How to do body scrub

Self-care is an integral part of a woman’s life. And no excuses about the lack of funds for proper self-care are accepted. A lot of cosmetic procedures can be performed at home. In this case, the result will be no worse than the salon one, and you will spend much less money.

One of these procedures may be scrubbing or peeling. This is a cosmetic procedure by which the top layer of dead skin is removed from the body. It is very relevant after summer and sunburn, when the skin peels and flakes. After performing this technique, the body becomes soft and smooth. In addition, the scrubbing procedure prepares the skin to accept subsequent cosmetic products.

The procedure must be carried out regularly. However, first you need to know your skin type so that cosmetic manipulations have the maximum effect and do not cause harm. For those with dry skin, it is enough to peel once every ten days, or less often. For oily skin types, the procedure is repeated every five to seven days. Also, depending on the skin type, the ingredients from which the scrubs are prepared are selected.

When preparing scrubs, you need to take into account that the drier the skin, the greasier the base of the finished product should be. As a rule, the base is cosmetic milk, sour cream or cream, preferably homemade. It can also be fruit pulp, liquid honey and clay. The abrasive (that is, exfoliating particles) in a home scrub can be bran, oatmeal, coffee grounds, salt, fruit or berry seeds.

A general recommendation for all skin types is the algorithm for the scrubbing procedure. First of all, this is regularity, since exfoliation, unfortunately, only gives temporary results. Secondly, before the procedure, the skin needs to be prepared. To do this, take a warm shower and wash off external contaminants using shower gel or soap. The next step is to apply the scrub itself. In this case, it is advisable to do it immediately before the procedure itself. In this case, you will retain the maximum amount of useful components in the product. Next, apply the product to the skin with careful rubbing movements. Under no circumstances should you rub it roughly or stretch it, so as not to harm it. After this, rinse off the scrub with warm water and apply a moisturizer. Or we carry out the following procedure, for example, wrapping.

Homemade scrub recipes

Oatmeal peeling.This peeling is one of the most popular and safe. Moreover, it is suitable for all skin types. To prepare it, you need to grind bran or oatmeal into flour, preferably Hercules. Then pour boiling water over the cereal and steam for 2-3 minutes. Apply the resulting slurry to the body, then rinse with warm water.

Coffee grounds peeling. No less popular and affordable remedy. Also suitable for all skin types of face and body. Brew ground coffee, separate the grounds and apply it to your body. Let the paste dry a little, then rinse with massaging movements. By the way, like any massage, you need to remove the product as the lymph flows. That is, start from the feet, gradually moving up to the neck.

Salt and sugar peeling. Crystals of salt and sugar perfectly polish the skin. Scrubs based on these products are also suitable for all skin types. Only the amount of abrasive in the finished product changes. Salt or sugar should be mixed with milk, sour cream or cream.

Clay. This product has an excellent cleansing effect. Therefore, clay is often added to scrubs and masks. For thin sensitive skin, choose white and pink clay. Red is suitable for inflamed, rash-prone skin. Black clay perfectly fights cellulite. Blue clay is the most universal remedy, as it contains almost all the microelements and minerals necessary for healthy skin.

And remember that any, even the most gentle peeling must be done very carefully. Still, this is a traumatic procedure. But if there are rashes or pustules on the skin, it is better to abandon this idea altogether. Treat the skin, and only then start scrubbing.

Scrubbing is perhaps the simplest and most effective way to give the skin a healthy, blooming appearance by removing dead cells. The main advantage of this procedure is, of course, its simplicity, ease of implementation and excellent results. A wide variety of choices presented by cosmetic brands helps everyone choose a product that satisfies all their needs and wishes.

To find out what benefits a scrub brings to the body, let's first understand what it is for and what types of scrubs exist.

A scrub can be called any cosmetic mixture that contains small solid microparticles, as well as moisturizing components. Its action is based on the mechanical removal of dead cells, excess fat and dust from the surface of the skin.

A scrub of any kind has many beneficial qualities; the most important advantages of this product are its three actions:

1. Helps clear clogged pores and eliminates the stratum corneum, so the skin can again actively receive oxygen;

2. Moisturizes and restores the epidermis after active mechanical action of microparticles;

3. Massages the upper layers of the skin, increasing blood circulation.

Types of body scrubs

There are only two main types of scrubs - oil-based and water-based scrubs.

