some components useful for acne control

I’ll say right away that those who hope to turn problematic skin into clear skin only by cleansing are terribly mistaken. The cleanser has such short contact with our skin that it is simply stupid to count on it. Well, we have cleaned the skin, and then what? If you do nothing else, sebum will continue to be produced, and exfoliation will still occur at a slow pace. Even good results from washing, in my experience, are only temporary.

So, how do you know that washing has cleaned your pores well? Take a macro photo of the wings of your nose before and 5 minutes after washing your face. If the blackheads have noticeably lightened or disappeared altogether, congratulations, you have found your ideal in cleansing pores. If they stick out on the face as before, alas, the search for the ideal will have to continue.

How to understand that the product does not dry out or irritate the skin? Again, we compare before and after, but we rely more on sensations: if the face is not tight, peeling does not appear, wrinkles are not more pronounced, there is no redness - great. If there is one, we throw it away as soon as possible or, at worst, use it to wash the floors. It will only make our skin worse. The skin is actually smart. You dried it out - it produced more sebum. It’s too dry - wow, she’ll do her best, you’ll shine like a pancake in just 40 minutes! So we don’t tease the skin or dry it out.

What ingredients are good for problem skin? Let's start with the ones that are not good. I will never buy a cleansing gel from even the most expensive brand if it contains Sodium laureth sulfate or God forbid Sodium lauryl sulfate (better known as SLES and SLS). Even worse Ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS) and Ammonium laureth sulfate (ALES). Without going into details at the moment, I’ll just say that from my own experience I have been convinced more than once that a cleansing gel with SLS always dries out the skin, always irritates it, and always negates the beneficial effects of other ingredients. I buy washing gels only with mild detergent ingredients, for example, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Decyl polyglucose.

Useful components include:

salicylic acid (aka BHA, aka salicylic acid)

fruit acids (aka AHAs: lactic, glycolic, tartaric, malic, citric - lactic, glycolic, tartaric, malic and citric acids, respectively)

plant extracts: witch hazel, tea tree, calendula, chamomile, pumpkin, tomato and much more

- various ingredients, the general name of which I cannot think of: birch tar, azulene, panthenol, triclosan, zinc, etc.

It is very good if in the composition you see the absence of aggressive detergent components and the presence of something useful.

2. Lotions, tonics, toners.

Things that many people neglect. But in vain. Tonic, toner, lotion will not make the skin feel special (although some are capable of this), in any case, they will soothe it after washing and bring it into balance before applying other products. Most acne creams and pharmaceutical products are recommended to be applied at least 15 minutes after washing, to dry and calmed skin. Tonic speeds up this process and prepares the skin for the following products.

Basic requirements for tonics for problem skin:

no alcohol (alcohol dries, and about drying the skin, see above)

presence of useful components (see again above)

Today's fashionable hydrosols and hyaluronic waters perfectly tone.

How to understand that a tonic is suitable: the skin calms down after it, the color becomes more even; There is no feeling of stickiness or film. All! Nothing more is required. If the tonic does more, you are incredibly lucky, grab three more bottles)))

3. What and how to apply it?

The most difficult subtopic. Because sometimes a cream has a good composition, but it doesn’t work. Or the composition is bad, but it works some miracles on the skin. Or he works miracles on everyone, but turns you into a frog. Or vice versa. Therefore, it is most difficult to talk about any rules for long-term exposure agents. But I will try)

For problem skin in general Light textures are preferred. The gradation of textures from light to dense is as follows:

The denser the product, the greater the chance that it will clog pores and only provoke acne. Gel or cream-gel is ideally the only thing that should be applied to problem skin. Well, there are also light serums. At the same time, if two products are applied (and this is possible, for example, in winter I applied both an acid cream and an antibiotic at night), then the rule is: the lightest texture is applied first. That is, first the gel, then the cream. If you apply it the other way around, the gel will penetrate the skin worse or not at all, and therefore will not work. In general, I categorically do not recommend applying the ointment to problem skin.

Another important property of creams that should be avoided is comedogenicity. Comedogenicity - this is the property of the product to clog pores and form comedones. It happens that the cream is good, everything is in it - acids, aloe, and the blood of a virgin unicorn, but the pimples keep coming back. Read its composition - you will probably find comedogenic components. For me, these include “heavy” oils (olive, sunflower, coconut), vitamin E (if there is a lot of it in the composition, even though it’s useful, I won’t buy the cream), isopropyl myristate and myristyl myristate. They are like a red light: if they are in the composition - fu-fu-fu, out of harm's way. A complete list of comedogenic components can be easily found on the Internet.

So, the requirements for long-term exposure agents are simple:

presence of useful components in the composition

The ideal product is a gel or cream-gel with AHA. There are quite a few of these among pharmacy cosmetics.

I deliberately did not write in this article about masks, scrubs, serums and other more specific products. These are the topics of the future. About medications for problem skin is written in great detail here.

Thank you for your attention! I hope the text is useful.

And according to tradition - all the best and beauty!

The main questions for those with problem skin are how to eliminate oily shine and is it really possible to prevent acne? We will try to give an answer, and at the same time we will tell you what beauty products to use and what cosmetic procedures to sign up for.

