An electronic target is a volleyball simulator for practicing an attacking strike.

We continue to study various training devices with the help of which modern athletes hone their professional skills, bringing their technique to the peak of perfection. This article will add three more new devices to the collection of coaches and their players who are fond of playing ball, and in particular: football, handball, basketball, tennis, but, first of all, volleyball. So, what are these exercise machines?

  1. Training device for sports games with a ball.
  2. Universal volleyball trainer.
  3. Volleyball electronic target.

Training device for sports games with a ball.

The device can be used to train and practice an attacking strike in tennis, football, volleyball, throws in handball and basketball.

The device (Fig. 1) allows you to improve hitting the ball and study the techniques used when playing tennis. On the base 4 of the device, a curved tubular bracket 2 is hinged, to the end of which a ball 1 is attached. The system of a spring and a hydraulic piston 5, connected to the hinge shaft, allows you to adjust the force of impact resistance and the speed of return of the lever with the ball to its original position. The hinge, hydraulic piston and spring system are secured on top by casing 3.

Universal volleyball trainer.

Using the simulator, you can reproduce and simulate the basic technical techniques of volleyball (both offensive and defensive) and the conditions in which the learning process takes place.

The device (Fig. 2) for throwing balls consists of the following main components: reflector 1, ball basket 2, lever mechanism for pushing the ball 3. The lever system allows you to push the ball at a given speed. The reflector is installed at specified vertical and horizontal angles, which ensures the flight of the ball in a given direction and along a given trajectory.

The device allows you to repeatedly throw the ball to the student with the same specified speeds, direction and trajectory. The ejection mechanism is controlled and the vertical and horizontal angles of the reflector are set from a single remote control. The device for throwing balls has a sufficient rate of fire (6... 8 balls per minute), is easy to operate and is operated by one person.

Volleyball electronic target.

The simulator is designed for technical training of volleyball players of various qualifications. Its main purpose is to train and improve the accuracy of passes and strikes of volleyball players.

The device (Fig. 3) consists of a wooden panel 1 with dimensions: 1 x 1 m; contact devices and a metal stand 3, which is connected to the digital display. The digital scoreboard records the accuracy of the ball hitting target 2. Using a sliding stand, you can change the position of the target.

The electronic target is installed near the grid at a distance of 20 cm above the cable. Students strive to complete the pass along an average trajectory and hit the exact center of the target. It is recommended to perform 10 passes of the ball in series. The volleyball simulator for practicing the attacking strike and connecting elements provides immediate information and allows you to determine the accuracy of the ball passes. Participants, controlling themselves on the electronic target, make timely adjustments to their actions.

Target accuracy should also be determined when passing the ball from deep into the court to the net. To do this, the target is installed at a height of approximately 1.5 to 2 m - varies depending on the height and age of the participants. It is recommended for young volleyball players (under 16 years old) to set the target at a height of somewhere from 1.5 to 1.8 m, and for boys, girls and adult volleyball players at a height of 1.8 to 2 m.

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