The main components of oil-based scrubs are oil and small solid particles. The second component is usually crystals of sugar, salt, ground olive seeds, grapes or coffee beans. The consistency of this scrub varies from lotion-like to paste-like. Such products are well suited for additional nutrition and restoration of the epidermis, as well as for spa massage procedures.

Water-based scrubs, unlike the first option, consist mainly of essential oils. The consistency of such a product can be liquid, creamy, or in the form of an emulsion or lotion. The scrubbing particles in such mixtures are often not of plant origin: they can be cellulose or silicone. Such products are especially suitable for cleansing dry or sensitive skin.

Positive aspects of using a scrub

Body scrubbing is not a procedure for every day; it is recommended to use it 2-3 times a week. This type of care is compatible with all skin types.

So, let's take a closer look at the main advantages of the procedure using a scrub.

1. Effective cleansing

In 1 day, especially in warm seasons or during periods of increased activity, our skin produces a fairly large amount of sweat and sebaceous secretions. The skin becomes unpleasantly sticky, due to which dust particles and harmful components quickly stick to it. All this, mixed with the remnants of cosmetics, forms a dense layer of plaque on our body, which prevents cell renewal and the receipt of nutrients. If you try to remove this layer with a soap solution, you will get a feeling of cleanliness, but you will not be able to cleanse the pores of the dirt that has gotten into them, the accumulation of which can cause serious inflammation. In addition, you run the risk of severely drying your skin, because soap removes all secretions from its surface, disrupting the natural oil balance. The scrub, in fact, allows us to effectively cleanse the pores of harmful accumulations without drying out the skin, but on the contrary, nourishing and moisturizing it. Based on this, we can highlight the second positive aspect of using scrubbing mixtures.

2. Hydration and nutrition

If the scrub you use for the skin cleansing procedure has natural oils and special softening elements, and also contains ingredients such as mineral salts and vitamins of groups A, E, C, then in addition to the effect of mechanical action, the skin will take a whole range of benefits from the scrub mixture nourishing and moisturizing procedures, so that after the procedure you don’t even have to resort to using additional creams and care products.

3. Removing unnecessary

As you know, the younger the human body, the faster the process of renewal of all components, including the epidermis, occurs in it. This means that during the day, a large layer of keratinized, non-living cells forms on young skin, which interfere with the normal functioning of the skin. If they are not removed in time, the skin loses its healthy appearance, becomes dull in color and looks untidy.

4. Massage effect

Thanks to small particles, when distributing the scrub onto the skin, you massage its upper layers, accelerating the process of blood microcirculation, which helps disperse stagnant subcutaneous deposits. A light massage also activates the recovery processes and prepares your skin for the use of products that have a toning, moisturizing and healing effect. The use of a scrub is also used before products intended for burning fat. Scrubbing products can also be part of a larger treatment process to remove stretch marks and scars from the skin.

5. Maintaining tone

Thanks to their comprehensive effect on the epidermis, scrubs tone and even slightly tighten the skin.
Scrubs with hard particles (for example, crushed apricot kernels/walnut shells) can only be used on skin with increased oil content or on areas where it is rough, where the level of sensitivity will be significantly lower. For the care of normal or combination skin, mixtures with ground grape seeds, coffee beans, and sugar crystals are perfect. Such products will do their job perfectly without causing harm to the skin. If you are hypersensitive, opt for scrubbing mixtures with kernels and olive or shea oils.

As we said earlier, it is best to perform the scrubbing procedure 2-3 times a week. However, if your skin is dry, it is better to limit yourself to one procedure per week.

6. Easy to use

One of the most obvious advantages of this procedure is, of course, the ease of its implementation. Scrubbing can be done in a specialized beauty salon using the most effective and newfangled techniques, but you can also carry out the procedure at home yourself by purchasing the product in a regular mass market. To improve the quality of home scrubbing, you can also use a special brush with a long or adjustable handle. Their use in the procedure will help achieve the best effect and make the skin silky and soft. As an additional “tool” for scrubbing, you can also use a cotton waffle towel, which perfectly absorbs excess moisture. It will be especially effective in treating the lower leg and thigh areas. Scrubbing your feet will also help reduce the appearance of unwanted hair and also get rid of ingrown hairs.