  1. Signs of problem skin
  2. Causes of problems
  3. What kind of skin may be problematic?
  4. How to care for problem skin
  5. Preventing skin problems
  6. Cosmetical tools
  7. Cosmetology procedures

Signs of problem skin

Cosmetologists, as a rule, call oily skin prone to pimples and acne problematic. In patients suffering from acne, the formation of sebum significantly increases and its composition changes (the concentration of linoleic acid decreases). This leads to hyperkeratosis, and subsequently to clogging of pores and the appearance of closed and open comedones, or blackheads.

So, the main characteristics of problem skin:

The main skin problems are blackheads, oily shine, pimples, enlarged pores © iStock

Causes of problems

The number of sebaceous glands in the body of each person is determined genetically. But the intensity of the work of these glands can change throughout life. Skin problems can accompany you not only during adolescence, but also appear in your 30s and 40s.

What can cause them:

hormonal imbalance;

improperly selected care;

insufficient skin cleansing;

environmental pollution;

What kind of skin may be problematic?

Oily skin is considered a problem, but everyone is individual, so options are possible.

It is distinguished by oily shine and enlarged pores in the T-zone.

Characteristics: oily shine and enlarged pores all over the face.

Dehydrated problem

It shows an oily sheen, enlarged pores, and comedones. Inflammatory rashes - all over the face or in certain areas. Plus redness, peeling, burning, a feeling of tightness that occurs during drug treatment and aggressive care.

The most important step in caring for problem skin is cleansing © iStock

How to care for problem skin

Perhaps the most important step in caring for oily skin is cleansing. Morning and evening, with special means.

One of the main problems for owners of oily acne-prone skin is disruption of the surface hydrolipid layer. As a result of aggressive care or treatment, the skin becomes dehydrated and sensitive. Therefore, it is important to avoid soaps and alcohol-containing cosmetics and choose products with a pH of 5.0–5.5 (that is, corresponding to the normal pH of the skin).

Products for problem skin should contain acids and components with anti-inflammatory and mattifying effects.


Trying to get rid of oily sheen, owners of problem skin cleanse their skin “to the point of squeaking” using aggressive products and thereby achieve the opposite effect - they disrupt the hydrolipid layer, causing new inflammation and dryness.

Choose mild products, such as those containing zinc. It regulates sebum production. The composition must also contain restorative components.

Invest in foams and tonics. Be careful with scrubs. If you have an acute phase of acne, it is better to avoid mechanical exfoliants; they can increase the inflammatory process. If acne is already behind you, use the scrub twice a week. Choose one that contains antibacterial and sebum-regulating components.

Scrubs are not always suitable for problem skin, but it really loves masks with clay © iStock


This important step in caring for oily skin is often ignored, mistakenly thinking that moisturizing will cause shine. Contrary to myths, oily skin can and should be moisturized to restore its hydrolipid mantle. Choose light textures - fluids and mousses.

Don't forget about the need to protect your already vulnerable skin from ultraviolet radiation. Both regular day cream and foundation should contain SPF.

Preventing skin problems

Wash your face lukewarm water. Hot water dries out the skin and stimulates sebum production.

Thoroughly take off your makeup every night. If you use oil or milk, wash off the products with water.

For morning wash choose a soft gel with fruit acids, then apply toner and moisturizer.

Exfoliating products such as scrubs and peels should not contain too large abrasive particles, otherwise there is a risk of causing microdamage to the skin, which can then turn into inflammation.

Before applying the cream refresh your skin with toner, it will visually narrow the pores. Tonic formulas often have a cumulative effect - after a month of regular use, you will definitely notice that your skin has become more even.

During the day use matting wipes. As soon as you notice shine, blot your T-zone and chin.

Foundations should be light and contain soothing and caring components.

Cosmetical tools

Cleansing gel “Endless freshness”, L’Oréal Paris with rose and jasmine extract.

Gel, scrub, mask “Clean skin 3-in-1”, Garnier with zinc, pumice and white clay.

Mineral pore-cleansing mask, Vichy with white clay, allantoin and aloe vera.

Mattifying sorbet cream "Life-giving hydration", Garnier with green tea extract.

A fast-acting, targeted remedy against imperfections Normaderm Hyaluspot, Vichy, with salicylic, lipohydroxy and hyaluronic acids.

Facial gel with brush “Clean skin asset Expopro”, Garnier anti-acne for oily skin with salicylic acid.

Skin texture renewing product Epidermal Re-Texturizing Micro-Dermabrasion, Kiehl's with aluminum oxide powder, alginate and shea butter.

Purifying mattifying mask Effaclar, La Roche-Posay with two types of mineral clay.

Corrective care against imperfections Normaderm 24H, Vichy with salicylic acid.

Local action corrective agent Effaclar A.I., La Roche-Posay with niacinamide and lipohydroxy acid.

Cosmetology procedures

Below is a list of the most effective methods used by cosmetologists to alleviate problem skin.

In addition to cosmetic care for problem skin, there are cosmetic procedures © iStock

Chemical peeling

It is usually used to smooth out skin microrelief (including post-acne correction). As a means of combating acne and post-acne, aqueous solutions or gels based on various acids are used:


Today this is one of the most effective methods. A safe method of regenerative medicine is based on the principles of autohemostimulation. Its essence is to isolate plasma from the patient’s blood and administer it by injection.

Platelet-rich plasma has a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect.

A course of 3–7 procedures is recommended in combination with chemical peels and laser resurfacing.

Ozone therapy

An effective anti-inflammatory technique for acne. It is recommended to carry out the procedures in a course of 10–15 sessions. The result is a significant reduction in inflammation, lightening of post-inflammatory spots and prevention of new rashes.