Health calendar for September 2013

Feeling great is the basis of a full, free and happy life, but sometimes this harmony collapses, and we are faced with depression, fatigue, despondency and deteriorating health.

All this happens because we do not know how to live according to simple rules in unison with the planets and luminaries, in particular with the Moon, which has the most incredible influence on us and our body as a whole. And so that its influence is exclusively positive or at least neutral, use the simple recommendations of astrologer Irina Kirichenko in your everyday life and use her lunar health calendar for September 2013.

1.09 – take care of yourself today and refrain from active physical activity, even if sports and movement are an integral part of yourself. Take special care of your joints, they will be especially susceptible to injury;

2.09 – avoid drafts and hypothermia. The practices of meditation and yoga will have a beneficial effect on your well-being. Try to spend more time outdoors. Be careful when using medications, do not self-medicate;

3.09 – give up excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, monitor changes in your blood pressure. Increase your intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables;

4.09 – there is a high probability of injury, abrasions and bruises, so it is worth measuring the load and not overworking. Limit your intake of heavy foods and alcohol. Cleansing procedures and meditation practices on a candle flame are useful;

5.09 – pay attention to the quality of your diet and lifestyle, if such concepts as proper diet, diet, fasting days, regime are alien to you, it’s time to get acquainted with them and make them an integral part of your life. This is a great time to consult with a nutritionist and other specialists who will help you qualitatively change your life. Avoid overwork;

6.09 – you can start a cycle of physical exercise, but maintain moderation. A diet or fasting day is useful, as recommended by a specialist;

7.09 – today passivity and despondency are contraindicated, be active, be sure to play sports, rollerblade, skateboard or bike. Procedures that help rid your body of toxins are useful;

8.09 – if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, this needs to be corrected today, otherwise by the end of the day you may feel pain in your neck and back. It is useful to walk more in the forest or park;

9.09 – exercises aimed at stretching muscles and tendons are very useful, but if you have not done this yourself before, it is better to attend a class where a professional instructor will closely monitor you so as not to cause harm to your health;

10.09 – herbal baths, walks in the fresh air and aromatherapy sessions will have a beneficial effect on your body;

11.09 – the energy of the lunar day is great for breathing practices and meditation. It is recommended to exclude meat and eggs from your diet;

12.09 – try not to overexert yourself, do not give in to aggression and pessimism, understand the reasons for your fears and worries in order to actively fight them. Stick to a diet, carry out body cleansing procedures;

13.09 – lead a measured lifestyle, refrain from haste and worries. Monitor your well-being, as chronic diseases may worsen, and you cannot turn a blind eye to this;

14.09 – in the afternoon it is recommended to visit the bathhouse and sauna. Avoid putting stress on your knees and spine; there is a high risk of injury;

September 15 is a great day to start radically changing your habits to improve the overall quality of your life, so don’t be afraid to start doing exercises, going to the gym, running, and eating right today. Soon all this will become a useful habit;

16.09 – if possible, spend the most of today in nature, under no circumstances close yourself within four walls