Some types of scrubbing can be used even while taking a shower, but in most cases you cannot get a pronounced effect from them. The best result is achieved when scrubbing takes place before the start of water procedures; to obtain it, you need to carefully treat the skin of the entire body (starting from the bottom of the legs and ending with the hands).

If for some reason the procedure needs to be carried out urgently, and as luck would have it, your favorite scrub has run out, you can easily prepare a homemade mixture that will be a wonderful alternative to store-bought products. For example, you can mix a small amount of olive oil with coarse salt or add large oat flakes to sour cream, and also make a mixture of honey and sugar / ground nuts / almond pieces / crushed sunflower or pumpkin seeds. You can also scrub using fine river or sea sand, also mixed with oil, sour cream, honey or your favorite rich cream.

Recommendations for using the scrub

In order for the scrubbing procedure to be as comfortable as possible and to give exactly the effect that you wanted to get from it, you should be responsible for following all the rules of this process. If you do not follow them, you risk getting skin irritation or small scratches/damages all over your body after the procedure. These tips will allow you to get only benefits from scrubbing and prevent bad consequences:

1. Do not use a scrub if there are currently inflammations, cuts or other damage on the body that violate the integrity of the skin.

2. Choose a product taking into account your skin type, as well as its other features.

3. After completing the procedure, be sure to use a moisturizer to restore the fat balance of the epidermis.

4. Do not use the selected product again if, after the first use, you feel itching or burning on the skin, or see unhealthy redness.

5. It is best to carry out the procedure after taking a shower or bath, then the skin will be as steamed as possible and you will get the maximum effect from scrubbing.

Making your own scrub

One of the simplest homemade scrub mixtures is coffee scrub. Beauties all over the world love it for its ease of preparation and stunning effect. We will present to your attention 4 options for preparing coffee scrubs at home, among which every woman can find the ideal option for herself. In order to make this wonderful product yourself, you need:

1. Brew 3 tablespoons of natural ground coffee. Grate 1 apple or nictarine on the finest grater (removing the peel first). Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the resulting mixture. Strain the brewed coffee, add its sediment to the total mass. To stir thoroughly.

2. Mix 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds, the same amount of cream and honey in one container (it will be better if it has time to sugar). Mix the resulting mass several times and then apply to the body.

3. Before starting water procedures, brew 2 tablespoons in a mug
ground coffee. Strain the drink and mix the sediment with your favorite cleansing gel. The scrub is ready! You can safely apply it to your body.

4. Grind grape seeds in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Add to the resulting mass 100 grams of ground coffee and 10 drops of essential oil (it is better if it is orange or grapefruit).

Sugar scrub mixtures are also simple and popular. You can also prepare them at home in several ways:

1. Grate 1 orange on a fine grater, add 1 tablespoon of cane sugar to the resulting pulp, as well as 5 tablespoons of yogurt.

2. This recipe will especially appeal to women who know how and love to use a blender. In this miracle device we need to mix 1 cup of sugar, a quarter cup of shea butter and coconut, 1 ripe banana. The mixture should have a foamy consistency.

3. In a small container, mix 1 glass of sugar, 1 tablespoon of honey, half a glass of crushed tea rose petals, and 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly, adding 2 drops of rose oil.

When preparing a sugar scrub, it is better to use brown sugar, as it is maximally saturated with health-improving components, which the skin will receive during the scrubbing process.

How to use a scrub to make your skin smooth, silky, healthy and youthful? You can choose ready-made cosmetics for yourself, expensive or not, and also prepare an effective product at home.

What is a scrub

Translated from English it means to rub, clean, scrape. The active substances are abrasive particles; the basis is a softening emulsion, gel, cream, clay. Crushed plant seeds, fruit seeds, berries, purified sand, sugar, salt are used as abrasive particles. The cosmetic product is used for different parts of the body and hair. Each occasion has its own scrub. Because the skin on different parts of the body is different.

Types of scrubs

All scrubs are divided into 2 types. The classification is based on the composition.

  1. Oil-based products. Abrasive particles: ground grape seeds, olives, coffee beans, salt, sugar. Natural and synthetic oils are used. Consistency in the form of a paste or lotion. Often used for additional skin nutrition during treatments in spa salons.
  2. Water-based products. Synthetic abrasive particles: cellulose, silicone. Contains essential oils. Consistency of gel, lotion, emulsion.

In addition, there is another classification of cosmetic products:

  1. Clay scrubs are intended for oily and combination skin. Quickly removes oily shine and tightens pores.
  2. Cream – suitable for hypersensitive, dry skin.
  3. Gel - universal, for all skin types.

The third division by type is regarding body parts:

  1. for face;
  2. legs;
  3. hands;
  4. of the whole body;
  5. lips;
  6. hair.

Each of these means is used according to certain rules. It is necessary to select based on the individual characteristics of the skin.

How often can you use the scrub?

The action of the scrub is based on exfoliation of dead epidermal cells, removes dirt, cosmetic residues, sweat, and plugs of sebaceous ducts. The softening base prevents scratches and inflammation. As a result of this effect, metabolic processes are activated, skin cells are saturated with oxygen, and blood circulation improves. The skin becomes smooth, soft, clean.

However, frequent use leads to negative consequences - dehydration. Since the process of moisture release during scrubbing accelerates, the skin becomes thinner, dry, and the water-salt balance is disturbed. The protective barrier is destroyed, the skin becomes sensitive to infections and external factors. You need to use the scrub wisely.

For dry skin, experts recommend doing the procedure 2 times a month. For oily skin types – once a week. People with hypersensitive skin are better off using a scrub made from synthetic abrasive particles. They do not have sharp edges and cause less damage to the skin.

How to use it correctly on your face

First of all, the scrub must be used for its intended purpose. Do not use products intended for cleansing the body, legs, or hair on the face. Otherwise, the rules are simple:

  1. The procedure is carried out in the evening, since at night the processes of cell division in the skin are activated and metabolism accelerates.
  2. The face must be cleaned of cosmetics and contamination in the usual way. You should wash your face with warm water to steam the skin. In this state, it will be easier to exfoliate epidermal cells and cleanse pores.
  3. Apply a small amount of scrub to damp skin. Apply with light massage movements to the forehead, nose, chin, temples, and cheeks. It is forbidden to scrub the skin around the lips and eyes.
  4. Massage the treated area for 1-3 minutes. Wash off well with warm water.
  5. Since the dead layer of the epidermis has been removed and the pores are cleared of dirt, it is advisable to use a nourishing cream. Active substances will more easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Cosmetologists recommend using a scrub from a line of cosmetic products that you are used to using. If during the scrubbing process or after the procedure, burning, irritation, or inflammation appears on the skin, the product is not suitable, or the frequency of use needs to be reduced.

Rules for using lip scrub

The skin on the lips is extremely sensitive. If the product is not chosen correctly, it can be easily damaged. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if there are cracks, jams, herpes, or other inflammations. Lip peeling is carried out in beauty salons. You can easily prepare the product at home.

  1. Olive or sunflower oil (1 teaspoon) is mixed with brown sugar (50 g). Apply the finished product using a soft toothbrush and massage for about 2 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Coffee grounds are mixed with kefir, cream, sour cream. Apply to lips, leave for 2 minutes, massage lightly, rinse.
  3. Sugar in the amount of 7 g is mixed with 5 ml of liquid honey. Add 1 drop of mint essential oil. Massage for several minutes.

Rules of application:

  1. Steam the skin of your lips. To do this, moisten a napkin with hot water and apply it to the surface of the lips. They do this several times.
  2. Direct application with light movements. Massaging is allowed with a soft toothbrush.
  3. Hold for 2 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water.

Remaining moisture is removed with a napkin. After peeling, the skin on the lips becomes elastic, soft and smooth. The sponges themselves increase somewhat in volume.

Using a body scrub

To make your skin smooth, even, and silky, it is recommended to use a scrub for the entire body 1-2 times a month.

  1. The procedure is carried out when the skin is well steamed - in the shower, bath, sauna, bathhouse.
  2. Distribute with light movements over the entire surface of the body. Avoid places where the skin is especially thin and sensitive.
  3. Lightly massage.
  4. Leave for 1-2 minutes to distribute the nutritional components. Every cosmetic product contains them.
  5. Wash off well with water at a comfortable temperature.

How to use foot scrub

The skin on the feet is rougher, and corns often appear. Scrubbing will bring it back to normal. It should be remembered that the procedure cannot be carried out with open calluses, painful cracks, or inflammation. The product can be chosen in the form of soap, gel, paste, cream. For massaging on rough areas of the skin, you can use a pumice stone. Typically, a foot scrub contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and nutritional components. Removes unpleasant odor and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You can prepare the product yourself.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal, 2 tbsp. spoons of cream, the same amount of ground nuts - walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds.
  2. 1 teaspoon of sugar is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon cocoa, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk.
  3. Mash one tomato well with a fork, add 1 tbsp. spoon of sea salt.

Apply the composition for 5 minutes, massage well with a brush and pumice stone. Wash off with water and apply nourishing cream.

Hand scrub

You can use the scrub once every 7 days. Apply a cosmetic product to the steamed skin, massage for 2 minutes, rinse, and moisturize with cream. It’s very easy to prepare a hand scrub; if you don’t have a store-bought one, you can make it yourself.

  1. Apply honey to the skin of your hands, sprinkle sugar on top. If the honey is candied, use only that.
  2. Sea salt is mixed with sour cream in equal proportions. Add 5 drops of your favorite essential oil.
  3. Grind apricot kernels and mix with cream.

Hair scrub - instructions for use

The product is used to improve the condition of the scalp. Under the influence of the scrub, blood circulation improves, epidermal cells receive oxygen, and metabolic processes occur faster. As a result, the hair becomes strong, vibrant, and shiny.

  1. You are allowed to use a hair scrub 1-2 times a month.
  2. Before application, the head should not be washed.
  3. Moisturizes hair well and steams the scalp.
  4. Apply the product intensively to the head.
  5. Massage for 5 minutes, without much effort.
  6. The scrub mask is left for another 5 minutes, in other cases, washed off after the massage.
  7. Wash your hair in the usual way.
  8. Be sure to apply balm.
  9. Dry your hair without a hairdryer.

Do not apply the scrub to the skin if there is damage.

Is it possible to use a scrub in a bathhouse?

The most important condition for using this cosmetic product is steamed skin. In this case, it is easier to remove the dirt; abrasive particles do not injure the skin. The procedure is allowed in the bathhouse. Its effectiveness will be several times higher than after regular preliminary washing with hot water. Some women carry out the steaming procedure over a basin of hot water, while covering their head with a towel - the effect of a bath.

Can I use a scrub for acne?

In case of any inflammation on the skin, the procedure is not allowed.

You must wait until the inflammation subsides. Active abrasive scrub particles additionally injure inflamed areas. After the procedure, the pimples will become red and become even more inflamed.

Hard scrub - instructions for use

The product is used like soap with abrasive particles.

  1. steam the skin;
  2. moisten the hard scrub;
  3. apply with massage movements;
  4. massage well additionally with a brush, sponge, pumice stone;
  5. rinse with warm water.

Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing, moisturizing cream. There are no such components in a dry scrub.

Is it possible to use a scrub after professional peeling?

The cosmetic procedure is carried out in salons and clinics. Its purpose is to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, activate cell function, renew, and rejuvenate. There are superficial, medium, and deep peelings. The first type is practically no different from regular scrubbing. Repeating the procedure after a short period of time is inappropriate and harmful to the condition of the skin. Medium and especially deep peeling is an aggressive procedure that significantly injures the skin. You can use the scrub after the skin is completely restored.

Sugar scrub is the best folk remedy

There are a huge number of recipes using sugar among people. Can be used on any part of the body.

  1. The easiest way is to mix sugar with a little water. Distribute evenly on the skin and massage. After drying, rinse well.
  2. Sugar is turned into powder. The sponge is soaked in hot milk, then dipped in powder. Apply to the skin.
  3. Sugar is mixed with olive and vegetable oil. Use while showering.

Sugar scrub is suitable for all skin types.